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Old 07-31-2021, 07:41 AM   #1
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Default Totally agree with canceling pandemic supplement to unemployment benefits

There are jobs everywhere if you look in PA. They need to do the same here and get life back to normal. Get the vaccine and get a job and lets get move on with our lives....

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Old 07-31-2021, 07:53 AM   #2
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Old 07-31-2021, 08:09 AM   #3
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Same thing not having to pay their rent guaranteed they're still buying their booze and drugs. Pay your rent or sleep on the street guaranteed they'd find the money.
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Old 07-31-2021, 08:15 AM   #4
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Agreed!!! It’s ridiculous. Sewickly is losing two more great restaurants due to not being able to hire help.
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Old 07-31-2021, 09:20 AM   #5
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ive said this before, the whole stimulus program with both trump and biden was bullshit........ giving stimulus checks to all the people in prison and to people on welfare.... correct me if im wrong but their checks never stopped coming in and they didnt work to begin with so why?

the stimulus should only had been for workers who lost their jobs or had their hours cut, period

I find it amazing how in this country we give welfare to those who wont work, give them free or subsidized rent and better medical ins than people that work but we dont do shit for the elderly that maybe have to live on a social security check month to month
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Old 07-31-2021, 09:35 AM   #6
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Wow, maybe there is hope for you yet. Finally waking up to reality
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Old 08-01-2021, 10:37 AM   #7
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I retired last year, am still working part time because the techs who are laid off don't want to work.Jobs are out there, too many got lazier during the covid.
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Old 08-01-2021, 10:48 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Looker151 View Post
I retired last year, am still working part time because the techs who are laid off don't want to work.Jobs are out there, too many got lazier during the covid.
I am also retired, what I have been hearing is the few that do apply for the jobs, very few can pass the drug test. I am glad I'm old, I wouldn't want to do it again. It is a messed up world for sure.

There are hiring signs everywhere. This economy is going to have to tank with people not wanting to work.

I don't want to lose what I have in my 401K that Obama and Biden got me, LOL.
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Old 08-01-2021, 11:15 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Agreed!!! It’s ridiculous. Sewickly is losing two more great restaurants due to not being able to hire help.
I tried to grab a fajita the other night about 7:30 at chili’s, the hostess said they had to close up early because they had no staff.
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Old 08-01-2021, 12:07 PM   #10
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I look at it this way, the lazy fucks that don't want to work, won't, free money or not.

We had huge amounts of the non work seeking at all times, and they are never included in the actual unemployed numbers as it is.

My issue is this, the Government has already funded that money, and, its going to get spent regardless of whether its given in UE funds or not.

That money, is better off being spent here in PA, where those federal dollars will trickle down to locally owned businesses, rather than being re-directed to some other state in another welfare payout.

The insanity is, that anyone, even those who NEVER had a job, could claim the pandemic UE to begin with, and I know people on welfare, already, never had a job in their life, and got UE money.

What the fuck is a few drops left in an already emptied drum? This is just posturing by the R's, to show they are actually doing something now, instead of over a year ago.

Why didn't the R's in PA, take away Governor Fucksticks emergency powers back when he created the endless Opioid crisis, just to make it more difficult to open carry during any declared "Emergency"?

No addicts lived because of that emergency, simply posturing on the part of the left.

Frankly, as for the restaurants, more people need to cook at home, especially people on welfare, who use Access cards to buy energy drinks and chips, fuck that, give them beans and rice to survive on and not fucking candy bars.

This country is atrophying as we speak, the shear amount of restaurants out there show that, learn to cook for fucks sake.

Eating out should be for special occasions, not because you can't cook to feed yourself, be a bit self reliant.
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Old 08-01-2021, 12:12 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Agreed!!! It’s ridiculous. Sewickly is losing two more great restaurants due to not being able to hire help.
Awwwww, some rich fucks in Swickly, won't be able to buy their imported snails for an appetizer, I feel OHHHHH SOOOO bad.

How about the massive loss of good jobs in the oil fields, and coal mines, I mean, minimum wage bus boys need money too, but, there are far more important businesses being affected by this governments cash give out, and worse, attacks on certain sectors that they are killing over the Green New Retarded Deal.

You know what you do if you can't find help, you do it yourself, don't close, downsize, serve less customers, and keep the place open, its called a work ethic, and even the best chef, should never forget how to sweep a floor.
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Old 08-01-2021, 02:47 PM   #12
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If you have a business and you can't pay your employees a decent wage and some benefits, then you're not a successful business owner, and you probably should close ,because quite frankly, I don't feel like spending money in any establishment in which the people preparing and performing my meals and services are making 8$ an hour and even if I was ok with demanding great customer service of anyone in such an unenviable position -which I'm not- the chances of me having a satisfactory experience is going to be slim to none.

Try to keep in mind thata LOT of you worked jobs when one, ( not 3 )income was required to actually live, benefits were a given, and labor unions were a lot stronger and more efficient, too.

I doubt very, very much that halfway through your career spans, the figure most of you needed to have in cash savings to retire was a million dollars at age 60 and climbing.

A lot of you were probably lucky enough to buy homes when you could get a decent one for 60k and build a nice one for 80k. If you don't have a half a million to build (not including the land) today- forget building. You can't afford to.

My opinion is that Americans fell for some of the oldest tricks in the book, settled for crumbs and now that the kids who've witnessed firsthand just what "wonderful" lives the American Puritanical work ethic has provided- unsurprisingly, most want ZERO parts of it.

I know that's rich of me to say. A fairly decent woman can "marry well". I know it's harder for men. Honest to god...but these young women today don't all want husbands and kids, so fuck 'em. If they feel they can hold out for more, why TF not?

Why do people get soooo irritated when someone who's just like them, for most parts, wants something BETTER?
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Old 08-01-2021, 02:58 PM   #13
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People on sub-minimum wage are scraping by. Then covid hits and their workplace closes or fires them. The they are on unemployment socialism receiving more money than what they were doing before.

So when everything opens back up, why would they go back to working 1 hour shifts making LESS than what they had on benefits? Simple... they wouldn't. They would look for a career and not a 'job'.

I don't know how privileged everyone on this forum is but anyone would have their standard of living cut in half if they had their income cut in half. Nobody changes jobs (or lack thereof) to get a lower salary.

I agree... if you are a company that can't afford to pay workers a livable salary, and healthcare, but your C-shites are making millions.... then you aren't a successful company
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Old 08-01-2021, 03:59 PM   #14
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Well, if you want better in life you have the opportunity to do so. As of now anyways. You can continue your education, learn a craft or skill. Or try taking a risk and create your own business. It’s truly up to you. Nobody owes you anything. Businesses will always look at the bottom line. It’s their fiduciary responsibility to maintain a viable business. Period.
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Old 08-02-2021, 11:12 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Looker151 View Post
I retired last year, am still working part time because the techs who are laid off don't want to work.Jobs are out there, too many got lazier during the covid.
If you’re talking about HVAC, I can’t find squat in Westmoreland County. Plenty of jobs in Allegheny/Pittsburgh but it’s kinda hard to do on call when you live an hour from the shop. I’m currently doing something else right now but wishing I could find something…
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