Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Really I mean really ?? Go get drown in ontario lake k
I didn’t reply to your stupid tread because you know what I work...yah you know been a companion having rendez vous ?? Board ain’t my life & I’m guessing that Pauline asked you to step in to troll & target me I mean seriously ??All that because I dare to say thank you to some great guys & why I don’t chime often because of people like you & Pauline
You are targeting me because omg I dare to reply...like if I get points for not posting at right place let’s mod do it ..K?I find quite interesting that both you have so much time on their hands to be on Eccie bullying new members ...I mean mods it’s okay it’s their job to be there actually unenumerated ..I guess it’s a hobby itself to troll the board much cheaper shying away girls to reply & defend themselves shying away great guys that aren’t as vocal & get bully
���� bravo !!

P.s thank you the lady that tried to defend me on that tread muah
Mods gman crypt more welcome to give me points lol as whatever it’s not like I live on this board..