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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 03-24-2021, 10:33 PM   #1
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Default Is Cash really King?

Cash has always been preferred to take care of hobby expenses to avoid any paper trails checks or credit cards leave.

Watched an old Alfred Hitchcock show from the 50s last night that got me wondering. Basically a bank officer killed another banker dealing in some shady bank double cross. The Killer thought he did a perfect crime and would never get caught. He stole a large amount of money, all in brand new C-notes. He thought he safely stashed them away in another secret bank account he created in another State.

Police were called in and doing basic LE work back in the 50s were able to catch the killer and recover all the missing money. All LE did was track the C-note serial numbers that all banks and the Fed bank record when money is transferred from US Treasury to banks in the USA. Since these were all freshly issued brand new bills it was easy. LE then got the serial numbers and did a search for those bills which all turned up in another State where the killer deposited them, with dates etc. This was all done way before computers, etc., were around. Guess that bank worker wasn't that bright and should have known this. Well LE pulls him in for questioning and he falls apart and confesses when LE shows all the evidence that had on him.

Flash to today with computers and who knows what else they have to track every penny we spend. Say you see your fav sp, hit an AMP or massage parlor. First you hit your ATM draw out some brand new bills you hand to your provider for services rendered. Then a couple days later you read in the newspaper she or the AMP, or MP was raided and Thousands of dollars were confiscated there, with an investigation underway.

Is this just being unduly paranoid or is there a possibility LE may call you in to explain how money you withdrew, with the serial numbers ABC, from your bank ATM, were found to match money seized, ABC, from a sp, AMP, MP that was just busted?
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Old 03-25-2021, 01:20 AM   #2
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never happen, if they really cared, they would use your cell phone. you are talking about looking for people to arrest and give $750 tickets to, while using thousands of man hours and detective work that has so many legal variables, no jury would convict

An easy way to bust a large number of John's would be to subpoena the isp's the users on a whoreboard brag about the time and place they did their deeds, has all the self incriminating words typed directly by the criminals.

I'd seriously keep encounters across state lines a secret, the FBI would be involved and they have an endless budget

Reminds me of a joke i told my buddy today at work about our registered sex offender co-worker recently hired.... he plead guilty to looking at little peepee's because the punishment was less than to explain those popups occured while illegally downloading music at $1,000 a piece fine.
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Old 03-25-2021, 03:40 PM   #3
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Well burner phones solved the cell phone issue.

Remember this is the PC age. Don't need thousands of man hours and detective work anymore. Banks have machines that count large withdrawals for you in seconds. Wouldn't be surprised if they now have machines that can auto-scan the bills serial numbers just as quickly if you stick a stack of them in the machine.

So they seize several thousand dollars from a sp, MP or AMP. Run their serial numbers through a scanner. Then email this data to Treasury who provides them with a complete history of where those bills have been along with dates. Treasury reports some of the newly printed bills all in numerical sequence, went from Treasury to, say a Bank of America ATM and exactly who withdrew them, complete with person's pic and on what date, say a couple weeks ago. Then these same bills are next found in said bust above.

Gotta love technology.....
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Old 03-25-2021, 05:24 PM   #4
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If you're that paranoid, withdraw large bills, and change them for small at the drive through, grocery store, whatever. Or vice-versa, small for large. The drawers the tellers use don't scan shit.
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Old 03-25-2021, 07:11 PM   #5
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You're just paranoid.
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Old 03-25-2021, 10:26 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by LNK View Post
The drawers the tellers use don't scan shit.
Agree and was not concerned about tellers at all.
The concern lies with LE doing the bill scans, then asking Treasury for a data report/history on where these newly printed bills all in numerical sequence they seized in a bust have been, which could easily be tracked to you.

You have to admit things are just get more and more intrusive lately. You can't even buy a new car with cash easily. Dealerships say Government requires extra forms/papers be filled out for a cash deal, due to them fearing you may be using laundered/dirty money to purchase your new car.
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Old 03-26-2021, 11:41 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Zollner View Post
Cash has always been preferred to take care of hobby expenses to avoid any paper trails checks or credit cards leave.

Watched an old Alfred Hitchcock show from the 50s last night that got me wondering. Basically a bank officer killed another banker dealing in some shady bank double cross. The Killer thought he did a perfect crime and would never get caught. He stole a large amount of money, all in brand new C-notes. He thought he safely stashed them away in another secret bank account he created in another State.

Police were called in and doing basic LE work back in the 50s were able to catch the killer and recover all the missing money. All LE did was track the C-note serial numbers that all banks and the Fed bank record when money is transferred from US Treasury to banks in the USA. Since these were all freshly issued brand new bills it was easy. LE then got the serial numbers and did a search for those bills which all turned up in another State where the killer deposited them, with dates etc. This was all done way before computers, etc., were around. Guess that bank worker wasn't that bright and should have known this. Well LE pulls him in for questioning and he falls apart and confesses when LE shows all the evidence that had on him.

Flash to today with computers and who knows what else they have to track every penny we spend. Say you see your fav sp, hit an AMP or massage parlor. First you hit your ATM draw out some brand new bills you hand to your provider for services rendered. Then a couple days later you read in the newspaper she or the AMP, or MP was raided and Thousands of dollars were confiscated there, with an investigation underway.

Is this just being unduly paranoid or is there a possibility LE may call you in to explain how money you withdrew, with the serial numbers ABC, from your bank ATM, were found to match money seized, ABC, from a sp, AMP, MP that was just busted?
You have been watching too much television. One can never learn anything of value from Hollywood.

Yes money has serial numbers that can be traced. Take it all of a casino for chips and play a little - then turn in the chips to a different teller for different money. If you have a lot of bills, do this at several locations. Problem solved.
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Old 03-26-2021, 10:27 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Yes money has serial numbers that can be traced. Take it all of a casino for chips and play a little - then turn in the chips to a different teller for different money. If you have a lot of bills, do this at several locations. Problem solved.
Actually I used to do this all the time when going to Canada minutes away. It was very easy, fast and convenient. With the borders closed now for over a year, that option is gone. Hope borders open up soon.
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Old 03-31-2021, 10:44 AM   #9
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Yes till its outlawed by the banks
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Old 03-31-2021, 10:19 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Yes till its outlawed by the banks
Could you be any more ridiculous rex?
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Old 04-02-2021, 06:15 AM   #11
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No. Elvis is king.
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Old 04-04-2021, 02:02 AM   #12
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Old 04-04-2021, 04:59 PM   #13
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Just get cash back at grocery stores in $20 bills. I doubt they record any serial numbers.

Of course you risk getting shot by lunatics with guns

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Old 04-19-2021, 11:37 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by bf0082 View Post
never happen, if they really cared, they would use your cell phone. you are talking about looking for people to arrest and give $750 tickets to, while using thousands of man hours and detective work that has so many legal variables, no jury would convict

An easy way to bust a large number of John's would be to subpoena the isp's the users on a whoreboard brag about the time and place they did their deeds, has all the self incriminating words typed directly by the criminals.

I'd seriously keep encounters across state lines a secret, the FBI would be involved and they have an endless budget

Reminds me of a joke i told my buddy today at work about our registered sex offender co-worker recently hired.... he plead guilty to looking at little peepee's because the punishment was less than to explain those popups occured while illegally downloading music at $1,000 a piece fine.

is that new hire a very tall pompous idiot? Sounds like some bullshit I knew a creep who got busted from my high school years ago would say.
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