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Old 08-22-2021, 08:54 AM   #46
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thanks R.M.
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Old 08-22-2021, 07:45 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by tbear4u77 View Post
Don't disagree with you those are facts. But if you think for one second if the Trump administration was leading the withdrawal that it would look like this you are deaf, dumb, and blind.

While I am a Conservative I am not a real fan of Trump. A huge fan of his policies but not a fan of the man. There is 0% chance that Trump would have abandoned Bagram Air Base before ensuring all civilians were out of country. There is 0% chance Trump would have left the cache of weapons that are now in the hands of the Taliban. This cluster fuck of a withdrawal is 100% on the Biden administration.

Butt hurt libtards like yourself are responsible for this. Worst part about it I don't think any of it is a mistake. I think this is just the kind of chaos they were hoping for. Anything to divide people any try to destroy this country. Your hatred of Trump above all else has put this country in a tailspin that I am questioning we can ever recover from. Your blind eye to the fact that there are people in this world that are ideologically set on destroying this country and killing everyone in it is frightening. All of this coming on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9-11. You and your friends on the left are destroying the greatest country ever assembled in the history of the world. For what??? Spite, hatred, power??? I have got just as many Democrat friends as I do Republican and they are just as sick to their stomachs as I am. At least the ones with half a brain in their head. The fucking world is upside down and who gives a fuck as long as we can blame it on Donald Trump.

I think Biden is probably the biggest scumbag ever to hold office. And that is saying a lot because I hate all politicians. But unlike yourself and your friends on the left who would like to see this country destroyed I am actually rooting for the halfwit. I am hoping he gets it right. Let the media sing his praises afterwards and give him all the credit. You know why? Because if that happens it means that my fellow countrymen get home safe to their families. It means women aren't raped and murdered. It means men aren't shot in the head. It means kids don't grow up without parents.

That's the difference between the right and the left. Because if Trump were in office every single piece of shit from grandma Nancy, fuckhead Schumer, dimwit AOC, to towelhead Omar would be rooting for his failure regardless of how many body bags were leaving the desert.

Like Trump, hate Trump I could care less. No way, no how this abortion of a strategy would be happening under his watch. Period!!!! And for those of you still dumb enough to believe the media isn't as corrupt as the Biden family or doing the bidding of the Democrat Party. Substitute Hunter Biden's name with Don Jr or Eric Trump on video with hookers talking about being extorted or selling finger paintings for a half million a piece. Imagine the southern border and Afghanistan in the shape they are in. Our enemies cyber attacking the shit out of us. Closing down an American pipeline and at the same time approving a Russian one. Not too mention all the other shit was happening under Trump. Could you imagine???? There would be an impeachment trial every week. Where are all of the doctors from CNN/MSNBC that were questioning Trumps cognitive ability and calling for the 25th Amendment??? Joe can't spell cognitive right now. You all make me sick!!!

Trust me folks this gets much worse before it starts getting any better!!! So Yeah, sucks that there is actual reality to think about!!!
Spot on!
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Old 08-23-2021, 05:12 PM   #48
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Today is all Cuomo.....

Biden's got plenty of trouble.... but Andy just couldn't leave without once again saying he didn't do anything wrong.....

From CNN of all places:
Andrew Cuomo just isn't sorry

And just when you thought he was safe from doubling down on stoopid....

Andrew Cuomo issues farewell with attacks on sexual harassment probe and political rivals

I'm noticing a lack of Dim Lib participation every time either of the names Biden or Cuomo pop up....
That goes for Hunter B and Chris C as well.....

Time to cut off the head of the snake.....
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Old 08-23-2021, 06:15 PM   #49
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rats, the new to be NYS Gov at 1201am hired A Hillery Aide

so the in the past blue dog gal looks to be going far left
May need a name change on Who not having a good day

Please stay tuned to your Waco Paulie Girl news network
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Old 08-23-2021, 06:54 PM   #50
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I know who is having a bad week that may get worse

No one wants Gov Andy's Dog
WTF poor mutt needs house training still

Shits n pee's where ever it wants mmmm apple did not fall far from its master ????
mmmmm Taint a Upset NY hooker doing better at training a dog ????
see, 2 reasons Andy should have hired a whore. just sayin
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Old 08-24-2021, 01:53 PM   #51
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Even the cunt leftists in Hollywood are boltin from Andy....

Cuomo loses his Emmy Award

International Emmys rescinds Cuomo's honorary award
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Old 08-24-2021, 04:43 PM   #52
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Well, Andy can tour all the Albany strip clubs for free services with no criticism ! He has the groping skills honed to where no stripper can resist him !
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Old 08-24-2021, 04:54 PM   #53
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Cuomo, the scumbag, had a fine week using Dementia Joe as a human shield to protect him from the mainstream media vultures.

I see him as having a better case than ever for that Emmy award given the reality that he's been pretending to be a elected official representing regular people all this time. Superb acting, especially if you're a gullible idiotic democrat or a lapdog member of the press.

High time for some crotchety old broads who were sort-of attractive in the mid 70's to pull some metoo horseshit and put the finishing touches on Joey Badfinger while he's nice & vulnerable.
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Old 08-25-2021, 07:10 AM   #54
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As bad as Creepy Joe's week has been....
Guv Andy is still hanging on....

This is a great dis:

Cynthia Nixon Throws Shade at Andrew Cuomo After His Emmy Award Is Rescinded: 'I Still Have' Mine

"The difference between me and Andrew Cuomo? Neither of us is governor, but I still have my Emmy(s)," she tweeted.
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Old 08-25-2021, 07:14 AM   #55
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And to add to his legacy.....

On his way out the door, Cuomo grants clemency to a terrorist

On his way out the door, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had one final gift for the people of New York: commuting the sentence of a terrorist.
Cuomo commuted the sentence of David Gilbert, the father of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin. Boudin had previously asked Cuomo to help his father, who he felt was treated too harshly by the criminal justice system. According to Boudin, Gilbert was simply an unarmed getaway driver.
The terrorist spawned a San Francisco District Attorney....
Ya can't make this shit up!!!


But Gilbert wasn’t just some guy taking part in an armed robbery gone awry. Gilbert was a member of the terrorist organization the Weather Underground. He took part in a planned raid of a Brinks armored truck, which ultimately ended in the deaths of a Brinks guard and two police officers.
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Old 08-25-2021, 10:18 AM   #56
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New NY governor adds 12,000 deaths to publicized COVID tally

ok the hiding of nursing homes, hospitals, prison etc and hiding his killing of the old and unhealthy

Will she also give the padding the number up also??? Like shot, car wreak. burned etc that died with, but put in as died of ???? ya that bullet had nothing to do with found dead on sidewalk, The c19 killed him crap

this can't be good for Andy's claim I did not murder the old
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Old 08-31-2021, 04:23 PM   #57
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Joe's turn.....

U.S.’s Pledge to Fight Terrorists in Afghanistan Will Be Harder Without Boots on the Ground
Biden promises ‘over-the-horizon’ surveillance and attacks; officials say U.S. has lost many key assets for tracking violent militants

President Biden and his aides promise that the U.S. can keep terror threats from Afghanistan at bay from afar with “over the horizon” surveillance and strikes now that U.S. troops have departed. Counterterrorism and intelligence officials say it will be much harder and less effective than the White House suggests.

As a chaotic and deadly U.S. evacuation winds up, the U.S. has lost many of its key assets for tracking violent militants and their plots, they say.

Gone are the military bases and other infrastructure that provided a platform for operatives from the Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence agencies. Gone are the U.S.-backed Afghan government and its intelligence service, the National Directorate of Security, which worked closely with American spy services. Gone, evacuated or scattered are Afghan agents and troops who fed on-the-ground information to the CIA.
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Old 08-31-2021, 04:28 PM   #58
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Even the Demwits at the Washington POST kicked Biden in the balls in an editorial yesterday. He can't spin this. He thinks he can, but he can't.

Former Gov. Andy Boy is going to be raked over the coals and shaken out for his book money. His SUNY head is getting railed for his involvement in the book--and the nursing homes.

But I give it to Grandpa Badfinger. He's royally fucked now.
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Old 08-31-2021, 05:00 PM   #59
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Trump literally set it up to fail, using a fake withdwawl, attempting to coerce getting a US CT base
"approved". It backfired, and his Secdef admitted it. Even if the orange derp-factory won, it would
be a monkey fk'n a doorknob, with embezzlement, tax evasion, and an endless stream of bullshit.
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Old 08-31-2021, 05:09 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Nubom70 View Post
Trump literally set it up to fail, using a fake withdwawl, attempting to coerce getting a US CT base
"approved". It backfired, and his Secdef admitted it. Even if the orange derp-factory won, it would
be a monkey fk'n a doorknob, with embezzlement, tax evasion, and an endless stream of bullshit.
your kidding !!!! right !!!!!

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