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View Poll Results: When Will You Get The COVID19 Vaccine?
I'll be first in line due to priority 1 3.45%
I'll be in the second wave 7 24.14%
I'll get it after those two waves of folks have "proven out." 1 3.45%
I'll get it because my job or other entities require it. 1 3.45%
I may or may not get it. The pandemic may be over by then or herd immunity may kick in. 4 13.79%
I'll get it after the FDA formally approves it. 4 13.79%
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Old 05-24-2021, 02:29 PM   #346
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I was speaking to someone today who works with me. He's Hispanic, in his early 70's and has a lot of cousins. He said this year, 2021, so far six of his cousins have died, four of them from COVID. Two of the four died in April. They could have gotten vaccinated in January or February if they'd gotten on the stick, and they'd still be alive.

COVID deaths are still averaging 550 per day. That's 200,000 per year, which currently makes COVID the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA after heart disease and cancer, and just (barely) ahead of accidents. Yes, the infection and death rates have been declining. Yes, it's possible we won't have another wave. But with people free to travel to and from the USA and with a large percentage of the world's population still suffering mightily from the disease, is it wise to remain unvaccinated?
I will trade your anecdotal evidence with mine. Pretty much everyone who works for me, their immediate and their extended families and a whole host of other people I know, mainly in their 50s-60s have all had COVID. Of my employees, COVID has cost me one half of one days work from one employee as he had to go see the doctor for the "antibody" therapy he qualified for as he has several comorbidities including being SERIOUSLY overweight and type two diabetes. No one else missed so much as an hours worth of work due to COVID. (I am in the oil business and my guys aren't around the public to possibly infect anyone else)

Now lets talk about the vaccine, which I most definitely hope EVERYONE gets, expect for me of course. lol MOST of the people I know who are fully vaccinated got sick for at least one day after either the first, or even more likely the second shot they received and many of these people have had to miss at least one days' worth of work due to reactions to the vaccine.

So let me ask you, considering I have ZERO comorbidities, I am in PERFECT health and I really don't want to miss so much as a single days worth of work due to being sick, do I REALLY want to risk the vaccine when the disease itself is so unlikely to cause me any ill effects even if I happen to catch it?

Now if you are asking if everyone else should get it so life can get back to normal, then my answer is a resounding YES. But as for myself, thanks but no thanks. I am more than willing to trust my own immune system which has been compared favorably to a cockroach over a vaccine which is more likely to make me sick than the virus itself.
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Old 05-24-2021, 02:49 PM   #347
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I was speaking to someone today who works with me. He's Hispanic, in his early 70's and has a lot of cousins. He said this year, 2021, so far six of his cousins have died, four of them from COVID. Two of the four died in April. They could have gotten vaccinated in January or February if they'd gotten on the stick, and they'd still be alive.

COVID deaths are still averaging 550 per day. That's 200,000 per year, which currently makes COVID the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA after heart disease and cancer, and just (barely) ahead of accidents. Yes, the infection and death rates have been declining. Yes, it's possible we won't have another wave. But with people free to travel to and from the USA and with a large percentage of the world's population still suffering mightily from the disease, is it wise to remain unvaccinated?
I know a Hispanic man who's several hundred pounds overweight and in his late 60s. Former heavy smoker. He's still alive.

I've told the story about my wife's brother who woke up dead. Two weeks until we could bury him. COVID negative test. A month or so later they called it COVID. Seems states don't count COVID deaths consistently. IMO that's the next "forensic audit."

Stop being skeered.
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Old 05-24-2021, 03:06 PM   #348
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Originally Posted by GaGambler View Post
So let me ask you, considering I have ZERO comorbidities, I am in PERFECT health and I really don't want to miss so much as a single days worth of work due to being sick, do I REALLY want to risk the vaccine when the disease itself is so unlikely to cause me any ill effects even if I happen to catch it?

Now if you are asking if everyone else should get it so life can get back to normal, then my answer is a resounding YES. But as for myself, thanks but no thanks. I am more than willing to trust my own immune system which has been compared favorably to a cockroach over a vaccine which is more likely to make me sick than the virus itself.
Absolutely yes, IMO. Your chances of dying from the vaccine might be one in a million. So far, about one out of every 600 people who were living in the USA at the start of 2020 have died from COVID.

Will you die from COVID? For the population as a whole, if you're infected, the probability of dying is probably in the range of 0.5% to 1%. But as you know that varies greatly by age, along with co-morbitidies. The infection fatality rate (IFR) ranges from a bit less than 0.1% for people in their mid 40's up to around 4% if you're in your 70's and 12% in your 80's.

Still, if you're young without co-morbidities, getting the injection much better than getting the symptomatic disease. Yes, my story was anecdotal. Yours is too -- your employees were incredibly lucky, just as my coworker's family has been incredibly unlucky. I could hit you with some more anecdotal stories, people who were young, in good shape, and who didn't fare well with the disease. One in his 40's went to the hospital for a couple of weeks and thought he was going to die for a while. Another, a co-worker in her 30's, was sick and out of work for two weeks.

And yes, you hit the nail on the head when you wrote "so life can get back to normal." As much as people travel and the way this is still spreading like wildfire in some places like India, this is going to be with us for a while. If you want to travel someplace like Europe, you're probably going to have to have been vaccinated.

People tell me how they're dead tired or have flu like symptoms for a day or two after getting the vaccine and I think a lot of them are hypochondriacs and pussies. I had a slightly elevated temperature for about 12 hours -- didn't interfere with work at all.
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Old 05-24-2021, 03:13 PM   #349
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I know a Hispanic man who's several hundred pounds overweight and in his late 60s. Former heavy smoker. He's still alive.

I've told the story about my wife's brother who woke up dead. Two weeks until we could bury him. COVID negative test. A month or so later they called it COVID. Seems states don't count COVID deaths consistently. IMO that's the next "forensic audit."

Stop being skeered.
I'm convinced the death estimates are more likely low than high --

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Old 05-24-2021, 04:38 PM   #350
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I have gotten the vaccine-- but in the interest of fairness... I've beaten cancer twice and just went through the second round of it last year so... my immune system isn't the all-star that it normally is. So.. I figured my best bet would be just to get it. If I have some ill health effects 5-10 years down the road, so what? My odds of having cancer again are higher too so... meh.

I've known a handful of people who have died from it. That doesn't scare nor bother me... but what does bother me are the people in my life who have had it and become the "long haulers". Some people don't even know they have had it... others can't seem to shake the lingering symptoms.

All in all-- if you want it, get it. If you don't-- then don't. But for fucks sake... stop being assholes to the people who do or don't want it... for whatever reason.
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Old 05-24-2021, 07:01 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
But for fucks sake... stop being assholes to the people who do or don't want it... for whatever reason.
Why should they stop now?

Congrats on beating cancer.
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Old 05-24-2021, 07:12 PM   #352
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post

Congrats on beating cancer.


Yes. Congratulations
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Old 05-24-2021, 09:27 PM   #353
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
All in all-- if you want it, get it. If you don't-- then don't. But for fucks sake... stop being assholes to the people who do or don't want it... for whatever reason.
But we're assholes for a reason. We do this out of love. For example, I don't want Levianon to die from the deadly COVID virus. Levianon wants me to quit subjecting myself to unhealthy toxins.

And we do it out of self interest. If Winn Dixie comes down with COVID, who's going to be my wingman when I go to Washington D.C. to seduce Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?

As the #1 Asshole COVID Paranoiac on this board, you might think I had it in for Why_Yes_I_Do, who was the #1 Asshole COVID Denier here. But far from it. I honestly believe that I would have come down with COVID if not for him. His research and recommendation caused me to take a regimen of Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and melatonin when I could not wear an N95 mask. Search "Tiny" and "tongue-swapping" or "stripper" for details. And the same vitamins and supplements probably helped a couple of friends avoid having a worse time with COVID infections than they did. Yes, genuine good can come out of sarcasm, humiliation, and cruelty.
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Old 05-24-2021, 10:04 PM   #354
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Six misunderstandings about the COVID-19 vaccines, debunked

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Old 05-24-2021, 10:43 PM   #355
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Had the second Pfizer vaccine shot on May 22nd. No side affects, just a little muscle stiffness at injection site. The stiffness went away two days later.
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Old 05-25-2021, 07:36 AM   #356
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Had the second Pfizer vaccine shot on May 22nd. No side affects, just a little muscle stiffness at injection site. The stiffness went away two days later.
Yep, there was nothing to worry about
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Old 05-25-2021, 07:47 AM   #357
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Oh yea and after the shots don't go through a metal detector at the airport unless you like strip searches LOL
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Old 05-25-2021, 11:11 AM   #358
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I think I've been vaccinated one time in my life.
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Old 05-25-2021, 11:54 AM   #359
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I had all my shots as a kid. Had the first version of the shingles vaccine. I think I've had one flu shot and one tetanus shot as an adult. I'm fine.

On the other hand I should be screaming for everyone to get a COVID shot. That would open up the cruise industries and make my holdings in them shoot up. You wouldn't believe how many people die or have serious health problems but still insist on getting on.
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Old 05-25-2021, 12:55 PM   #360
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[QUOTE=gnadfly;1062471045]I had all my shots as a kid. Had the first version of the shingles vaccine. I think I've had one flu shot and one tetanus shot as an adult. I'm fine.

On the other hand I should be screaming for everyone to get a COVID shot. That would open up the cruise industries and make my holdings in them shoot up. You wouldn't believe how many people die or have serious health problems but still insist on getting on.[/QUOT

Yes, I too really want everyone to get vaccinated too, but when I weigh the pros and cons for MYSELF to get vaccinated, the cons simply outweigh the pros. PLUS I have almost certainly already had COVID sometime in the last year anyhow. All my employees have had it. Most of the people I know who have been tested have had it, I NEVER took any real precautions to avoid getting it. If it is half as contagious as they say I MUST have had it at one point or the other and that can be my way of contributing to herd immunity. lol

That said, there is one way that I can be extorted into getting the shot and that is if other countries start requiring proof of vaccination before allowing me into their country, ESPECIALLY if it's countries that I consider my playground like Colombia, Panama or Costa Rica. If it comes to either getting the shot or staying at home, I am not really afraid of getting vaccinated, I just don't see the need for someone like me to risk getting sick for a day or two in an attempt to protect myself from a virus I almost certainly have already had.
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