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Old 07-02-2021, 07:58 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
What’s that got to do with the treatment of slaves in America? Oh that’s right, nothing at all. What about post-slavery racism in America through the 1800s to the 2020s? What about intentional disenfranchisement of blacks over generations in America? Does anything you rail about in Africa during the slave trade have anything to do with what actually affects life in America.

Of course it doesn’t. But since you don’t want to actually discuss real issues you drone on about irrelevant shit.
But here you are typing on a smart phone or high end computer with high speed internet to use your voice to complain about historical racism. America has been very unkind. Ask the CCP to send you a covid check.
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Old 07-02-2021, 08:27 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
But here you are typing on a smart phone or high end computer with high speed internet to use your voice to complain about historical racism. America has been very unkind. Ask the CCP to send you a covid check.
Once again you conflate apples to oranges. Those things you cite have zero to do with what I said.
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Old 07-02-2021, 08:37 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Slavery in America , Hmm lasted 72ish years and 6 hundred thousand died changing the country, Meanwhile many other counties around the world is have Forced labor China India diamonds in Africa ( also known as Slavery ) and the same people pushing CRT are all crickets on that fact.
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You do realize slavery was in America prior to it being the USA. Slavery ended in the 1860s and the history of America includes pre-revolution.

100 years later the voting rights act and civil rights acts were passed because for 100 years post the end of slavery blacks were intentionally disenfranchised from the right to take part in the political process and intentionally excluded from opportunity and educationFor the 60 years since that, we’ve had court case after court case and law after law either attempted to re-institute disenfranchisement in one way or another or fighting disenchantment one way or another.

Of course you guys want to pretend none of that exists in the great USA but it does.
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Old 07-02-2021, 10:28 AM   #34
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wow that's all I can say , But what about the point the REST of the world is uses slaves ?
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Old 07-02-2021, 10:42 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Once again you conflate apples to oranges. Those things you cite have zero to do with what I said.
Of course not. Goes against the "agenda"
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Old 07-02-2021, 11:35 AM   #36
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Slavery in USA 1) before the country was a country couldn't stop slavery ( like saying you did something before your birth)
2) Being a slave and not been treated the same, is well different the 1964 act fixed
3) still the small inconvenient truths that the people hollering the most don't address the countries we do business with ?Chain India African countries etc
4) this country still is the most free if we say with the constitution you know the document the just us all the same rights
( For All) not some fascist agenda

And of course it goes against the political hated driving the country apart you know the agenda
We are not perfect but I don't want to live in china
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Old 07-02-2021, 01:26 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
Excuse me, Just what do you think critical race theory is? Explain how the black race is blaming the white race for "intra-racism" and what exactly is African Tribal Wars in reference to critical race theory. If you can't explain any further than this then why should someone listen to anything you have to say.

I take it you have never watched MSNBC? It's all they do 24/7. If you even have to ask that question, you aren't paying attention.

But let me take a shot at what I think he is saying since you asked nicely. We know that Blacks are killing Blacks in staggering numbers in Chicago and other urban cities all run by Democrats.

Who are they blaming if not White Supremacist? It's all you hear from Biden and Democrats. "White Supremacist are the cause of most of the violence". Do you really believe that?

Check this out!


White supremacists and other far-right groups committed the majority of extremist-related murders in the United States last year, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League.
White supremacists were "directly responsible" for 18 out of 34 U.S. extremist-related deaths in 2017, the ADL said. Islamic extremists, by comparison, were only responsible for nine deaths in America.
Last year’s share of white supremacist killings represents a jump from 2016, when such groups accounted for nine homicides.

Are you laughing yet? There are more than 18 deaths committed by Black males EVERY WEEK-END in Chicago EVERY WEEK-END! But these people, your people, want you to look at that and think, my goodness, all that violence by White Supremacists when literally Thousands of Black people including a spree of Black children now being killed in Chicago not by White Supremacists but by other Blacks.

So ask your self, if you are a black person in Chicago, are you more likely to be killed by a White Supremacist or another Black person? Shouldn't you be more concerned by who is doing the most shootings whether they are labeled "EXTREMIST" or not.

That's a fucking joke
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Old 07-02-2021, 01:58 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
What’s that got to do with the treatment of slaves in America? Oh that’s right, nothing at all. What about post-slavery racism in America through the 1800s to the 2020s? What about intentional disenfranchisement of blacks over generations in America? Does anything you rail about in Africa during the slave trade have anything to do with what actually affects life in America.

Of course it doesn’t. But since you don’t want to actually discuss real issues you drone on about irrelevant shit.

In this discussion of CRT, we keeping hearing about how some people don't want to hear about slavery, they don't want an honest discussion about it. Well, any honest discussion about it would include the fact that Blacks enslaved their own people ( or would you dispute that fact ) and brought them in chains to the slavers waiting on the beach to put them on ships, well, the ones that they decided not to keep as their own slaves.

Do you think those White slavers would have trekked inland to capture those Black people?

So whether it has anything to do with Slavery in America, right up to Emancipation and the troubles that followed, it is a point of fact, an inconvenient truth, you obviously would rather not talk about.

All those other things you brought up such as "disenfranchisement", all true. Right up till 1964 ( was in 11th grade ), there was absolutely, unequivocally, systemic racism. Did the Civil Rights Act eliminate all disenfranchisement? It did not. Did it for the first time, set American on a path of continuing to fight disenfranchisement? It Did. Is there still work to do, of course there is. None of our institutions are run perfectly but Black people are now in positions of power never thought possible. Are there still poor Black people? Of course there are just as there are poor as dirt White people and you'll see them homeless in cities and towns all over this country.

Any "systemic" racism that might exist, is sure to be pointed out by powerful politicians like Barack Obama and Stacy Abrams. Will every instance be fixed immediately? NO, but the tools and the laws are there to do just that, that were not there before 1964.

Yesterday the SC said that voting in one's assigned precinct "does not disfranchise minority voters". Chuck Shumer almost had a coronary! Are only minorities confused about which precinct they have been assigned? I'd bet any investigation would turn up ten times more White people voting in a precinct they were not assigned. This as every single other issue Democrats bring up to prove disenfranchisement, is crap

Same thing with ballot harvesting. With mail in voting and all the other means a Black and a White person has at their means to get their vote in, why in the world would we say it is OK for strangers to go door to door collecting ballots? That's insane! And now, even Stacy Abrams has changed her tune on ID voting. Why? because she saw the polls that say that 80% of Blacks agree that requiring voter identification is not discriminatory. Hallelujah!

There is still individual racism in America. There are still racists groups like the Klan. You might find a bank or two, a real estate company or two who discriminate and they will absolutely be called on it by somebody

BUT there is no systemic racism in America, period. And anybody, any American citizen can vote if they want, if they are willing to put the effort into it. To say other wise is a lie, a lie that comes easy to Democrats.

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Old 07-02-2021, 01:58 PM   #39
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Does CRT examine which of our two major political parties is steeped and contaminated and morally befouled in perpetuity by its long history of support for slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching and discrimination?

Which party held a convention back in 1924 called the "Klanbake"?

If CRT is to be taught in our schools, businesses and other institutions, then it needs to be taught by the party that freed the slaves, not by the party that has always been our biggest practitioner of racism!

That means NO DIM-RETARDS can apply as CRT instructors!!
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Old 07-02-2021, 02:15 PM   #40
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Really the biggest history lesson is that they should have shipped them all back and had more places like Liberia set up, and that way we could have avoided a lot of this bullshit.
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Old 07-02-2021, 04:32 PM   #41
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Or we could have just granted equal rights to everyone in the 1860s and fought to ensure equal treatment.
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Old 07-02-2021, 04:42 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
In this discussion of CRT, we keeping hearing about how some people don't want to hear about slavery, they don't want an honest discussion about it. Well, any honest discussion about it would include the fact that Blacks enslaved their own people ( or would you dispute that fact ) and brought them in chains to the slavers waiting on the beach to put them on ships, well, the ones that they decided not to keep as their own slaves.

Do you think those White slavers would have trekked inland to capture those Black people?

So whether it has anything to do with Slavery in America, right up to Emancipation and the troubles that followed, it is a point of fact, an inconvenient truth, you obviously would rather not talk about.

All those other things you brought up such as "disenfranchisement", all true. Right up till 1964 ( was in 11th grade ), there was absolutely, unequivocally, systemic racism. Did the Civil Rights Act eliminate all disenfranchisement? It did not. Did it for the first time, set American on a path of continuing to fight disenfranchisement? It Did. Is there still work to do, of course there is. None of our institutions are run perfectly but Black people are now in positions of power never thought possible. Are there still poor Black people? Of course there are just as there are poor as dirt White people and you'll see them homeless in cities and towns all over this country.

Any "systemic" racism that might exist, is sure to be pointed out by powerful politicians like Barack Obama and Stacy Abrams. Will every instance be fixed immediately? NO, but the tools and the laws are there to do just that, that were not there before 1964.

Yesterday the SC said that voting in one's assigned precinct "does not disfranchise minority voters". Chuck Shumer almost had a coronary! Are only minorities confused about which precinct they have been assigned? I'd bet any investigation would turn up ten times more White people voting in a precinct they were not assigned. This as every single other issue Democrats bring up to prove disenfranchisement, is crap

Same thing with ballot harvesting. With mail in voting and all the other means a Black and a White person has at their means to get their vote in, why in the world would we say it is OK for strangers to go door to door collecting ballots? That's insane! And now, even Stacy Abrams has changed her tune on ID voting. Why? because she saw the polls that say that 80% of Blacks agree that requiring voter identification is not discriminatory. Hallelujah!

There is still individual racism in America. There are still racists groups like the Klan. You might find a bank or two, a real estate company or two who discriminate and they will absolutely be called on it by somebody

BUT there is no systemic racism in America, period. And anybody, any American citizen can vote if they want, if they are willing to put the effort into it. To say other wise is a lie, a lie that comes easy to Democrats.

the vast majority of blacks find it absolutely insulting that the "woke left" has "decided" they are incapable of functioning in society, that somehow they can buy cars, houses, open bank accounts and provide id for job verification butt they simply can't do so to vote. one wonders what the agenda here is? i think it's clear.

Originally Posted by GastonGlock View Post
Really the biggest history lesson is that they should have shipped them all back and had more places like Liberia set up, and that way we could have avoided a lot of this bullshit.

at the time it would have been the ultimate reparation. many enslaved blacks knew their history by the fact that many orally handed it down even for many generations. with that knowledge it's very possible many could have found their original tribes and reunited with their relatives. would that not have been the ultimate reparation?
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Old 07-02-2021, 04:49 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Or we could have just granted equal rights to everyone in the 1860s and fought to ensure equal treatment.
That's not the real problem though. I wholeheartedly agree, every human deserves equal rights, but you can never, ever get rid of racism, you can only shift it. And the root of racism has nothing to do with a difference of melanin content, and everything to do with cultural differences, and the hard truth is that you can have a monoculture and relative peace, or multiculturalism and conflict.

The US has a race relations problem because it does pretty much nothing to culturally assimilate people, and that's the key driver to success in life. Things like parental participation in a child's life, what values are and aren't taught, work ethic, etc are all a reflection of culture, which has both racial and class components.

So here's the question I posit - are you willing to completely erase "Black" culture in order to help African Americans succeed?

Now, if you think that sounds like an unfair request, think about other countries like Japan, China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya - If you wanted to live in those countries, do business in those countries, and succeed locally, wouldn't you be expected to adopt their culture and do business the way they do business? If yes, why don't we work harder to adapt people on the fringes of society to how these sorts of things work?

Now, you can make the argument about whites not wanting blacks who act "white", but I think it's a hell of a lot more prevalent to find blacks who don't want blacks to act "white".
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Old 07-02-2021, 04:54 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
at the time it would have been the ultimate reparation. many enslaved blacks knew their history by the fact that many orally handed it down even for many generations. with that knowledge it's very possible many could have found their original tribes and reunited with their relatives. would that not have been the ultimate reparation?

Provided their tribe still actually existed. Most slaves brought to the Americas were captors from inter-tribal warfare. African tribes would sell their captors to Jewish slave traders for weapons and supplies which allowed them to capture more land and more slaves which they could trade for more supplies.

There's a lot of love lost between Africans and African Americans, they largely don't like each other because their cultures are dramatically different.
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Old 07-02-2021, 05:10 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
In this discussion of CRT, we keeping hearing about how some people don't want to hear about slavery, they don't want an honest discussion about it. Well, any honest discussion about it would include the fact that Blacks enslaved their own people ( or would you dispute that fact ) and brought them in chains to the slavers waiting on the beach to put them on ships, well, the ones that they decided not to keep as their own slaves.

Do you think those White slavers would have trekked inland to capture those Black people?

So whether it has anything to do with Slavery in America, right up to Emancipation and the troubles that followed, it is a point of fact, an inconvenient truth, you obviously would rather not talk about.

All those other things you brought up such as "disenfranchisement", all true. Right up till 1964 ( was in 11th grade ), there was absolutely, unequivocally, systemic racism. Did the Civil Rights Act eliminate all disenfranchisement? It did not. Did it for the first time, set American on a path of continuing to fight disenfranchisement? It Did. Is there still work to do, of course there is. None of our institutions are run perfectly but Black people are now in positions of power never thought possible. Are there still poor Black people? Of course there are just as there are poor as dirt White people and you'll see them homeless in cities and towns all over this country.

Any "systemic" racism that might exist, is sure to be pointed out by powerful politicians like Barack Obama and Stacy Abrams. Will every instance be fixed immediately? NO, but the tools and the laws are there to do just that, that were not there before 1964.

Yesterday the SC said that voting in one's assigned precinct "does not disfranchise minority voters". Chuck Shumer almost had a coronary! Are only minorities confused about which precinct they have been assigned? I'd bet any investigation would turn up ten times more White people voting in a precinct they were not assigned. This as every single other issue Democrats bring up to prove disenfranchisement, is crap

Same thing with ballot harvesting. With mail in voting and all the other means a Black and a White person has at their means to get their vote in, why in the world would we say it is OK for strangers to go door to door collecting ballots? That's insane! And now, even Stacy Abrams has changed her tune on ID voting. Why? because she saw the polls that say that 80% of Blacks agree that requiring voter identification is not discriminatory. Hallelujah!

There is still individual racism in America. There are still racists groups like the Klan. You might find a bank or two, a real estate company or two who discriminate and they will absolutely be called on it by somebody

BUT there is no systemic racism in America, period. And anybody, any American citizen can vote if they want, if they are willing to put the effort into it. To say other wise is a lie, a lie that comes easy to Democrats.
Likely one of the most reasoned and possible honest responses we’ll get here since several posters are devoutly racist and proud of their “heritage”.

Long story short I don’t fully disagree with most of what you said so I’ll try to highlight as I haven’t an inclination to try to write a dissertation.

I have no issue with an honest discussion on slavery to the extent it’s relevant. In this discussion it isn’t really as the premise on which most CRT is based is that in America most foundational decisions were rooted in the preservation of slavery and much of the actions of government and private business carried that through for centuries (about 4) until they were just ingrained in how business and government were conducted. Now I don’t necessarily believe that wholely but some aspects of it are true even today.

Why slavery does matter in conversation is pretty limited to a backdrop of why some decisions were made. Not particularly that blacks sold other blacks into slavery or even a full discussion of the spread of African slavery through the Caribbean or south and central Americas or Europe. But how it informed the post Civil War actions in The uS. Trying to throw Africans took part in the slave trade in is just diversion.

What you wrote about disenfranchisement is mostly correct. We still have a ways to go to fix the actions of the past 160 years of disenfranchising, intentionally denying equal financial opportunity, preventing the accumulation of wealth (mostly through property) and passing laws which create a disparate impact on blacks. Now not all of that is specifically racially aimed. Some are directed to the poor, but there exists a knock on effect. If there are more poor people that are black then a rule, law or policy which effects the poor also effects more blacks, whether that’s the intent or not. Some aspects of CRT is to exam that relationship of policies and their origins.

I agree that many laws have passed to try to stem racist policies or policies that overtly are aimed at disenfranchising blacks. Some work some don’t. It’s really a kind of trial and error. Rather than letting those policies exist, people (generally white and Republican) do all they can to prevent those policies from working. There are also policies which get put in place that are designed to further disnfranchise blacks, mainly passed by whites and republicans and mainly in southern states (which rightly or wrongly looks to be a holdover from the south’s racist past and present or as some would say “heritage”). There has never been a time that we as a nation have all pulled together to make an equal playing field across the board. Since the 1860s their have been forces pushing to hold blacks back from full equality.

We would disagree as to the existence of systemic racism. Are their laws on the books aimed directly at blacks, not many, though there are sufficient attempts to pass them under the guise of being neutral. Are their laws being passed or that exist which have a disparate impact on blacks, yes. Are their laws, policies etc which have a disparate impact on the poor which in turn impact blacks more harshly, yes. Are those absolute barriers to success, not even close. Should we be vigilant in rooting those out, I believe so.

Yes,there are individual racists. Some on this very board and have posted in this very discussion. Is the US a “racist” country, no. Is opportunity equal for everyone, not at all.

Though there are voting measures that are intended to disenfranchise blacks a massive over haul of the system isn’t necessary but that’s a different discussion need not be conflated with “what’s CRT”.
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