Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
And, Major did the same before.
What amused me that time is that the SS guy failed to understand that Major is the last line of defense for his family. That's any dog's job. You would think a security guy would know that. It's supposed to be in the training.
This time around, once again, an idiot got in the dogs space.
Need to figure out how to make a Taser operable by a dog. I would think the animal would drain the batteries quickly. Oh, a human idiot, zap, another, zap, in my space, zap, getting to close to adopted dad, zap, coming into the house without mom or dad, zap, geeze we're on a walk leave us alone, zap, another, damn the batteries are empty.
Besides, human idiots have a wierd taste.
Back to reality...
The secret service should add the dogs to their staff. /s
zap zap lol-- I like this idea! lmao
Hope Alyssa sees your post!