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Old 05-12-2021, 02:05 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by BumbleBee10 View Post
Truth remains that the owner of AS was on here as Bota and decieving everyone while promotion of AS. The bust was real. 2 ND one. Who know what he is capable of in he future. Hope everyone pays attention.
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Old 05-12-2021, 03:34 PM   #62
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You all think you know what happened, but you have no idea. Yes, AS was infiltrated...

by PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP who is carrying out OPERATION EYE OF THE STORM to ARREST THE GLOBAL ELITES who are hiding out in a suburban Dallas apartment!
Ok that was weird.
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Old 05-12-2021, 06:45 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle View Post
That's the first, best and most sane comment I've read in this entire thread.

Other than whitechocolate's conversion to TS and the Political forum, the Dallas AMP forum is the most entertaining. It's like watching the Battle of the Five Armies from LOTR. Just sitting back and watching all of the different clans fight it out to see who becomes the victor for the spoils. But, there's usually nothing left.
Do you drink something or have a prescription to put you in the mood to read this?

In the beginning it's entertainment on some level and after some time it gives me a headache. Couldn't these highjacked threads be moved into a combat forum after they reach DEFCON 2?
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Old 05-12-2021, 07:39 PM   #64
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When will Pete be back?
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Old 05-12-2021, 10:22 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Stevensegal View Post
That’s what you think Peter, but Chung isn’t know as Chung The Great for a reason.

He will do circles around you.
Thanks Steven.

Originally Posted by PeterBota View Post
Thanks Ghostrider
This is Bota's reality. Everybody here is really secretly someone else. It must be nice to be insane. No one asks you to explain..

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
When will Pete be back?

He will repeat in 3 months. Same song, same verses.
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Old 05-13-2021, 06:20 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Thanks Steven.

This is Bota's reality. Everybody here is really secretly someone else. It must be nice to be insane. No one asks you to explain..


He will repeat in 3 months. Same song, same verses.
Hey promotor guy
Tell Steve ghost

5 steps ahead

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Old 05-13-2021, 07:20 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Bald Bryan View Post
Wrong. I posted an inquiry in response to yet another open ended claim by one of you drama queens. I didn't claim they were unresponsive, I simply laid out the content from the source I was referencing. Quick question, which one of the replies on my thread was made by you? Maybe a previous handle of yours? You do seem to be on here posting a lot of the same loosely wound drivel very similar to the way that vdac kiddo did. But idk, the amount of spineless yappers that get banned for one reason or another here only to crawl back under a new name is ever growing. And the only constant is that the scum who constantly try to tear down one place always only have reviews of a competitor.

Information is always good to know, as long as it's delivered in a clear and credible way. You people come on these sites with source-less claims, y'all hijack every thread and then you simply disappear back into the shadows, just like that worthless pos named "majesty" did on the thread I was questioning in the first place.

It's not "bravado" to question how old y'all are as the way you and others here project yourselves on these threads is done so in a very limp, dramatic and immature manner. I don't know anything about any of you, but y'all run around here like schoolyard children trying to rat out the guy at the other end of the playground simply because you don't like him for one reason or another. Again, if you have a source for AS getting "busted" then share it because this is a very serious claim and a claim worth looking into.

And what's up with this 12 squad car claim? Two things here, 12 cop cars don't show up simply to carry out an "non formal" bust. Also, 12 cop cars don't show up to an apartment complex and NOT make some sort of public news.

You should consider getting together with your other little friends here with some notebook paper and crayons in effort to get you all on the same page and on a script.

Now the only logical thing to do here is to keep an eye on any useful information in regards to AS. It would be nice and refreshing to get some input by someone credible. Also, it goes without question that other places, especially KFEST and LA be avoided at all costs until there's some clarity on the claims presented here and on various other hijacked threads. Not one single studio should be considered safe until this eccie crew presents more clarity and gives us the "all clear"...


This is you, desperately hoping nothing happened.

No, information is good to you, if it's information you want to believe. But that's not how reality works. It's a fact that in the same time frame you posted that thread, AS went completely AWOL. It's also a fact that one of the apartments is no longer being used. The northern apartment. You know it if you've been there. Why do you think that is? Did the owner just suddenly want to stop making money for weeks at a time and give up an apartment that was actually ideal for an incall (first floor, corner, by the entrance)? You and the others can do mental gymnastics all you want. But it's clearly obvious the owner doesn't give two shits about security. Got busted twice and is still going forward. She's either really brave or inhumanly stupid. You can question the credibility of a poster all you want, but that doesn't change that AS got busted.

Uh, multiple officers can and do show up without it being made into news. You think every single incident in which multiple police officers are involved is worthy of making the news? That's your defense? "Well, I don't think, therefore it isn't!"? Nope. AS got busted. Plain and simple. If you don't want to believe me, that's on you.

If you want to tell someone to stop going to LA or Kfest, go ahead. But that doesn't change the fact that AS had LE activity surrounding it. The owner is a two time loser. No amount of hiding behind a join date or reputation here is going to cancel out the truth and actual events. I actually think you should get more involved with the scene and start really asking around and see what happened. The Dallas scene is all ultimately connected to each other in one way or another behind the scenes. That's why if you ask anyone behind the scenes, they will tell you that AS got hit.

Also, I think AS should continue to operate. How else do you think the owner will pay back all of the massive debt she owes? hahaha.
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Old 05-13-2021, 07:25 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by PeterBota View Post
Hey promotor guy
Tell Steve ghost

5 steps ahead

I was right, Peter Bota, I know who you are. From now on with you ?? You can look forward to it.
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Old 05-13-2021, 07:33 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post

This is you, desperately hoping nothing happened.

No, information is good to you, if it's information you want to believe. But that's not how reality works. It's a fact that in the same time frame you posted that thread, AS went completely AWOL. It's also a fact that one of the apartments is no longer being used. The northern apartment. You know it if you've been there. Why do you think that is? Did the owner just suddenly want to stop making money for weeks at a time and give up an apartment that was actually ideal for an incall (first floor, corner, by the entrance)? You and the others can do mental gymnastics all you want. But it's clearly obvious the owner doesn't give two shits about security. Got busted twice and is still going forward. She's either really brave or inhumanly stupid. You can question the credibility of a poster all you want, but that doesn't change that AS got busted.

Uh, multiple officers can and do show up without it being made into news. You think every single incident in which multiple police officers are involved is worthy of making the news? That's your defense? "Well, I don't think, therefore it isn't!"? Nope. AS got busted. Plain and simple. If you don't want to believe me, that's on you.

If you want to tell someone to stop going to LA or Kfest, go ahead. But that doesn't change the fact that AS had LE activity surrounding it. The owner is a two time loser. No amount of hiding behind a join date or reputation here is going to cancel out the truth and actual events. I actually think you should get more involved with the scene and start really asking around and see what happened. The Dallas scene is all ultimately connected to each other in one way or another behind the scenes. That's why if you ask anyone behind the scenes, they will tell you that AS got hit.

Also, I think AS should continue to operate. How else do you think the owner will pay back all of the massive debt she owes? hahaha.
Nothing happened @ AS

Promotor LLC and little bitch hate kiss
And hate PB
so they tried to attack me and AS


only thing is y’all exposed yourself

Everybody knows y’all are some really fucked up people

Stop w the lies.
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Old 05-13-2021, 07:44 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by PeterBota View Post
Nothing happened @ AS

Promotor LLC and little bitch hate kiss
And hate PB
so they tried to attack me and AS


only thing is y’all exposed yourself

Everybody knows y’all are some really fucked up people

Stop w the lies.
Did you really know? I really got to know you... yeah from now on by action....
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Old 05-13-2021, 07:45 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Did you really know? I really got to know you... yeah from now on by action....
Peter Bota, your ID was exposed to me yesterday. I had a hard time acting.
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Old 05-13-2021, 08:12 AM   #72
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The incident of AS goes back about a month, right around to the time I described it. April 14th. But it was obvious people wanted to sweep it under the rug. So I just decided to let things slide. However, since Peter Bota is pushing so much about the truth, I decided to let out the truth. It is good for all of us to know what happened to a business that made it go radio silent so suddenly and without warning. Don't you think it's important to know that a business that already got hit once last year is getting hit again? If you don't want to believe it, fine by me. I agree about the efficiency, we should have discussed this back then, but you know what, better late than never, right?

The community should know that the owner of AS clearly does not give a damn about the safety of clients. Safety matters, Jayhawk. And all of the trash-talking aside, it is good for everyone to know as much as they can before making an informed decision about which studio or spa to visit.

"Am I saying that I don't think it's possible AS got busted though? No, because it could very well be possible." Thank you. It's up to you to think about the series of events surrounding AS and it's history and accept it or not. But saying "agenda" is not a proper defense to the reality that I'm pointing out.
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Old 05-13-2021, 08:30 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by PeterBota View Post
Nothing happened @ AS

Promotor LLC and little bitch hate kiss
And hate PB
so they tried to attack me and AS


only thing is y’all exposed yourself

Everybody knows y’all are some really fucked up people

Stop w the lies.

Kiss is continuing to operate a business that got hit twice. The timeline of events clearly points to it. She knows AS got hit. That's why she shut down the studio for a while then opened it again to wait for the heat to die down.

Kiss is running a business that got tagged twice now. Facts hurt.
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Old 05-13-2021, 08:41 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
Kiss is continuing to operate a business that got hit twice. The timeline of events clearly points to it. She knows AS got hit. That's why she shut down the studio for a while then opened it again to wait for the heat to die down.

Kiss is running a business that got tagged twice now. Facts hurt.
Promotor LLC

Please can you stop ?

You’re just pissing in the wind

Not a single person has trust in you anymore.

Hell I even liked you a few years ago.
Actually thought you were funny

But when your motives and intent were exposed

I and many members didn’t trust or like you anymore

And nail in the coffin

When you emailed and threatened a staff member with

Violent bodily injury

Your faith was sealed.

Ain’t nobody falling for this nonsense.

I’m pretty much done here.

I exposed you. The truth came out.

PB 1
Promoter PHO 0
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Old 05-13-2021, 08:56 AM   #75
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Oh, big run on toilet paper, paper products, and we’re running out of gas. You doomsday folks need to run out, stock up, and barricade yourself in your fortresses to guard against the government overthrow and rebellion that’s coming. Because our savior and god isn’t in office anymore to save us. (I just love the wannabes who know literally everything because they are so well-informed by unbiased news sources.)
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