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Old 08-13-2021, 09:38 AM   #1
ICU 812
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Default Roe V Wade And The Right to Make Choices In Health Care

For over 50 years now, thr Roe v Wade decision has been settled law regarding ones right to make choices regarding health care and ones own body.

I didn't agree with it then but have come around as I matured.

So now we have these controversaries about the effectivness of wearing a mask. Other controversaries relate to how safe and effective the not-yet FDA approved vaccines are.

Yet many public figures on the liberal-left are now saying that we do not in fact have a constitutional right to choose in the matter of how we treat our bodies because they say we don't. In some liberal jurisdictions it has been declared mandatory to wear a faced mask regardless of "The Science". Prominent liberals have publicly declared that vaccinations should be mandatory with serious consequences for non-compliance. They expect the FDA to approve these vaccines as "Safe and Effective" even though there is widly available evidence that they are neither SAFE or EFFECTIVE.

Does Roe v Wade no longer an operative decision?

Either we have the right to choose how we treat our bodies or we don't.
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Old 08-13-2021, 09:43 AM   #2
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DPST creeping control- they set teh precedent - and if we Acquiesce - They will not stop totalitarian imposition of total control until the last republican / Conservative is behind bars in AOC concentration camps.

Including teh entire Jewish population of America - omar adn Tlaib plan another Holocaust - Their American Holocaust!

i guarantee One - teh DPSTCommunist party plans its rules for Thee - not for 'Them' - the nomenklatura.
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Old 08-13-2021, 11:51 AM   #3
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Remember when "The decision should be between me and my doctor"? Was that just bullshit or did it have meaning? I believe the fact of the matter is, as it stands right now, the vast majority of doctors in this country, whether reluctantly or not, will advise their patient to get vaccinated but far to many people won't even believe their personal physician.

As sad as all this is and it is, I still support the right to choose to be vaccinated. I still believe a thinning of the herd is good and the fact that it will be done by "volunteers" is the best way to get it done.

That's what I truly believe.

And after SC Justice Barrett just turned down a request to throw out the mandate used by Indiana University, it is very clear that vaccine mandates on a governmental and private level will be upheld.


Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett refuses to block Indiana University’s vaccine mandate

If you want to hold out and not be allowed to do the things vaccinated Americans are going to be allowed to do, go ahead, stand your ground, don't let anybody stick that needle in you if you choose not to.

Hope you make it.

I'm also getting the feeling we are not going to be able to control this the way we think we will be able to. Don't know if it's the end of the world but it damn sure can be to a large degree, the end of our daily lives the way we use to know it. What if it becomes very, very obvious that the GOVERMENT has the right, the duty, the authority to do this and by this I mean, YOU will not be allowed to do "this" if you are not vaccinated.

I think that is what is coming.
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Old 08-13-2021, 11:59 AM   #4
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HF - agreed - vaccination is a stepping stone to mandate mass control of all Americans by teh Communist DPST party
They now impose their politics - to control teh physician -patient relationship

Any 'choice' - is anathema to the control freak Communists DPSTs

Roe v Wade - I have written on this before - abortion is a choice I wish never is made - but it is a reality

Going back to days of back -alley coathanger abortions - and consequences - is not acceptable - IMHO.

The 24 week rule i s - IMHO - the best compromise between emotionally invested and fixated 'sides'.

Under the 24 week guideline - I prefer both parties to get out of teh physician -patient relationship.

We best be careful - the Communist DPSTsa may copy china to control teh population for their 'climate warming' agenda - and institute formaldehyde brain injections at crowning of unapproved births - in America!
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Old 08-13-2021, 12:04 PM   #5
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ICU, You ignore two things in what I guess you think is analysis.

1) you have the right to choose what you have or don’t have. You don’t want a vax, cool you don’t have to have it. But you have to live with the consequences of that choice.

2) you don’t have a right to spread a disease to other people. We’ve addressed this in the discussion on HIV and sex. You can choose to take risks and you can allow yourself to become ill but your choice stops at your body. If you could not spread it no one would care if you don’t mask or vax.

3) abortions are not contagious and it’s not something that you can give to someone else so the context is completely different. We can argue about when abortions should or shouldn’t be allowed (I believe at viability but that’s a different argument.)

4) the govt has a responsibility to protect me from you and you from me, and if your actions effect more than just you then the govt has an obligation to weigh your rights against mine. Hence the laws against things like murder and theft. In the case of a highly contagious virus which can end the life of 2 of each 100 people that contract it and cause great harm to another 5 of each 100 people that contract it, the govt is obligated to infringe on your right to prevent deaths

5) to date however, that prevention has been limited to demanding that you wear a mask in public places where you could either contract the virus or spread the virus.

6) employers and businesses have every right to demand that you not come to a job or store or whatever and infect either their employees or customers. You do not have a right to enter any private place (or public if controlled by the govt) and spread any disease.

Why this is even something needs any real argument is beyond me.

See the Johns Hopkins C-19 Dashboard for numbers
200M total cases
4M total deaths
US numbers are approximately the same percentage wise
36M cases
600K cases
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Old 08-13-2021, 09:05 PM   #6
dilbert firestorm
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problem with comparing abortion with vaccines, with vaccines, there is no middle ground like with abortion.

In abortion, there can be a middle ground, No, Maybe, Yes.

with vaccines, its only Yes or No.
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