Texas Democrats pull worst publicity stunt — ever
The Biden administration’s racial obsessions have turned into a shameful fetish for national self-flagellation.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Secretary of State Antony Blinken has joined the discordant chorus of those who seem to believe the locus of evil in the modern world is the United States of America. By requesting the United Nations to investigate and adjudge American racism, Blinken has abased himself and significantly harmed U.S. diplomatic standing.
Instead, he should be inviting international observers to learn from the great and moral example of American freedom and beneficence.
On July 13, Blinken issued a “
formal, standing invitation” to various U.N. functionaries to analyze “contemporary forms of racism” in the U.S. and applauded the U.N. Human Rights Council’s adoption of a “resolution to address systemic racism against Africans and people of African descent in the context of law enforcement.”
The reasoned mind recoils. The misnamed U.N. Human Rights Council is a festering blight, no more appropriate as a moral arbiter than the 1970s Soviet Politburo.
Today’s Human Rights Council includes representatives of such murderous regimes of China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, and Somalia. Of the 47 member nations of the Human Rights Council, 11 are ranked “not free” at all by the respected arbiter
Freedom House, and only 15 are rated as “free” (rather than only “partially” so).
For the Human Rights Council, or indeed for the oft-benighted U.N. as a whole, to investigate or sit in judgment of U.S. practices is not just insult but abomination.
As for racism in the U.S., not a single enforceable law in this nation discriminates against black people or people of any other ethnicity. Where it does exist, as it does in every other country in the world, it exists in individuals and not our laws.
We in the U.S. are well aware of, indeed so culturally focused on, the racism that remains. We need no international observers, much less those from hideous regimes, to ferret it out for us.
Meanwhile, the false suggestion that somehow this nation is morally blind is a detriment to forceful diplomacy. A nation with moral standing merits and that enjoys more respect internationally can be a greater force for good across the globe than one that doesn’t.
ask the refuseniks imprisoned in Soviet gulags or union workers in Poland in the 1980s about the liberating power of moral force, as exemplified in the words and deeds of Ronald Reagan, to understand how right adds to might in ways that profoundly promote human freedom and dignity.
On the other hand, if Blinken wants to invite foreign officials to examine American practices, he might do significant good by giving them a seminar on the triumph of U.S. values. He could start by reminding them that the U.S. Constitution was the first and remains the longest-lasting written guarantor of real, actual human liberty and equality — one that has served as a model for dozens of constitutions worldwide.
He could show them how its provision for amendments, difficult but doable, has allowed this nation to continue working toward a more perfect union. He could show how the division and blending of powers among three branches of the national government and between three main vertical levels of government (national, state, and local) have allowed for “ordered liberty” with plenty of play in the joints.
Moreover, he can explain how the vast territory always afforded to intermediary, volunteer civic, and religious organizations has created a vibrant civil society that should be the envy of the world.
As for race relations, American progress in the past 60 years has been remarkable. Has Blinken not witnessed the multi-racial rural church congregations, the multi-racial softball leagues, the
vibrant black middle class — or, yes, the election and reelection of Barack Obama as the nation’s president?
The U.S. has sacrificed more lives and spent more treasure for the freedom of others, with no territorial designs of our own, than any nation, ever. We rebuilt Europe through the Marshall Plan. And year after year, the U.S. has been the
world’s most charitable nation and usually the first to provide aid to others when disasters strike.
China, Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba have absolutely no business lecturing us about anything, let alone racism. Secretary Blinken’s blinkered guilt trip is a propaganda gift to these authoritarian regimes and a loss for truth.
Tags: Editorials,
Antony Blinken,
United Nations,
Human Rights,
Biden Administration,
Secretary of State
Original Author: Washington Examiner
Original Location: Why does Biden team ask thuggish regimes to lecture US on racism?
fiden is catering to the self-guilty 'karens' - whose real agenda is speaking for and controlling teh black peoples - of which theyknow nothing intheir nice tidy, white controlled suburbs.
makes them feel so self guilty and self virtuous simultaneously.
typical fascsit DPST minions. Furthering racial divide and hatred.