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Old 05-11-2021, 07:38 PM   #31
Bald Bryan
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For real, how old are y'all?

Site a source for your claim or beat it.
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Old 05-11-2021, 08:11 PM   #32
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by PeterBota View Post
Yes I run AS

That is my stable….

Nothing happened

Biz as usual.

That is my competition

Promotor LLC.
Nothing happened says the guy who posted a complete bullshit post about getting pulled over by the Police after leaving Bali, for the expressed aim of fucking up Bali's business, because you were angry that the Owner of this Site ran advertising banners across this website. Nothing happened says the guy who posted that he was photographed in the parking lot at Blue, and sent a warning letter from the F.B.I.
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Old 05-11-2021, 08:28 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
1. Consequences : you get charged if you're unlucky enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

2. The consequences is privately having a record now.

Dude, you're telling people what they should be scared of when you JUST posted previously about how DPD doesn't arrest hobbyists (see below).

Originally Posted by Doom guy View Post
DPD doesn't arrest the hobbyists. Or the girls. Or even the mamasan. When a spa in Oklahoma got hit a few months back, there were no arrests made to any of the girls and even the mamasan got away scott-free. When Juju Bee got raided a few months ago, did anyone get arrested? nope.

Just because a place gets hit, doesn't mean there are going to be arrests.
You're all over the place here buddy. Starting to look like you have an agenda. Again, I have never been to AS, so it makes no difference to me whether or not it was raided.
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Old 05-11-2021, 08:30 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by howdy_booty View Post
Good Lord, What is it about the AMP board that spawns dumpster fires like this thread? This isn't even about an amp.

To the handles dead set on convincing everyone that the studio got "hit": you have to understand that claiming inside information with brand new handles is going to be met with suspicion in an environment rife with spas/studios constantly trying to backstab and smear each other, so be more forthcoming with your info and less pompous with your posts.

Also, if the "hit" won't show up on scanners or records and doesn't appear to impact operation, what exactly is the use of announcing it? There are two questions that should be answered if there is to be any value in this thread:

1. What are the consequences of the "hit" or "raid"? (ie: arrests, confiscation of assets, data compromise, etc.)

2. What is your proof that the consequences are true?

If you can't answer those, I have a third question: why are you hell-bent on convincing everyone that LE was at AS?
Very very very well said. I also find it hard to believe that the police wouldn't love to take the opportunity to get some good press out of this bust (like they seem to do with most of these kinds of busts).
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Old 05-11-2021, 08:38 PM   #35
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by Jayhawk328 View Post
Very very very well said. I also find it hard to believe that the police wouldn't love to take the opportunity to get some good press out of this bust (like they seem to do with most of these kinds of busts).
It was not a formal bust. It was a visit that resulted in AS ceasing operations. There is no ''good press'' to be had, there's no ''there'' there.

If this is difficult to understand, you don't know much about Police Operations.
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Old 05-11-2021, 08:53 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
If this is difficult to understand, you don't know much about Police Operations.
In other words, someone didn't get their protection money?
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Old 05-11-2021, 09:03 PM   #37
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by ketro View Post
In other words, someone didn't get their protection money?
My understanding is they had infiltrated AS days earlier, and had compiled enough evidence to pay a formal visit.

I knew of this a while back, but I'm opposed to posting info such as this. Unless there is an imminent threat, posting this kind of information is fruitless.

Asian Stars did not help themselves with their actions following the visit. The Handles that are quick to defend them, tell me all I need to know.
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Old 05-11-2021, 10:53 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Jayhawk328 View Post
Dude, you're telling people what they should be scared of when you JUST posted previously about how DPD doesn't arrest hobbyists (see below).

You're all over the place here buddy. Starting to look like you have an agenda. Again, I have never been to AS, so it makes no difference to me whether or not it was raided.

1. You're right. Hobbyists aren't generally arrested. If they know the cardinal rule of situations like this : To keep their mouths shut. Silence is golden. But tell me, you think the average goer knows this basic right? Nope. They're going to freak out and think "Oh shit, I got caught so I better just fess up and maybe I'll get let off the hook for at least coming clean." What happens then? Yes. They get arrested. You'll notice that in the examples I gave, I specifically cited spas, which offered the johns in my examples more protection because they have cameras out on the front, side and back doors.

2. An agenda? There's nothing agenda about saying a place got busted, which it did. That's a fact. The owner of AS knows this. The booker knows this. Anyone that was inside the apartment knows this. What I find humorous is the mental gymnastics everyone is trying to do to pretend this didn't happen. You can say "Agenda, agenda!" all you want. Doesn't change the fact that this happened. Just because it isn't as big a news as an AMP getting hit, doesn't mean it didn't happen, either.

W2H got busted. Owner decided to re-open under a different name. Then it got busted again. Owner decides to keep it going anyways. So you have a two-time loser now.

You're all free to think what you want to think. You can even try to imagine what would happen in the event of a bust, like thinking there's going to be a news fan and the apartment in question plastered all over the Dallas Morning News. I'm telling you, that might not be the case, but that doesn't change the fact that shit happens and it happened to this particular business twice now.

My PM is open so if you want more details.
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Old 05-11-2021, 10:59 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Jayhawk328 View Post
Very very very well said. I also find it hard to believe that the police wouldn't love to take the opportunity to get some good press out of this bust (like they seem to do with most of these kinds of busts).
You find it "hard to believe" because you want to believe the opposite. That is called confirmation bias. That's like watching only Fox News and thinking the Republican party is always right.

Just because something didn't go down the way you imagine it would have, doesn't change that something happened.

The only defense I see so far is "well it wasn't on the news..." And? You think every crime ever is going to make the news?
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Old 05-11-2021, 11:01 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Bald Bryan View Post
For real, how old are y'all?

Site a source for your claim or beat it.
You're the one that posted the thread about AS being unresponsive and trying to assure yourself everything was ok at the time.

AS got hit. And that is that. Does this change anything in the long run? Who knows. But isn't information good to know regardless?

Bravado doesn't work here.
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Old 05-11-2021, 11:48 PM   #41
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I saw 12 police cars that morning, proof? My eyes are proof
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Old 05-11-2021, 11:57 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
I saw 12 police cars that morning, proof? My eyes are proof
As a witness you need to have credibility, for some one just signed a couple days ago, your words are not that creditable.
just stating logic here, don't chew me out.
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Old 05-12-2021, 12:06 AM   #43
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You all think you know what happened, but you have no idea. Yes, AS was infiltrated...

by PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP who is carrying out OPERATION EYE OF THE STORM to ARREST THE GLOBAL ELITES who are hiding out in a suburban Dallas apartment! You thought he was gone...


These are the first arrests before the US military declares GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW and reveals all the VOTER FRAUD that Trump-appointed Republican judges dismissed as non-existent. All according to the plan. You can doubt it all you want, but I have my eye for proof.

My third-eye.
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Old 05-12-2021, 01:51 AM   #44
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Shut up.Are you talking about credibility on the subject of being the head of kis? as the dog? If these things are false, I'll go to the police station myself and check it out.if true, you're suing the bullshit AS promoter
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Old 05-12-2021, 01:53 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by johndoe663 View Post
As a witness you need to have credibility, for some one just signed a couple days ago, your words are not that creditable.
just stating logic here, don't chew me out.
Shut up.Are you talking about credibility on the subject of being the head of kis? as the dog? If these things are false, I'll go to the police station myself and check it out.if true, you're suing the bullshit AS promoter
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