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Old 04-23-2021, 01:22 PM   #106
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When Republicans in DOJ, GA, AZ, etc., say "no widespread fraud" they mean much, much, MUCH less than 1M.

Just admit it, no matter what the facts, math, or evidence shows you will continue to shill for Trump. You have learned well from PT Trump: if you don't like something, call it fake; if you can't find things to prove your point, make up shit.

You should run for VP on his next ticket.
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Old 04-23-2021, 01:23 PM   #107
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APRIL 23, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

So many people would like to thank the brave and patriotic Republican State Senators from Arizona for the incredible job they are doing in exposing the large scale Voter Fraud which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. Their tireless efforts have led to a massive recount, ballot examination, and full forensic audit, undertaken by experts retained by the State Senate, with results to be announced within six weeks. The Democrats, upon hearing the news of the Court Order, have sent 73 lawyers to Arizona in an effort to stop this recount and full transparency because THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID! The Democrats are desperate for the FRAUD to remain concealed because, when revealed, the Great States of Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, New Hampshire, and the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, would be forced to complete the work already started. The Arizona recount and examination will be on live TV (OAN) for all to watch.

Why are the Democrats so desperate to stop this Election Fraud from being revealed? That answer is obvious! The Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, has been shockingly of zero help to the State Senate. He wants to “pretend” the election was free and fair. What are he and the Maricopa County Commissioners trying to hide? Our country needs the truth of the scam 2020 Election to be exposed. If it is not, just as if we have “no borders,” we cannot be a Great Nation. Honest elections are America’s Heart and Soul. We must never allow this to happen to our Great Country again. Thank you State Senators and others in Arizona for commencing this full forensic audit. I predict the results will be startling!

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Old 04-23-2021, 01:34 PM   #108
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Honest elections? What a BS comment from the people who do everything they can to deny people the right to vote.

Too bad there can't be a truly anti-partisan look at election rules and conduct--but you don't really want THAT, do you? No, you want to rig the rules blatantly in your favor, and if you still lose, then cry foul.

And don't forget: anyone who is drinks water within 24 hours of voting should have their ballot thrown out--water brainwashes people to vote Democrat, isn't that the essence of GA republican "logic"?
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Old 04-23-2021, 02:09 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Honest elections? What a BS comment from the people who do everything they can to deny people the right to vote.

Too bad there can't be a truly anti-partisan look at election rules and conduct--but you don't really want THAT, do you? No, you want to rig the rules blatantly in your favor, and if you still lose, then cry foul.

And don't forget: anyone who is drinks water within 24 hours of voting should have their ballot thrown out--water brainwashes people to vote Democrat, isn't that the essence of GA republican "logic"?
You’re obviously uninformed. But even a low information person like yourself can vote in this country. As long as you’re a citizen of this country and comply with your states voting laws.
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Old 04-23-2021, 02:48 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
APRIL 23, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Why are the Democrats so desperate to stop this Election Fraud from being revealed? That answer is obvious! The Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, has been shockingly of zero help to the State Senate. He wants to “pretend” the election was free and fair. What are he and the Maricopa County Commissioners trying to hide? Our country needs the truth of the scam 2020 Election to be exposed. If it is not, just as if we have “no borders,” we cannot be a Great Nation. Honest elections are America’s Heart and Soul. We must never allow this to happen to our Great Country again. Thank you State Senators and others in Arizona for commencing this full forensic audit. I predict the results will be startling!

Oh Please, Entire legions of old white republicans are either getting a chubby or getting wet at the mere thought of watching live this absurdity of political porn.

I'll repeat. There is no evidence and I don't believe there will be any evidence of any wide spread fraud in the 2020 election. Exactly how is anybody supposed to trust any results that come out of this extremely partisan process anyway.

Now that corporations are starting to dump the republican bandwagon, politicians need to make up the donation difference elsewhere. What better way do to so than placating the biases and conspiracy theories of the Republican base so as to keep the donations flowing to both Trump and the politicians sucking at the teat of Trumpism.
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Old 04-23-2021, 03:03 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Honest elections? What a BS comment from the people who do everything they can to deny people the right to vote.

Too bad there can't be a truly anti-partisan look at election rules and conduct--but you don't really want THAT, do you? No, you want to rig the rules blatantly in your favor, and if you still lose, then cry foul.

And don't forget: anyone who is drinks water within 24 hours of voting should have their ballot thrown out--water brainwashes people to vote Democrat, isn't that the essence of GA republican "logic"?


total nonsense. do you actually believe that requiring an ID to validate you as a registered voter is discriminatory? do you realize how racist that actually is? you are marginalizing minorities as incompetent, the very definition of racism.

isn't that funny? you, who constantly proclaim that your so-called intellect is so vastly superior to RRW's whatever that means are demeaning as useless and nonfunctional the very people you defend.


and even better, your water analogy has been in effect for years. all GA did was reinforce the already established practice of preventing political operatives of either party from providing water to voters waiting to vote.

i recall that cunt AOC claiming this was so cruel that you'd have dozens of minorities dying in line of thirst while waiting to vote. like they'd be there for a week with one sip or precious water. hilarious!
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Old 04-23-2021, 03:40 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
Oh Please, Entire legions of old white republicans are either getting a chubby or getting wet at the mere thought of watching live this absurdity of political porn.

I'll repeat. There is no evidence and I don't believe there will be any evidence of any wide spread fraud in the 2020 election. Exactly how is anybody supposed to trust any results that come out of this extremely partisan process anyway.

Now that corporations are starting to dump the republican bandwagon, politicians need to make up the donation difference elsewhere. What better way do to so than placating the biases and conspiracy theories of the Republican base so as to keep the donations flowing to both Trump and the politicians sucking at the teat of Trumpism.
There’s a lot of evidence with a lot more to come. Wether you like it or not.

Actually, people are dumping the corporations. Coke had to backpedal on their comments on Georgia’s election laws.their sales were tanking. So are ratings for professional sports. You’re really not up on things. But you’ve been hypnotized by the MSM. You buy their propaganda hook, line and sinker.
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Old 04-23-2021, 05:57 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
There’s a lot of evidence with a lot more to come. Wether you like it or not.
Please, post links to the evidence. I'm waiting!
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Old 04-23-2021, 06:10 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
Please, post links to the evidence. I'm waiting!
Look back thru this thread. I’ve posted it. But you’re a gullible hack that’s been programmed by the MSM. A Judge delayed the the audit in AZ. But he requested the Dems put up a $1 miilon bond. They didn’t. The audit resumed. What are the Dems trying to hide? If the election was legit, they shouldn’t be fighting so hard.


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Old 04-23-2021, 07:19 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Look back thru this thread. I’ve posted it. BAHAHAHAHA
You're full of it. Links to Parler, the Gateway Pundit, and other, even more ludicrous opinions, are not evidence.

By evidence, I mean something the courts would accept as a reason to reconsider the results.

Again, you're full of it.
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Old 04-23-2021, 07:44 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
You're full of it. Links to Parler, the Gateway Pundit, and other, even more ludicrous opinions, are not evidence.

By evidence, I mean something the courts would accept as a reason to reconsider the results.

Again, you're full of it.
You’re full of it because you can’t refute any of the articles.

Pssst, Pfunkdaddy, Parler isn’t a news agency. News agencies post their material there. Get that thru your thick head. But you can glean the news from the MSM. Who have lost all credibility.
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Old 04-23-2021, 07:47 PM   #117
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The only election fraud is from RUSSIAN HACKERS!
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Old 04-23-2021, 09:41 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Look back thru this thread. I’ve posted it. But you’re a gullible hack that’s been programmed by the MSM. A Judge delayed the the audit in AZ. But he requested the Dems put up a $1 miilon bond. They didn’t. The audit resumed. What are the Dems trying to hide? If the election was legit, they shouldn’t be fighting so hard.

This is poor reasoning. Democrats aren't hiding anything. When people say that they really mean why won't they let us litigate this forever and if we don't find anything that's ok we'll just make shit up.

The Democrats wouldn't be fighting so hard if Donald Trump and his acolytes weren't trying to subvert American democracy.

They don't call it "The Big Lie" for nothing. Donald Trump lost the election, Period.. Down ballot Republicans did better than expected. If Democrats really wanted to fix the election they would have created a situation where they would have won way more Senate elections than they did. You just can't believe that Trump pissed off so many independents that he could lose when others won.

Face it. Donald Trump did more to divide our country than Barack Obama, George Bush or Hillary Clinton ever did and people hate him for it.
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Old 04-23-2021, 09:56 PM   #119
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A voter registration card is all one needs to vote. Period!
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Old 04-23-2021, 10:24 PM   #120
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Just text 1-800 VOTE NOW
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