Originally Posted by bambino
I approve of audits as well. We had them in a number of places and they all showed that there was no election fraud. What's happening in Arizona isn't actually an audit. It's a political shit show put together to appease the orange clown and to fleece people out of their donations, viewership, and tax dollars.
You didn't mention the second question in the article.
Asked “Does expressing doubt about the outcome of elections undermine democracy in America?” 34 percent said no, 48 percent said yes, and 18 percent were not sure.
48 percent say expressing doubt about the outcome of elections undermine democracy.
What's really scary is the last question listed in the article.
Lastly, asked whether Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fairly, a massive 41 percent said no, while 50 percent said yes. Nine percent of people said they were not sure.
41 percent of people have been bamboozled by right wing media and their own partisanship into believing the BIG LIE. All to the detriment of America.