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Unfortunately the guy I voted for fucked up the transfer.
So let me get this straight, you think that if Trump hadn't negotiated a deal with the Taliban, that Biden never would have decided to pull us out of Afghanistan when that is what he said he would do if elected, really? And you're buying that Biden was locked into the Trump plan that called for a May 1st draw down that Biden obviously ignored for his own draw down date so he wasn't locked into Trump's deal, was he.
Find a single person, civilian or military that thinks shutting down Bagram, removing all intelligence assets and American soldiers before starting an evacuation was a good plan.
I'll wait.
You guys are tripping if you think this is going to be hung around the neck of Trump and not Biden but I don't blame you for trying cause that's kinda what you do, it's your shtick.
The "it's Trump's fault" card you keep trying to play is no longer valid in biden's administration ..... biden has to own things now, and in case you hadn't noticed , he's done a really shitty job handling this airport fiasco ..... I suppose next you're going to say "well at least biden isn't Trump" but just keep spitting out your lame excuses, that's what those with TDS on this board do .....
Yes, the Democrats voted for EXACTLY this. Beijing Biden couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat... One does not mistakenly remove military assets before civilians. One does not rely on an airstrip with a single runway by accident. One doesn't had over a list of Americans and Afghan allies to an avowed enemy by ACCIDENT.
The democrats made and own this shit sandwich and expect everyone to believe their hands were tied. Were they tied when they shut down Keystone? Were they tied when they opened the borders? Were they tied when they voted to spend 3.5 Trillion? This is the ONE thing that Democrats couldn't change?
BULLSHIT.. of the very highest order.
Better get your shit ready for 40 years in the wilderness you fcuking second rate Commies.
Lets not get bogged down in what-ifs or might-have-been.
In the Op, I was actually asking a larger question.
I have experience in health care, doing diagnostic imaging with isotopes on patients at a major teaching hospital. While not a doctor, I have worked with elderly patients in various stages of age-related decline.
Tragically, President Biden is, in my opinion, well along the path to memory care due to some medical pathology. This was on obvious display during his press event yesterday. Regardless of one's position on policy or strategy, Mr. Biden nearly collapsed yesterday, while handling a question from the Fox reporter. The president's speech patern and eyes-wide hesitancy reminded me of memory care patients who were heavily mediated to help them interact with others. He may have been under the effects of hypnosis therapy.
So the question posed in the OP was meant to ask if that inability to think or function independently was what you thought you were voting for in 2020.
Lets not get bogged down in what-ifs or might-have-been.
In the Op, I was actually asking a larger question.
I have experience in health care, doing diagnostic imaging with isotopes on patients at a major teaching hospital. While not a doctor, I have worked with elderly patients in various stages of age-related decline.
Tragically, President Biden is, in my opinion, well along the path to memory care due to some medical pathology. This was on obvious display during his press event yesterday. Regardless of one's position on policy or strategy, Mr. Biden nearly collapsed yesterday, while handling a question from the Fox reporter. The president's speech patern and eyes-wide hesitancy reminded me of memory care patients who were heavily mediated to help them interact with others. He may have been under the effects of hypnosis therapy.
So the question posed in the OP was meant to ask if that inability to think or function independently was what you thought you were voting for in 2020.
Although Biden might be in the early throws of Cognitive Decline he's also a natural dummy. When this is all over he should be put out to pasture.
So the question posed in the OP was meant to ask if that inability to think or function independently was what you thought you were voting for in 2020.
They found themselves between a rock and a hard place. Anybody but Trump but not Bernie, not Warren, not Harris, not Butthead, they really had no other choice even though they could see what the rest of us could see, a mind in decline. They hoped beyond hope that he could get through with "their" help and would at least not destroy the Republic before they could get him out of that office.
They failed and now in 22, they will have to deal with that failure.
They saw it, they just concluded they had no other choice.