Wasn't Trump impeached for a phone call that didn't add up to squat?? The PISSANT asking someone to lie is OK as long as it's the democraps doing it!!
There is no defense for him or his circus of clowns...he's the ringLEADER
Ragged Ann is a FUCKING JOKE
REPORTER: “Was the president in any way pushing a false narrative in that call?”
PSAKI: “I am not going to go into the details of a private conversation, but what we saw over the course of the last few months is a collapse in leadership. And that was happening even before Ghani left the country. What the president has conveyed repeatedly, privately and publicly, is you need to stand up and lead your country. And that’s something he said in a press conference in July in a public forum as well.”
She made NO mention of him asking Ghani to LIE for him (MINOR OMISSION)!!
A “private conversation?” How is this a “private conversation?” This is a leader-to-leader call that we have every right to know about, particularly because of the national security importance and the safety of Americans. Why doesn’t she just say she doesn’t think we have a right to ask legitimate questions about anything? Because that’s essentially what she’s saying. And what’s even more offensive and gaslighting about this is she then cites the very press conference during which Joe Biden lied his head off to us about the Taliban not being likely to take over the country.