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Old 06-12-2021, 06:02 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Ok, so what do you project the numbers to be in August?
Or do we just stick him in the chair?
I've never heard of this August thing before so not sure how it works! Lead me lusty!

No idea what you're getting all worked up about, dawg.

In August I intend to be out & about enjoying the post-pandemic Summer. The EC numbers ain't gonna change.

Btw - you do realize it's possible to hold 2 separate thoughts in your head at the same time, dontcha?

Thought No. 1: I hate trumpy!

Thought No. 2: I hate media lies!

That goes for everyone posting here, not just you. Admitting the media lied to you (and it did, over and over) doesn't mean you have to love trump.
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Old 06-12-2021, 09:03 PM   #17
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You haven't heard about August?
Trumps gonna be reinstated in August, now I dont know how this magic is supposed to work. I thought that perhaps you all being in the club could maybe shed some light on this for the uninitiated such as myself?
Or is this just more Hugo Chavez bullshit?
Awwww dont tell me that shit!

And as far as the two thought thought process goes and hating Trump, Berry is telling you to speak for yourself!

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
No idea what you're getting all worked up about, dawg.

In August I intend to be out & about enjoying the post-pandemic Summer. The EC numbers ain't gonna change.

Btw - you do realize it's possible to hold 2 separate thoughts in your head at the same time, dontcha?

Thought No. 1: I hate trumpy!

Thought No. 2: I hate media lies!

That goes for everyone posting here, not just you. Admitting the media lied to you (and it did, over and over) doesn't mean you have to love trump.
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Old 06-12-2021, 11:09 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
No Berry the subject is the libs that used to post here!
You stay on subject!
Your spinning out of control man!
Reel it in!

Nobody cares about your fucking article except possibly the aforementioned 3!
Everybody knows what happened there the same as we all know what happened on 1/6!
Your wanna be dictator lost!
And he will be lucky not to wind up in jail!
And with all the nuts like you running around balls deep in the big lie and threatening local election officials, someone's gonna end up dead!
And I mean more than 5 that your POS wanna be dictator sent that mob to kill on 1/6!
Another silly post?
Nope hard reality!

PS Berry, is there going to be dancing in the streets when whackjob is reinstated in August?
Please your thoughts?
No - the subject is Another Liberal / Media lie falls apart - Lafayette Park. Quit trying to hijack the thread. Is it really that difficult for you to stay on topic?

Why can't you admit and accept the media lied to you? Senile Biden lied to you. Other liberals who spread the Lafayette Park lie lied to you.
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Old 06-12-2021, 11:16 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
If you don't like what someone post or if you don't agree with them you always say the same, stay on topic. the problem is the topic is always the same. Bashing Liberals, Bashing Biden, the same topic you have on everything you post over and over. Bash the ones that give common folks a little something, not just giving everything to the rich which the other party does. What the main subject for you should be is not to get this board shut down or investigated with the totally radical continuous bashing of our new administration. If it was as great as you say it was Trump would still be in there. He is not, he lost. Get it, LOST.
I try to respect the rules of this board - one of which is to stay on topic and not try to hijack a thread. The topic is Another Liberal / Media lie falls apart - Lafayette Park. Try posting about that. I am sorry if that topic hits too close to home and is uncomfortable for you but if you want to create a different topic of your own choosing, no one is stopping you from creating a new thread. But stick to the topic in this thread instead of trying to deflect and change the subject.

Why is it that liberals like you like to be lied to by the media and they can't admit when that lie is exposed such as with Lafayette Park?

Do you enjoy being played by the corrupt media like they played you here?

Are you unable to think on your own and not call out media lies like this one?
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Old 06-12-2021, 11:22 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
That goes for everyone posting here, not just you. Admitting the media lied to you (and it did, over and over) doesn't mean you have to love trump.
Sadly I think most liberals enjoy being lied to by the media and are either not smart enough to realize it or just buy in to the lies wholeheartedly

How else can one explain the comments some of them have made in this thread about Lafayette Park and the lies about it spread by the media and senile Biden? I mean shoot, even the media has now admitted they lied but we have posters here still buying into that lie.
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Old 06-13-2021, 05:27 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post

Is it any wonder why the libs who used to post here are in hiding - unable to admit the lies they and the dementia patient they love repeatedly spread were false?

Some may call that gutless, others may call it corrupt.
No Berry, you put out a dog whistle to the others that used to come in here and comment in your stupidly! That makes it a subject of this thread also.
You dont get to post and mod at the same time. If you dont understand that well that's your problem.
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Old 06-13-2021, 06:41 AM   #22
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Gentlemen please get back on the subject of the thread.

If you want to talk about the election start a new one.
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Old 06-13-2021, 06:53 AM   #23
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BerryBerry: quote,

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Old 06-13-2021, 07:22 AM   #24
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The left loves media people like this.


CNN hired him back!!!!!
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Old 06-13-2021, 07:33 AM   #25
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I really don’t get people who seem to obsess over politics 24/7. Do they have nothing else to think about or what? Do they really think they’re going to change anyone’s mind or opinion by spouting off constantly?

My take on all of it is that both sides are equally shit, Trump isn’t the savior that some people think he is, and cults are dangerous and stupid. We’re fucked no matter what and have been for a long time. Anyone who thinks that any person in a position of power gives a rat’s ass about them is delusional, period.
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Old 06-13-2021, 09:09 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
So you admit then that the media, senile Biden and liberals like you repeatedly spread lies like Lafayette Park that were blatantly false

LOL - I posted facts, you are the one posting nonsense. Why can't you admit the reality - shoot even the media has come clean over the Lafayette park lie. As for changing minds, many liberals minds are too far gone to change as they enjoy being lied to by the media, they eat it up. But everyday more and more people see the lies when they get out of their MSNBC / CNN hole. So why shouldn't people here have a chance to see the real facts when they come out and have a chance to discuss them? What are you afraid of - learning something you believed was wrong? Learning that you have been lied to? This is a discussion board after all.
Jesus Fucking Christ. This is EXACTLY why I don't reply!
Even my "libtard rants" are taken out of context. If I were to say that 90% of the hookers nowadays were fat and charging too much, you'd scream IT'S ALL LIES! For fuck fuckin sake.
But to answer your questions, I do not admit there was a lie; in hindsight I should have known you'd take my statement out of context and should have removed the word lie. Frankly I have no idea, nor do I care, what the flying fuck you're talking about lafayette blah blah blah. I was simply bringing up the fact that, no matter what I (or any other libtard on these boards) say, you find another bullshit claim that sleepy joe is the anti-christ. It's exhausting.
To humor you, let's change a few words in one of your statements above:
"As for changing minds, many [Trumptards] minds are too far gone to change as they enjoy being lied to by the [combover communist leader], they eat it up". How's that fit?

Go get another trumpy-bear to hug. You're gonna need it.
Now that I've gone way off topic, and will likely get called out for it, like I give a flying fuck, I'll quietly peace out of this discussion and move on to the reviews section.
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Old 06-13-2021, 09:13 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by swpa1706 View Post
I really don’t get people who seem to obsess over politics 24/7. Do they have nothing else to think about or what? Do they really think they’re going to change anyone’s mind or opinion by spouting off constantly?

My take on all of it is that both sides are equally shit, Trump isn’t the savior that some people think he is, and cults are dangerous and stupid. We’re fucked no matter what and have been for a long time. Anyone who thinks that any person in a position of power gives a rat’s ass about them is delusional, period.
I agree. It seems both sides run on platforms of hate and division. You can see it with BerryBerry. He has half the posts in this sub, and they’re not about how he likes Trump, they are all about how he hates liberals. His entire political stance is hatred.
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Old 06-13-2021, 11:58 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by yinzerpgh View Post
Jesus Fucking Christ. This is EXACTLY why I don't reply! ... For fuck fuckin sake. But to answer your questions, I do not admit there was a lie ... Frankly I have no idea, nor do I care, what the flying fuck you're talking about lafayette blah blah blah....
Hey yinzer, try to calm down. Take a deep breath. Here's the Inspector General's report on how the order to clear Lafayette Park came down. Don't pre-judge, ok? Click on the link below. Read it with an open mind. Then come back and tell us whether the version of events we were told by the Mainstream Media last summer was or was not a lie. How hard is that?


The evidence we obtained did not support a finding that the USPP cleared the park to allow the President to survey the damage and walk to St. John’s Church. Instead, the evidence we reviewed showed that the USPP cleared the park to allow the contractor to safely install the antiscale fencing in response to destruction of property and injury to officers occurring on May 30 and 31. Further, the evidence showed that the USPP did not know about the President’s potential movement until mid- to late afternoon on June 1—hours after it had begun developing its operational plan and the fencing contractor had arrived in the park.
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Old 06-13-2021, 01:43 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by yinzerpgh View Post
Jesus Fucking Christ. This is EXACTLY why I don't reply!
Even my "libtard rants" are taken out of context. If I were to say that 90% of the hookers nowadays were fat and charging too much, you'd scream IT'S ALL LIES! For fuck fuckin sake.
But to answer your questions, I do not admit there was a lie; in hindsight I should have known you'd take my statement out of context and should have removed the word lie. Frankly I have no idea, nor do I care, what the flying fuck you're talking about lafayette blah blah blah. I was simply bringing up the fact that, no matter what I (or any other libtard on these boards) say, you find another bullshit claim that sleepy joe is the anti-christ. It's exhausting.
To humor you, let's change a few words in one of your statements above:
"As for changing minds, many [Trumptards] minds are too far gone to change as they enjoy being lied to by the [combover communist leader], they eat it up". How's that fit?

Go get another trumpy-bear to hug. You're gonna need it.
Now that I've gone way off topic, and will likely get called out for it, like I give a flying fuck, I'll quietly peace out of this discussion and move on to the reviews section.
Dude - you need to relax and chill.

Why can you not admit it was a lie? Seriously. There were 4 different media headlines in my original post that admitted they lied. Lusty shared with you the Inspector General report. Yet you still can not admit it was a lie?

As to why you or anyone should care - well that is obvious. When people are lied to repeatedly by the media - and can't even admit the lies when the evidence slaps them in the face - it is a danger to our country.

Educate yourself and learn to recognize the media lies. Lafayette park is just one of a vast number of lies the media fed you
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Old 06-13-2021, 01:50 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Mistershark View Post
I agree. It seems both sides run on platforms of hate and division. You can see it with BerryBerry. He has half the posts in this sub, and they’re not about how he likes Trump, they are all about how he hates liberals. His entire political stance is hatred.
The subject is media lies and Lafayette park - why are you trying to make this personal?

Anyone and everyone is welcome to post in this forum, no matter their political leanings. Why wouldn't people want to broaden their understanding and knowledge hearing different viewpoints instead of just the lies some get from most of the mainstream media? So when those lies, like Lafayette Park, are exposed by the Inspector General - it is good to talk about them

And yet, as exhibited by this thread, you still have every liberal who posted, still believing these lies even after they have been clearly debunked. That my friend is what is dangerous. I don't care if you agree or disagree with my political leanings but when you can't even accept the clear facts - that is a danger and why we have so many low information voters who voted for a senile old man with dementia

Learn to recognize and call out media lies like Lafayette Park when they happen rather than being taken in time and time again
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