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View Poll Results: When promoters post a comment either defending or promoting the studio they are apparently represent
More inclined 7 14.29%
Less inclined 42 85.71%
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Old 05-24-2021, 02:33 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Hewhew View Post
I feel sorry for the new members..... I used to be one and it sucks when you show up and the girl is nothing like the picture.. not even close. Its false advertising..... why not a selfie with blurred out face and tats. Hell.. blur a spot to make it look like they have a tat where they don't. So many ways.....

We need more walk outs when we get the bait and switch with a review report. I'm tired of gambling with my money ... I would rather pay more and show up to a " for sure" top notch hot model than a hit or miss and day. Because the "miss" adds up in cost... then you never full fill your fantasy. I rather visit a spa because its easy to walk out if there isn't anyone I find attractive. But I do like the nice private bedroom.

So you as a promoter.... it would be better business to post some what real pics on your websites with blurring. Quit trying to trick your customers. Some people like old milfs with bad teeth... so you still have a market with some of the girls.
Yea this totally sucks. I have seen a girl or two where the promoter said they were slim and they were over weight even by American standards. There are several people/ promoters that post on here and I actually avoid those girls. I figured thwy must be bad if they need promoters shilling for them.
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Old 05-24-2021, 03:14 PM   #17
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I have read reviews and seen some of the same one you have that have posted in here and did not have the same experience. Does that make you a promoter too?
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Old 05-24-2021, 03:15 PM   #18
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Hopefully the comments (here in other threads) and the poll provide a clear indication that everyone is sick of the promoting. Please refer to my previous post (Post #7) for my definition of "promoting" that most guys are fed up with.

And it will be extremely easy to see how many fake/multiple promoter handles there are on here since those will be the only guys voting for Option 1 in the poll.
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Old 05-24-2021, 03:16 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by BumbleBee10 View Post
I have read reviews and seen some of the same one you have that have posted in here and did not have the same experience. Does that make you a promoter too?
Give it up dude. You're rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
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Old 05-24-2021, 04:16 PM   #20
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Even if they could perma-ban repeat offenders (threats, constant bumping of old threads), etc, the promoters are going to just make new accounts. The only thing you can do is just ignore them, don't even respond. Most of the people here, with the exception of a few legit newer people, know who the promoters accounts are. Just ignore anything they write, don't reply, not even to their "new reviews". Its getting old, but every single review now has a promoters fight or some shit on it. If it doesn't have anything to do with the review don't reply on the review. Especially with "awesome review", or some dumb shit like that. Hell maybe yall can boycott the spas for 2-3 weeks and tell them its because of the promoters. They may drop them faster if they're hurting the biz...its a nice thought.
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Old 05-24-2021, 04:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Jayhawk328 View Post
Give it up dude. You're rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
He asked you a question, Jawhawk. Why not answer it? What, you can criticize reviews/reviewers but don't want to accept any yourself? Notice the trend among all of you "esteemed" regulars here? You're quick to label anyone you don't like or agree with as promoters, agitators, agenda-driven, but when it falls back on you, you can't answer at all?

This forum is the special olympics of the hobbying world. If California can be as huge a market as it is without eccie, you don't think any studio can do well without this forum? Lol. You reviewers think too highly of yourselves. But I guess if you all circle jerk as much as you do, at some point, you start to think more highly of yourselves. Such is an echo chamber.

Notice how Bamboo did the exact thing I told you all he would do. No amount of his tenure washes away his massive ignorance.
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Old 05-24-2021, 04:57 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
He asked you a question, Jawhawk. Why not answer it? What, you can criticize reviews/reviewers but don't want to accept any yourself? Notice the trend among all of you "esteemed" regulars here? You're quick to label anyone you don't like or agree with as promoters, agitators, agenda-driven, but when it falls back on you, you can't answer at all?

This forum is the special olympics of the hobbying world. If California can be as huge a market as it is without eccie, you don't think any studio can do well without this forum? Lol. You reviewers think too highly of yourselves. But I guess if you all circle jerk as much as you do, at some point, you start to think more highly of yourselves. Such is an echo chamber.

Notice how Bamboo did the exact thing I told you all he would do. No amount of his tenure washes away his massive ignorance.
What’s the matter? The polling not trending in your favor?

You’re a total coward. Not man enough to take your lumps from being banned here an on OH2 with your other handles? Or not man at all?

Find your brain and your manners. Your shit slinging days with your Dumb guy handle are numbered. Sadly you’ll manifest yourself again with a different handle. But it will be glaringly obvious when you return. You can’t fix stupid.

And by the way... No one here owes you an answer to any question you pose. You haven’t answered anything pertinent so why should anyone reciprocate.

If you don’t like this forum and you prefer California then log the fuck out, disable your account and get the fuck out of Texas!
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Old 05-24-2021, 05:25 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
He asked you a question, Jawhawk. Why not answer it? What, you can criticize reviews/reviewers but don't want to accept any yourself? Notice the trend among all of you "esteemed" regulars here? You're quick to label anyone you don't like or agree with as promoters, agitators, agenda-driven, but when it falls back on you, you can't answer at all?

This forum is the special olympics of the hobbying world. If California can be as huge a market as it is without eccie, you don't think any studio can do well without this forum? Lol. You reviewers think too highly of yourselves. But I guess if you all circle jerk as much as you do, at some point, you start to think more highly of yourselves. Such is an echo chamber.

Notice how Bamboo did the exact thing I told you all he would do. No amount of his tenure washes away his massive ignorance.
I actually partially agree with you that Eccie isn't as important as it is perceived here in terms of business to the Spas and Studios.

So why do you spend so much time going down threads like this, responding to nearly every post, and rather than dialogue trying to control the narrative?

My hypothesis is that you and people like you have to justify your worth and employment to your bosses who do actually think that Eccie is the big game in town.

Why else would you act like this? Does anyone think that after reading one of your laundry list responses to multiple people that someone will say "Wow. I never thought of it that way, you're right!"
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Old 05-24-2021, 05:47 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
He asked you a question, Jawhawk. Why not answer it? What, you can criticize reviews/reviewers but don't want to accept any yourself? Notice the trend among all of you "esteemed" regulars here? You're quick to label anyone you don't like or agree with as promoters, agitators, agenda-driven, but when it falls back on you, you can't answer at all?

This forum is the special olympics of the hobbying world. If California can be as huge a market as it is without eccie, you don't think any studio can do well without this forum? Lol. You reviewers think too highly of yourselves. But I guess if you all circle jerk as much as you do, at some point, you start to think more highly of yourselves. Such is an echo chamber.

Notice how Bamboo did the exact thing I told you all he would do. No amount of his tenure washes away his massive ignorance.
Step back, breathe, think (if you know how), then post something. Your reputation is going down so fast. You’re near point of no return.
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Old 05-24-2021, 05:48 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by jb0006 View Post
Even if they could perma-ban repeat offenders (threats, constant bumping of old threads), etc, the promoters are going to just make new accounts. The only thing you can do is just ignore them, don't even respond. Most of the people here, with the exception of a few legit newer people, know who the promoters accounts are. Just ignore anything they write, don't reply, not even to their "new reviews". Its getting old, but every single review now has a promoters fight or some shit on it. If it doesn't have anything to do with the review don't reply on the review. Especially with "awesome review", or some dumb shit like that. Hell maybe yall can boycott the spas for 2-3 weeks and tell them its because of the promoters. They may drop them faster if they're hurting the biz...its a nice thought.
But I want to keep them around as toy. Site will be boring without someone to pick on.
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Old 05-24-2021, 06:27 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
He asked you a question, Jawhawk. Why not answer it? What, you can criticize reviews/reviewers but don't want to accept any yourself? Notice the trend among all of you "esteemed" regulars here? You're quick to label anyone you don't like or agree with as promoters, agitators, agenda-driven, but when it falls back on you, you can't answer at all?
"Jawhawk"......you are so clever!! You and Capital need to join forces to come up with the ultimate nickname for me. That would be awesome. But just to humor you about not answering questions, consistently bumping dormant threads, spinning negative comments into positive comments, discrediting reviewers, and embellishing girls' physical traits and/or services is not something you will see me do. I agree that every guy has a different experience on here, but promoting in the way I am talking about it are the 4 things I listed above. Feel free to look through my reviews and posting history.....I stand by it 100%.

Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
This forum is the special olympics of the hobbying world. If California can be as huge a market as it is without eccie, you don't think any studio can do well without this forum? Lol. You reviewers think too highly of yourselves. But I guess if you all circle jerk as much as you do, at some point, you start to think more highly of yourselves. Such is an echo chamber.
Wow, a real barrage of insults here - so we're retarded and we are gay and like to jerk each other off. Wait, isn't this an AD HOMINEM attack?!? Real heavy hitting insults here dude!!!
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Old 05-26-2021, 09:46 AM   #27
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Unless a provider is reviewed by a legit reviewer ( pimp and promo reviews are not legit reviews), then I pay no mind to seeing that provider or in this case, studio. Only suckers go by ads, promos and pimp reviews to go see a provider.
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Old 05-26-2021, 11:45 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post
Unless a provider is reviewed by a legit reviewer ( pimp and promo reviews are not legit reviews), then I pay no mind to seeing that provider or in this case, studio. Only suckers go by ads, promos and pimp reviews to go see a provider.
I would like to agree with you but I am the sucker. I believe almost all Korean girls have been promoted. I don’t know if it is by their choice or not.
As for me, except few, I love fucking these Korean women. Especially ones that are older than me, which is most of them.
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Old 05-29-2021, 02:13 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by OutAndAbout7382 View Post
I wish there was another category because it doesn't make my decision.

In general, less inclined. Not because of the comments themselves but the quality of the comments.

In general, promoters seem to not address issues but attack people when issues are raised.

In the end, it is NOT a deciding factor because I am much more interested in the girl than the agency.

I agree completely with these comments.

I would love to be a paid Promoter! But it would come with a caveat.

I will NOT lie.

I WILL tell the truth.

There have been many times when I didn't do a

review because I didn't want to hurt a girls business. But when I have went to

see a girl specifically because of comments made in a review, and then I get

there and she is obviously being incorrectly promoted, I feel that I have to set

the record straight, even if it hurts her business.

There have been times when a girl will allow me to do BBFS, but then she asks

me not to include that in my review, because she wants to be selective about

providing that. I have always respected those wishes.

I have always doubted reviews that begin with . . . . "It was instant DFK!",

because that has hardly ever happened to me. I have been doing this for over

12 years now, and I can count on 1 hand the number of times that has

happened. Except with RED, but that is her MO. Instant DFK!

I felt compelled to review FOXY, and I didn't care if it hurt her business,

because she was so rude, and disrespectful, the only time I have visited her.


Leaving something out is one thing, but to intentionally mislead when something

needs to be mentioned is doing everyone that reads your review a disservice.
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Old 06-01-2021, 01:49 PM   #30
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There are certainly questionable hyper exaggerated reviews for sure. But I thought promoters are just rumors. If they are real, I wonder how much they get paid by AMPs and studios. Maybe even free sessions? Some of reviews are so out there that it is questionable if the sessions even took place.
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