Originally Posted by WTF
Nobody said a cop's job is not difficult....but do not confuse a bad cop with cop's having difficult jobs.
That is wtf seems to confuse you Trump lovers!
Sorry, but you just do not understand. You are not in command of anything you do in public, at home in your own house is different. When you are in public, you must conform - or feel the consequences! The people that society have put in command have the authority and the ability to make your life uncomfortable.
So listen up, obey or feel the whip of retribution.
When you talk to a cop, a judge or the military for that matter. They are in command, not you. So be respectful of the office they hold. Respect is expected, and demanded.
If a cop stops you for anything, and you are driving: put the overhead light on, roll down the window on the driver's side, and put your hands on the steering wheel. When the officer approaches the window, address him as
SIR because he deserves it.
If you don't know why you were stopped, You may ask: "Officer, SIR, I know I was not speeding and there are no stop lights, or stop signs that have been passed: may I ask why I was stopped?" That works a lot better than: Ho you piece of shit, I did noten, so you can't stop me. Not recommended.
You really have been watching too much UTUBE!