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Old 08-22-2021, 05:31 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
This is the part I find hard to believe. I think Bam posted a photo supposedly showing someone clinging to the plane high up in-flight. I thought it had to be fake. IMO anyone trying that, even a Hollywood stuntman, would fall off before the plane was airborne. Then I saw another video on TV supposedly showing people falling off from what looked like an altitude of several hundred feet. Not sure what to believe.
Tarzan couldn’t hold on that long, let alone some Afghan rumdum.

Here’s the Afghan soldiers doing jump jacks


Real animals

Now, I watched clips of Kabul and Qatar airports today. The planes were on the Tarmac. I didn’t see any jailbreaks going on. It was orderly. So, was it a Fubar as HF suggests? I don’t think so. I think the story was bullshit.
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Old 08-22-2021, 06:40 PM   #47
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Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar ~ Bill Clinton.
Sometimes it is NOT!
Per 95 and zeroes.

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Old 08-22-2021, 06:43 PM   #48
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Ok Mr Texasasspayer, this is how they do it at Kabul airport. No chaos, no idiots running with planes and hitching a ride till falling to their death. Now go look for the next worst thread in history to beat your chest.


This was today. I have more faith in our soldiers and pilots than you do. I doubt the soldiers wouldn’t have complete control of what was happening inside the airport. Including the tarmac and runways. I doubt any Pilot in their right mind would risk taking off with 800 people on board in conditions that was in the video in my Op.
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Old 08-22-2021, 08:31 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I have no idea what the penalties would be for ignoring military protocol. Do you have experience in this area?

While I spent 4 years on active duty in the Navy, I do not have any experience on protocol in this area. Having said that, how in the world could/ would it be protocol to taxi down a runway with civilians running along side and clinging to a military transport? How could flight protocol possible allow that kind of chaos and continue flight operations?

This is like the central question being asked and it doesn't take having been in the military much less a strategic analyst to know that you don't remove the soldiers before you start the evacuation and then suddenly realize you must put the soldiers back and start operations before the runway/ airport is secure..

This incident is IMHO, like that. It is common sense that takes no military experience to understand that you do not roll down a runway with civilians swarming the plane. What possible justification could that pilot have for ignoring those people and taking off with the almost certain probability that there would be injury or death.

I know for a fact that military personnel have been court marshaled for failing to consider the well being of the civilians in their care.

I can't imagine how this pilot doesn't get a reprimand or worse for his or her decision to keep going knowing civilians were in danger from his or her actions.

We are better than this or at least I thought we were. It's easy to make fun of people and call them stupid for doing what they did but you don't think some of them thought to themselves, "I'd rather die than face the Taliban"? Not that hard for me to imagine.

Did you hear the heart breaking story of the mother, a Afghan who apparently had the right papers to get out, was trampled by the crowd outside the gate where she had made it with her husband and 2 year old daughter. The child was trampled to death! Another woman was accosted by the Taliban and had all her teeth knocked out.

It didn't have to be this way. I'm disgusted at what Joe Biden has done to America. The damage he has done, is immeasurable not only in the eyes of our allies but to the future of or continuing fight against Islamic terrorist.

Thousands of Al Qaeda, and ISIS fighters have now been released from Afghan jails. While we are talking about the "moderate Taliban" now in charge, did anybody in the Taliba tell ISIS and Al Qaeda that they have a "deal" with the Americans?

It is being reported to night that the "TSA" that rings the airport are full of Haqqani fighters.


Hardline Haqqani Network Put in Charge of Kabul Security

The Taliban has placed security for the Afghan capital, Kabul, in the hands of senior members of the Haqqani Network, which has close ties with foreign jihadist groups including a long-standing association with al-Qaida.

Western intelligence officials say the assignment is alarming and undercuts Taliban promises to tread a more moderate path than the movement did when it ruled the country from 1996 to 2001.
It also raises the prospect of al-Qaida being welcomed back to Afghanistan, they fear, which would break promises made by Taliban leaders during diplomatic talks in Qatar with U.S. officials last year, not to allow the country to again become a safe haven for foreign jihadists.

On Thursday, Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of Afghanistan’s National Reconciliation Council, a body of notables and elders involved in the Qatar talks, met with Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani and his entourage in Kabul. Abdullah later indicated publicly that Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani would be overseeing security in the Afghan capital and had provided assurances that he would “work hard to provide the right security for the citizens of Kabul.”

The U.S. Department of the Treasury designated Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani a global terrorist in February 2011, offering a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture. He’s also included on the United Nations terrorist list.

The meeting between Abdullah and Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani came hours before the Taliban declared the formation of an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
“The fact we have Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani in charge of Kabul security is dismaying,” a British intelligence official told VOA on the condition of anonymity. “The Haqqani and al-Qaida have a long history together, you could argue they are intertwined, and it is highly unlikely they will cut ties.”

Retired senior British diplomat Ivor Roberts told VOA that assigning members of the Haqqani network to oversee the security of Kabul is akin to the “fox being put in charge of a chicken coop.”
Roberts, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit network that researches extremist groups, said he was surprised at the move. “I thought from the PR point of view, the Taliban was being a bit smarter than that,” he said.

“Instead, they're putting forward the worst elements of their loose coalition, which sends a terrible signal to women, girls and civil society. And I think it increases the possibility of Afghanistan becoming a breeding ground for international terrorism again.”

He added, “I don't think they will ever cut ties with al-Qaida. They're deeply embedded with al-Qaida and always have been."

So Al Qaeda, the group we were sent to Afghanistan to eliminate, that Joe Biden says doesn't exist in Afghanistan, is running security at the airport. Let that sink in for a minute.
Joe Biden has disgraced the memory of everybody that died on 9/11 and he did "THIS" so that he could stand up and say "I got us out of Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11".
Biden as Commander in Chief should be Court Marshaled and then impeached.
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Old 08-22-2021, 09:27 PM   #50
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Thanks, HF.

VOA = Voice of America. The US communications agency that spread truth behind the Iron Curtain and helped liberate eastern Europe from the scourge of Soviet domination. Most of you stupid fucks are probably too young to know or appreciate that.
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Old 08-23-2021, 12:03 AM   #51
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Old 08-23-2021, 06:11 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Ok Mr Texasasspayer, this is how they do it at Kabul airport. No chaos, no idiots running with planes and hitching a ride till falling to their death. Now go look for the next worst thread in history to beat your chest.

"Do the windows look real or painted on? Just sayin"

"Would a Military pilot taxi and takeoff with so many people that close to the plane? Wouldn’t the Military have secured that area? Something seems fishy."

"The more you think about it, it doesn’t make sense. That would mean the airport isn’t secure. Can that many people swarm a civilian runway?"

"give us your explanation of the mob surrounding the plane while it’s moving. If the airport was secure, how does such a dangerous situation happen? Why wasn’t there troops around the plane assisting the pilot taxi? Wouldn’t they see people hanging on the plane? I’m just asking questions. Not like we’ve never been lied to before from our Government or media."
What exactly do you think you are proving? That the initial image was a photoshop because the windows look painted on? That' what you're trying to imply... THATS why this is the stupidest thread ever. It's great your video shows the 21st... but that's not what we're discussing.

The image is a real event, the C-17 was moving and likely was simply on the Taxiway. You can see video of the C-17 moving and apaches attempting to clear the field.

More can be seen here as well. Note the concertina and MRAPs around the tarmac.

You're implying that this was all staged, yet clearly you can see from multiple videos that it was not... The hajjis didn't swarm the runway... they were swarming the taxiway, and probably after they loaded people.

Was it unsafe to take off? Well the pilot did and safely.. question asked and answered.

The fools clinging to the plane probably had stuff jammed into the gear doors, I'm pretty certain the body flapping in the breeze at 30K feet had tied himself in.. else he'd have come off at 400 ft like the others.

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Old 08-23-2021, 06:39 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
What exactly do you think you are proving? That the initial image was a photoshop because the windows look painted on? That' what you're trying to imply... THATS why this is the stupidest thread ever. It's great your video shows the 21st... but that's not what we're discussing.

The image is a real event, the C-17 was moving and likely was simply on the Taxiway. You can see video of the C-17 moving and apaches attempting to clear the field.

More can be seen here as well. Note the concertina and MRAPs around the tarmac.

You're implying that this was all staged, yet clearly you can see from multiple videos that it was not... The hajjis didn't swarm the runway... they were swarming the taxiway, and probably after they loaded people.

Was it unsafe to take off? Well the pilot did and safely.. question asked and answered.

The fools clinging to the plane probably had stuff jammed into the gear doors, I'm pretty certain the body flapping in the breeze at 30K feet had tied himself in.. else he'd have come off at 400 ft like the others.

My original point was don’t believe everything the MSM tells or shows you. Now, you can believe that Afghans ran alongside the Plane, attached themselves to the plane, and the military let this happen. And that some held on long enough to make it to 1000ft before they fell off. So in your mind it happened. It was a one off event. It took our soldiers by surprise and they failed to react creating an unsafe situation for everyone. It hasn’t happened again has it? Didn’t the circus guy say there’s a “sucker born everyday”.

The video you posted looks fake as well. Here’s the video the MSM wants you to believe


Looks more absurd every time I watch it.

I’ve been watching live feeds from the airport this morning. No crazy people running amok. People are standing in line waiting to board the planes.
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Old 08-23-2021, 06:53 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
My original point was don’t believe everything the MSM tells or shows you. Now, you can believe that Afghans ran alongside the Plane, attached themselves to the plane, and the military let this happen. And that some held on long enough to make it to 1000ft before they fell off. So in your mind it happened. It was a one off event. It took our soldiers by surprise and they failed to react creating an unsafe situation for everyone. It hasn’t happened again has it? Didn’t the circus guy say there’s a “sucker born everyday”.

The video you posted looks fake as well.
I don't believe everything the MSM regurgitates from the Democrats.

But I just want a clear statement... Do you believe the videos of people running alongside the C-17 and the 2-3 falling from the plane during ascent were faked? Yes or No?
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Old 08-23-2021, 07:34 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
I don't believe everything the MSM regurgitates from the Democrats.

But I just want a clear statement... Do you believe the videos of people running alongside the C-17 and the 2-3 falling from the plane during ascent were faked? Yes or No?
How many times do I have to tell you. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe they surrounded the plane on the tarmac, ran alongside it down the runway and couple guys happened to hang on long enough to fall a couple thousand feet. Nope. I don’t believe it.

I certainly don’t believe everything you post. No matter how hard you try to make yourself believable. Most of it is just your opinion. Just like me or anyone else posting opinions. But I’ve posted videos that show an entirely different picture than the chaos shown in the video I questioned.
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Old 08-23-2021, 08:13 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
While I spent 4 years on active duty in the Navy, I do not have any experience on protocol in this area. Having said that, how in the world could/ would it be protocol to taxi down a runway with civilians running along side and clinging to a military transport? How could flight protocol possible allow that kind of chaos and continue flight operations?

This is like the central question being asked and it doesn't take having been in the military much less a strategic analyst to know that you don't remove the soldiers before you start the evacuation and then suddenly realize you must put the soldiers back and start operations before the runway/ airport is secure..

This incident is IMHO, like that. It is common sense that takes no military experience to understand that you do not roll down a runway with civilians swarming the plane. What possible justification could that pilot have for ignoring those people and taking off with the almost certain probability that there would be injury or death.

I know for a fact that military personnel have been court marshaled for failing to consider the well being of the civilians in their care.

I can't imagine how this pilot doesn't get a reprimand or worse for his or her decision to keep going knowing civilians were in danger from his or her actions.

We are better than this or at least I thought we were. It's easy to make fun of people and call them stupid for doing what they did but you don't think some of them thought to themselves, "I'd rather die than face the Taliban"? Not that hard for me to imagine.

Did you hear the heart breaking story of the mother, a Afghan who apparently had the right papers to get out, was trampled by the crowd outside the gate where she had made it with her husband and 2 year old daughter. The child was trampled to death! Another woman was accosted by the Taliban and had all her teeth knocked out.

It didn't have to be this way. I'm disgusted at what Joe Biden has done to America. The damage he has done, is immeasurable not only in the eyes of our allies but to the future of or continuing fight against Islamic terrorist.

Thousands of Al Qaeda, and ISIS fighters have now been released from Afghan jails. While we are talking about the "moderate Taliban" now in charge, did anybody in the Taliba tell ISIS and Al Qaeda that they have a "deal" with the Americans?

It is being reported to night that the "TSA" that rings the airport are full of Haqqani fighters.


Hardline Haqqani Network Put in Charge of Kabul Security

The Taliban has placed security for the Afghan capital, Kabul, in the hands of senior members of the Haqqani Network, which has close ties with foreign jihadist groups including a long-standing association with al-Qaida.

Western intelligence officials say the assignment is alarming and undercuts Taliban promises to tread a more moderate path than the movement did when it ruled the country from 1996 to 2001.
It also raises the prospect of al-Qaida being welcomed back to Afghanistan, they fear, which would break promises made by Taliban leaders during diplomatic talks in Qatar with U.S. officials last year, not to allow the country to again become a safe haven for foreign jihadists.

On Thursday, Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of Afghanistan’s National Reconciliation Council, a body of notables and elders involved in the Qatar talks, met with Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani and his entourage in Kabul. Abdullah later indicated publicly that Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani would be overseeing security in the Afghan capital and had provided assurances that he would “work hard to provide the right security for the citizens of Kabul.”

The U.S. Department of the Treasury designated Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani a global terrorist in February 2011, offering a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture. He’s also included on the United Nations terrorist list.

The meeting between Abdullah and Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani came hours before the Taliban declared the formation of an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
“The fact we have Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani in charge of Kabul security is dismaying,” a British intelligence official told VOA on the condition of anonymity. “The Haqqani and al-Qaida have a long history together, you could argue they are intertwined, and it is highly unlikely they will cut ties.”

Retired senior British diplomat Ivor Roberts told VOA that assigning members of the Haqqani network to oversee the security of Kabul is akin to the “fox being put in charge of a chicken coop.”
Roberts, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit network that researches extremist groups, said he was surprised at the move. “I thought from the PR point of view, the Taliban was being a bit smarter than that,” he said.

“Instead, they're putting forward the worst elements of their loose coalition, which sends a terrible signal to women, girls and civil society. And I think it increases the possibility of Afghanistan becoming a breeding ground for international terrorism again.”

He added, “I don't think they will ever cut ties with al-Qaida. They're deeply embedded with al-Qaida and always have been."

So Al Qaeda, the group we were sent to Afghanistan to eliminate, that Joe Biden says doesn't exist in Afghanistan, is running security at the airport. Let that sink in for a minute.
Joe Biden has disgraced the memory of everybody that died on 9/11 and he did "THIS" so that he could stand up and say "I got us out of Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11".
Biden as Commander in Chief should be Court Marshaled and then impeached.

I might suggest " Impeach, Convict, then courtmartial.

unfortunately - fiden is too senile to be held accountable anymore
the People who need to be arrested, charged, and tried for sedition ( for manipulating the POTUS) are the handlers and DPST nomenklatura.
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Old 08-23-2021, 08:24 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
How many times do I have to tell you. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe they surrounded the plane on the tarmac, ran alongside it down the runway and couple guys happened to hang on long enough to fall a couple thousand feet. Nope. I don’t believe it.
Well you had better let the USAF OSI know... they're investigating the incident.

Apparently the plane was landing and got swarmed and the decision was made to GTFO... that's when the images we are all familiar with were taken.

Interestingly... in this footage... there is some video from one of the plane riders perspective...

There are multiple angles of the same event... Which would be bloody hard to fake, No? And some more from the riders...

The bottom line is this was real... it happened. You can imagine that USAF or Army personnel would never operate in such conditions but sometimes the real world doesn't work the way the FMs or Tech Manuals dictate.

The Airmen that took the video from inside showing the body flapping in the wind will probably get Article 15s Just because can't go showing shit like that. And in case you don't think it's possible to hang on or get caught... take a look at how the C-17 gear rotate and stow... Lot of moving parts there huh?
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Old 08-23-2021, 08:49 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Well you had better let the USAF OSI know... they're investigating the incident.

Apparently the plane was landing and got swarmed and the decision was made to GTFO... that's when the images we are all familiar with were taken.

Interestingly... in this footage... there is some video from one of the plane riders perspective...

There are multiple angles of the same event... Which would be bloody hard to fake, No? And some more from the riders...

The bottom line is this was real... it happened. You can imagine that USAF or Army personnel would never operate in such conditions but sometimes the real world doesn't work the way the FMs or Tech Manuals dictate.

The Airmen that took the video from inside showing the body flapping in the wind will probably get Article 15s Just because can't go showing shit like that. And in case you don't think it's possible to hang on or get caught... take a look at how the C-17 gear rotate and stow... Lot of moving parts there huh?
I’ve seen those videos. I’m still not impressed. I talked to a pilot this morning. He said it’s highly unlikely a human can hang on to a C17 during takeoff much less during lift off. He did say once that plane gets rolling the pilot wouldn’t want to stop it. He didn’t have a strong opinion one way or the other if this happened. He didn’t think the ground forces inside the airport would let things get that out of hand. They were evacuating people before and after this supposedly happened. No such things were reported. I see videos of evacuations occurring now. It’s an orderly procedure. With Troops controlling things. I believe that.
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Old 08-23-2021, 09:11 AM   #59
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The plane on the left is real, the one on the right? Which is in the video? Not so much.
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Old 08-23-2021, 11:08 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post

The plane on the left is real, the one on the right? Which is in the video? Not so much.
Good grief shitty cell phone video does not make it a goddamn ballon. You can see in the image below that the flight deck is back lit by the overhead window on the port side. And how do you explain this big "ballon" cruising by the camera man with the turbofans running and people climbing on the gear sponsons?

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