Originally Posted by Rockydoc
What kind of escorting do you do at a volunteer clinic?
If it is the right kind, how do I volunteer, LOL.
If it is escorting patients, never mind. I do not want to see you badly enough to become a patient. I am sure, however, a beautiful woman like you will brighten up their day and help them to forget their ailments for a few minutes.
It's not quite as sexy as it sounds!

Our job is to escort ladies into the women's health clinic while shielding them from the harrasment that protesters on the street are dishing out.
Yesterday when I was leaving my shift, one of the protesters started screaming at me and asking how much the clinic pays me. I ignored him but when he pushed futher and said "I know how much that clinic pays you! They give you $1,000 per shift to help women commit infanticide!!" Since I was no longer in uniform I looked at him and said "I think you have me confused with the other kind of escort."