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Old 08-13-2021, 10:59 AM   #46
Little Monster
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Hahahaha...........You're not very street wise. You're going to walk into bad situation one day.
Keep wishing.
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Old 08-13-2021, 11:15 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Commies, fascist, American conservatives. All three have no respect for democracy,

Is that what we saw all summer long in cities all over this country ( not just one day ) where federal and local law enforcement were set upon by the left, burning, looting, assault with the tacit approval of the Democrat Party with the future VP of the United States encouraging the release of arsonist and thieves so that they could repeat the process? Is that your idea of Democracy? On Jan. 6th, a few misguided people who thought they were trying to protect democracy, that's where the mis-guided part comes in, they were not, not even close, they completely and utterly disrespected democracy on that day, all that entered the Capital building where they had no business being but what the left did, what the left said, was "burn it all down, kill law enforcement at the local and federal level, ban prisons, open borders. That's your idea of a democratic process?

19 Republicans just gave us a demonstration in democracy. They and the others who did not shirk from doing their duty to vote, passed a legislative bill, exactly what the democratic process looks like. Elected Republicans, not one I'll remind you, came out in support of what those misguided people from the right did on Jan. 6th. Not one supported that action.

So you had a couple hundred misguided people on one day, do something foolish "thinking", actually not thinking, that they were indeed, protecting democracy. There can be no doubt about their motive, they were there, in their words, to protect democracy. They simply did not, maybe still don't understand that they tarnished democracy, a relatively small group compared to the hordes law breakers from the left that we witnessed all summer. For anybody that is unable to see both these events through the same prism of democracy, simply don't understand the concept but merely hate for the sake of hate and nobody but nobody on this board displays the degree of hate that you do. Yeah, yeah, I know, you couldn't care less, that's very evident in what you write on each and every topic brought up.

all three believe in controlling how people think,

You mean like the new partnership between the Biden administration and Big Tech. who have conspired to control speech in America? Sure, they are private companies that can take down any speech they want from "their" sites ( for now ) but it doesn't change the fact of how and why they are doing it. The Biden administration, brazenly, shameless admitted that yeah, we tell them what to take down, anything that isn't approved by the Biden administration. We just got an up close and personal example of this yesterday. It was remarkable but you probably didn't see it, hear it explained if you don't watch Fox News because the MSM is not going to explain this to the American people. Dr. Rand Paul put up a video on Youtube, explaining that the cloth masks that are being used by possibly millions of Americans, do not, do not, adequately protect the wearer or the people who will come in contact with the wearer of a cloth mask. Guess who else said this, Dr. Fauci said it. A member of the Biden administration, as Fox news demonstrated said it to "cloth masks not only do not work effectively at stopping and getting Covid ( perhaps better than nothing at all but in light of new information, should beb avoided. They can actually harm you with other unfavorable health conditions.


Are cloth masks still effective? And other questions answered

In light of new, more transmissible variants of SARS-CoV-2, Elisabeth Mahase examines what kinds of mask the public should be wearing, and where they should be worn

Are cloth masks still recommended?

Early in the pandemic, major problems in the global supply of medical grade masks meant that the public was asked to avoid using these so that stock could be used to protect healthcare workers. At this point, bodies such as the US Centres of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that the public wear cloth masks and even provided information on how to make them out of household items such as T shirts.1

Many people are still wearing cloth masks, which can now be bought in many shops. But as the worldwide supply of medical grade face masks has expanded, arguments have been made that some members of the public should start wearing more protective masks such as surgical masks. This argument has been strengthened by the emergence of more transmissible variants of SARS-CoV-2, including the UK and South African variants, in response to which some countries have tightened their guidance on what types of masks are allowed.

In France, homemade masks and some shop bought cloth masks have now been banned, after the president of the government’s scientific committee, Jean-François Delfraissy, said that the new variants had “completely changed the game.”

French health minister Olivier Véran announced on 22 January that people in France should no longer wear homemade masks or certain industrially made fabric masks, listed as category 2. The government specified that category 1 masks filter 95% of 3 μm particles, whereas category 2 devices filter only 70%. Only three types of masks will be recommended: surgical (which filter 95% of 3 μm particles), FFP2 (which filter 94% of 0.6 μm particles), and fabric masks made to category 1 standards.

Austria has gone a step further, making FFP2 masks mandatory in indoor public spaces and sending out free packs of these masks to all residents aged over 65 and to low income households. Like the UK, the country is currently in its third national lockdown.2

Germany has made medical masks mandatory in supermarkets and on public transport. London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, wants to introduce a similar requirement on the UK capital’s public transport system. The London newspaper the Evening Standard reported that the mayor’s office was currently reviewing whether passengers should switch to higher grade masks in light of the new variants.3 The former health secretary for England, Jeremy Hunt, has also called for FFP2 respirator masks to be made compulsory on public transport and in shops.4
On 1 December the World Health Organization updated its advice to recommend medical masks for people at risk of serious covid-19 illness and for people aged over 60.5 But this was made before it became clear how new the variants affected transmission. Commenting on the types of cloth mask the public should wear, a WHO spokesperson told The BMJ, “For all others, a reusable three layer fabric mask is advised. The filtration, breathability, and fit of the mask are important. If the mask is produced at home, WHO advises an inner absorbent material such as cotton, a non-absorbent fabric such as polyester outside, and a middle filter layer, such as non-woven spunbond polypropylene.”


Effectiveness of Cloth Masks for Protection Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2

Cloth masks have been used in healthcare and community settings to protect the wearer from respiratory infections. The use of cloth masks during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is under debate.

Not on YouTube it isn't. Youtube decided in consultation with the Biden administration, that such "debate" is now prohibited. Imagine that, in a free and open democracy like we use to have in this country, an elected Representative, A senator, can not communicate a message accepted in country after country, to his constituents via the biggest news portal on the planet because the person who runs Youtube, a former marketing analyst whose claim to fame is not as a world renown virologist but the woman who provided garage space for an up and coming new company called Goggle and Google who owns YOUTUBE gave her the job of Ministry of Truth for America.

And you think that Republicans are trying to control what people think? How mis-guided, like the people on Jan. 6th, can YOU be?

all three do their best to control media and limit access.

See above

All three believe in destruction of the "old world" in order to bring in a new world order.

You mean like expressed by BLM, the driving force now in the Democrat Party? Does George Soros call for a "new world order"? Do the climate fanatics call for a "new world order"?

All three endorse xenophobic ideology.

If you mean the principle of controlling ones borders, a concept that exists in literally every country in the world, yeah.

You know if you focused half as much time doing a little research as you do throwing out your childish name calling you might actually learn something.

And where is the research you just gave us to back up the assertions you just made? You have no concept of research beyond what you already believe and prove it with every post that lacks any research at all.
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Old 08-13-2021, 11:22 AM   #48
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No DPST - and in particular teh 'baiteers' LM and 1b1 - ever provide any substantive evidence to support their POV
Their POV comes from China and russia - and they are unable intellectually to understand that, or seek any information other than from Xinn.

BTW the two mentioned posters -the name-calling - for example - 'fascist -Conservative from Dallas' - Keep up your only debate point - repeat it often- it is what You beLIEve.
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Old 08-13-2021, 05:35 PM   #49
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Who said anything about Jan 6th? That's not what I was referring to when it comes to the fascist-conservatives disregard for democracy. Love how you continue to bring up the riots that were started by the fascist right wingers.. but since you brought them up (again). I will be happy to throw the same research in your face, even though we all know you're just cry fake news like always.




No, what I was referring to is the voter suppression that is coming from the fascist right. You got your asses beat fair and square and now fascist conservatives are doing their best to change the rules, and sugar coat their attempts at voter suppression by calling it "integrity". Pssshh please!! Would you like for me to pull up more links, I think you know that I can and will.



If a private owned web site wants to cooperate with the white house that is entirely their right. That is not controlling what people think, that is not controlling what people read or watch. All you are doing here is twisting facts to fit your argument. Youtube, FB, Twitter are not the only kids on the block. There are other websites out there that will allow disinformation to be published. Go to them!! Nobody is stopping you.

However Trump threatening to close web sites and news outlets for reporting on the Lies he said is an attempt to control information.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
And where is the research you just gave us to back up the assertions you just made? You have no concept of research beyond what you already believe and prove it with every post that lacks any research at all.
No I have never hesitated to cite my sources. However anytime a source inconvenience's your argument, you play the fake news card.
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Old 08-13-2021, 05:42 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Who said anything about Jan 6th? That's not what I was referring to when it comes to the fascist-conservatives disregard for democracy. Love how you continue to bring up the riots that were started by the fascist right wingers.. but since you brought them up (again). I will be happy to throw the same research in your face, even though we all know you're just cry fake news like always.




No, what I was referring to is the voter suppression that is coming from the fascist right. You got your asses beat fair and square and now fascist conservatives are doing their best to change the rules, and sugar coat their attempts at voter suppression by calling it "integrity". Pssshh please!! Would you like for me to pull up more links, I think you know that I can and will.



If a private owned web site wants to cooperate with the white house that is entirely their right. That is not controlling what people think, that is not controlling what people read or watch. All you are doing here is twisting facts to fit your argument. Youtube, FB, Twitter are not the only kids on the block. There are other websites out there that will allow disinformation to be published. Go to them!! Nobody is stopping you.

However Trump threatening to close web sites and news outlets for reporting on the Lies he said is an attempt to control information.

No I have never hesitated to cite my sources. However anytime a source inconvenience's your argument, you play the fake news card.
Your sources in reference to this post are highly opinionated.
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Old 08-13-2021, 05:45 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Your sources in reference to this post are highly opinionated.
Hey, I'm impressed. You found another way to play the "fake news" card.

*fist bump*
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Old 08-13-2021, 07:57 PM   #52
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Ella french - chicago police officer - wife adn mother, human being
Communist 'fist bump' in Joy over the advances in Defund-disarm-destroy all police

Her murder is no more than 'fake news' to depraved Communist proletariat minions.
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Old 08-13-2021, 08:42 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Hey, I'm impressed. You found another way to play the "fake news" card.

*fist bump*
I didn't say it was fake news. The incident happened. How it happened and who was involved is where the opinions come in.
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