Former Sen. Barbara Boxer attacked, robbed in California
Boxer served in the Senate from 1993 to 2017
By Louis Casiano | Fox News
San Francisco locals demand change to stop brazen crime
Former Sen. Barbara Boxer was attacked and robbed of her cell phone Monday while in Northern California, according to a Twitter post from her account.
Boxer, a Democrat from California, was in Oakland's Jack London Square neighborhood when someone pushed her in the back and took her phone, according to the tweet.
"Earlier today former Senator Barbara Boxer was assaulted in the Jack London Square neighborhood of Oakland," the social media post reads. "The assailant pushed her in the back, stole her cell phone and jumped in a waiting car. She is thankful that she was not seriously injured."
The statement posted to Boxer’s Twitter account said she is "thankful that she was not seriously injured."
Fox News has reached out to a representative of Boxer for additional information.
The Oakland Police Department said the robbery occurred at 1:15 p.m. in the 300 block of 3rd Street. It declined to confirm whether Boxer was the victim.
"The suspect forcefully took loss from the victim, and fled in a nearby waiting vehicle," the police said in a statement.
Sorry, Barbara. We don’t have any police officers to deal with your mugging. The department has been defunded and all our police officers have quit. we wish you the best of luck. let us know how it all works out for you. take care.
51 minutes ago
unless your cell phone is worth more than $950 it's not a crime in California. she was just donating it to somebody who needed it more.
Way back in '94 I was serving process at the Paramount pictures lot on Melrose. I parked at the channel 9 KCAL lot adjacent to the studio and did my business at Paramount, when I got back to my car I noticed that there was a live interview going on, so I went over to see who was being interviewed. It was Barbara Boxer, she was running for Senator after being a congressman. I was about 15 feet away when I heard the lady reporter ask the same lame, fawning questions that Liberals get in California, and now nationally, so I spoke up loud and asked if bouncing 131 checks on the bank of congress was a good qualification for her to run for the Senate. After a few hours, I paid a $150 fine and was released. I moved to Texas two years later.
51 minutes ago
Replying to Dr.AneasTaint
I was on that lot at least once a month for 10 years. Wish I'd have seen that! Not you getting arrested, but the look on her face.
31 minutes ago
Replying to Dr.AneasTaint
I would feel sorry for her but on the other hand, I had always wished the Democratic politicians to experience consequences of their pro-criminal, pro-illegal, anti-American policies that they make the rest of us live through.
I would have preferred some Democrat currently in office to have first hand experience of what the criminal elements they encourage and cover-up for are capable of perpetrating.
Sorry, Barb, but not sorry.
This what your party wants for the rest of us.
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1 hour ago
Every American has the right to expect to be able to walk down a street without fear. Because Sen. Boxer has name recognition, we read this story. The fact that this was one of 500 iPhones stolen today puts the real issue in the spotlight. The criminals are winning; we can no longer coddle them or appease them or let them roam free. Back to broken window basics. Full stop.
eplying to NoJo
What we need is to go back to vigilante justice!spgirl
1 hour ago
My husband’s family has lived in the Bay Area all of their lives and have voted only Democrat. Most of them are now leaving because they don’t like the state anymore. Funny that they don’t realize it’s because of their voting habits.
34 minutes ago
Replying to gspgirl
I no longer live in California, but do hate to see harm done to anyone. That said, maybe this is what it is going to take for the politicians to see that crime does pay these days and they should do something to turn it back to 'crime doesn't pay'.
42 minutes ago
Replying to gspgirl
Well, as life-long Democrats, hopefully they see the err of their ways...unfortunately most just vote Democrat in their newfound State and plant new seeds that will become weeds and destroy.
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35 minutes ago
Pat, I used to live in Oakland, Ca but moved to Kentucky 30 years ago. I can solve the puzzle very easily. We don't have those problems in KY. I love KY and I am the only brown guy in my subdivision. I love my neighbours. Great folks and great cops.
1 hour ago
I'm going to guess that she was attacked and robbed by a person who, if they voted, voted for her and her party.
Her attacker and robber likely felt justified doing that because of the rhetoric engaged in by her party.
What goes around, comes around.
55 minutes ago
Replying to joelm323
It was just a BLM member looking for a little reparations from someone who preached it for years welcome to Oakland
39 minutes ago
Replying to joelm323
Oh, well Stuff happens!!
1 hour ago
A Democrat that could not afford private security. DEFUND THE POLICE! Now pass a law that says nobody has the right for private security and watch how fast things change.
53 minutes ago
Replying to pita18
Wouldn't you know it? There's never a social worker around when you need one.
2 replies
55 minutes ago
Replying to pita18
With all the horrible things happening in the world today, feel good stories like this help me get my mind off it.
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1 hour ago
Reparation, but it wasn't a crime if the phone was under $950.
47 minutes ago
Replying to mtranger
yet they put up a $2,000 reward.... elitism
1 reply
1 hour ago
I will solve the puzzle.
18 minutes ago
Replying to marianomusso
This is EXACTLY what Boxer pushed and voted for so she should definitely receive the end result like she did....
Replying to marianomusso
They all think they're immune to what they've done.