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Old 03-17-2021, 06:16 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
so you are implying that voting fuckery occurred in Harris County? i dunno, i have a pretty good nose for fuckery. do you have some evidence sir..
I honestly don't know if any fuckery went on in Harris county. I think the Blue wave that hit HC due to Beto mania was probably legit but now the Dems will do whatever they can to hold that power especially knowing they have a incredibly weak County judge and a DA hell bent on letting violent criminals back out on the street while they pursue and try to bankrupt a Dr for giving out a dozen or so vaccines that were about to expire.

The evidence was there in other jurisdictions but it wasn't looked at because the courts didn't have the balls to look at it citing standing or worse, laches. As the Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice said: “There are numerous (election) problems that will be repeated again and again, until this court has the courage to correct them.”
^^^^That's a big problem.

Personally I've watched election night returns for over 3 decades. I've never seen vote tabulation stop the way it did this last election. Just so happens it stopped in all the swing states. They tried in Fairfax county VA but someone somewhere(AG maybe) put a stop to it and the tabulations restarted an hour or so later. Even some FL counties stopped reporting for a brief time. I told my family about 9:00 pm that I thought there was fuckery going on. I went to bed around midnight with Trump having a solid lead in MI only to wake up 5 hours later to hear it was gone due to hundreds of thousands of ballots dropped off after midnight that were counted in secret basically. Add to that that all but one of the bell weather counties in the country went to Trump yet he lost. That hasn't happened in like forever.

Was there fuckery? Maybe, maybe not but the optics aren't good and without election integrity we won't ever have a unified country. The Dems know this so that's why they are pushing so hard to put an end to the Republican party and conservative voices. If we speak out about not being comfortable with what we saw on election night and in the days after as more and more ballots were dropped off then we are de-platformed, cancelled, labeled racist, terrorist, radical, whatever.

Why do we need a takeover of the election process by the federal government like is in HR1? Is that not fuckery? Why not let the states do their constitutional duty? All Texas wants to do is strengthen the integrity of the vote. If there is any suppression going on it is to simply suppress illegal votes.

What's wrong with voter ID? I mean seriously, who doesn't have ID? Illegals? There were thousands of volunteers willing to pick up millions of ballots and drop them off. How about those volunteers go door to door and simply help get people registered and then take them to the polls so they can cast their vote in person. Mail in ballots should be reserved for those who can prove that they physically can't go to the polls. Hell, All of our polling places had poll workers bringing tablets to people who couldn't, or wouldn't, get out of their vehicles. I'm cool with that if they have a legitimate handicap and the tablets are secure.

Covid was an excuse. I went to vote. I stood in line with my mask on at a socially safe distance. Can you show me any evidence that in person voting was a super spreader event? Fauci said it was safe to vote yet certain counties and states changed their election laws without proper legislative process at the last minute to accommodate all those unsolicited mailed ballots and then, once again, the court dismissed citing standing or laches.

I don't know PX, based on what I'm telling you I saw, and what is going on still, do you think I have any reason to think there might have been some fuckery going on or am I just making shit up because I'm a sore loser?
What's worse, the appearance of election fraud or the cleaning up of a system so that election fraud is more difficult?

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Old 03-18-2021, 03:37 AM   #17
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Good post.

The problem as I see it is do we live in a democracy or not? If we do, then every eligible voter-under the Constitution, governing caselaw, and federal law (which trumps state law in this case)-should be able to vote. Election day isn't a federal holiday. There are people, usually down on the lower rungs of society, who literally cannot go to the polls in person on election day without getting fired, risking injury to a family member such as by a caregiver, getting covid, being homebound, and so on. Things like early voting, vote by mail, absentee voting (not sure how this is different from vote by mail), a neighbor picking up a ballot for an invalid, etc. are adaptations to these realities that try to be as inclusive as possible for individuals who are eligible to vote but have extenuating circumstances that make it hard for them to show up in person on election day.

Democracy is rule by the people. Technically, we actually have a democratic republic, where the people vote for their representatives who do the actual governing. The people get to exert their will mainly through the act of voting. That is the system that the founding fathers established 232 years ago.

If that system is a good one, then every eligible voter should not only have the right to vote, but the ability to actually vote. If you're a company CEO, such as yourself if I'm correct, you can hand the reins to the CFO or whomever while you go vote. If you're a dishwasher in the same company, you may get fired for doing the exact same thing. So to effectuate the intention of the founders, we need to figure out how practically we can make sure that that dishwasher not only has a right to vote, but actually can vote.

This business about vote by mail, which Trump did himself several times, leading to automatic fraud is simply unsupported by the evidence. Of course you know as well as I-you seem to have some legal training or maybe self-taught-what a wonderful thing discovery is. Discovery is a super powerful tool for arriving at the facts. "Let me see every email you've sent in the last 365 days relating to the point at issue." Trump's 50 or so lawsuits alleging fraud in vote by mail failed not because of bias, but because his lawyers, who were entitled to the same rights of discovery as the defendants, simply could not find any evidence, even with the powerful tools of discovery, that fraud had occurred. At some point you have to ask, as in that old Wendy's commercial, "Where's the beef?" And not only every Democratic judge but also ever single Republican judge, including some who Trump himself appointed, who heard Trump's case failed to find "the beef" anywhere in Trump's claims because there simply wasn't any. In fact, some of the very same lawyers are in danger of losing their law licenses because their suits on behalf of Trump were, in a word, frivolous. (Trump has a way of fucking his colleagues and subordinates-throwing them under the bus whenever they become inconvenient-that is it's own kind of legendary talent..)

So if you support the concept of a democratic republic that the founders created 232 years ago, then we need every single eligible voter to not only have the theoretical right to vote but the practical efficacy to be able to actually vote. So these expanded voting options are a good thing, because they turn a theoretical right into an actual opportunity to participate in democracy, subject to the same rigorous oversight that in person voting on election day has today to ensure that dead people aren't voting, John Smith isn't voting three times, and so on. I am in full favor of prosecution for those who knowingly and intentionally send in two vote by mail ballots, just as I would for John Q. Public voting twice in person on election day.

If, however, you want only some of the eligible voters to be able to actually vote, then you are not in favor of our democratic republic, you are in favor of oligarchy, where some people are "more equal" than others. If that's the case, then just argue we should scrap the current system that has worked for 232 years and replace it with an oligarchy, instead of beating around the bush with all this "mail in voter fraud," which is nothing more than a red herring.

What Abbott is trying to do to Houston voters, making it harder for any of us, not just folks at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder, to exercise suffrage as guaranteed by the Constitution, is nothing short of heinous. I had no opinion of him before the polar vortex hit Houston, and now this. When he comes up for reelection, I will spend whatever I can afford to make sure this clown gets booted out of the governorship and never returns. HR-1 simply enshrines by federal statute that fuckery such as Abbott's cannot stand.

By the way, I usually post from my cell phone, which is why I never capitalize etc. (Auto-correct drives me absolutely bonkers lol.) This time I posted from my laptop, in case you may have thought I went and plagiarized my post. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least I am honest, and don't pass off other people's ideas as my own. (But if you cite the source, then it's called research, and you can eventually get a Ph.D. doing that for long enough..)
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Old 03-18-2021, 06:45 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
Good post.

The problem as I see it is do we live in a democracy or not? If we do, then every eligible voter-under the Constitution, governing caselaw, and federal law (which trumps state law in this case)-should be able to vote. Election day isn't a federal holiday. There are people, usually down on the lower rungs of society, who literally cannot go to the polls in person on election day without getting fired, risking injury to a family member such as by a caregiver, getting covid, being homebound, and so on. Things like early voting, vote by mail, absentee voting (not sure how this is different from vote by mail), a neighbor picking up a ballot for an invalid, etc. are adaptations to these realities that try to be as inclusive as possible for individuals who are eligible to vote but have extenuating circumstances that make it hard for them to show up in person on election day.
Every "eligible" voter. Yes!

Fauci said it was safe to vote in person. I mean he's the closest thing we have to a Covid God isn't he. Are you disputing his "science" now?

Polls aren't open only from 8-5 so there's that. If someone can prove a legitimate reason that they can't get to the polls then they can request a mail in ballot. Sending them out unrequested is a recipe for fraud. They cannot be accounted for.
If volunteers can go out and collect all those ballots they can certainly go out and collect the few people who can't legitimately get to the polls on their own and take them there.
Oh, and then there's this: Texas Election Code, Section 276.004.

Democracy is rule by the people. Technically, we actually have a democratic republic, where the people vote for their representatives who do the actual governing. The people get to exert their will mainly through the act of voting. That is the system that the founding fathers established 232 years ago.
Thanks for the civics lesson. LOL

If that system is a good one, then every eligible voter should not only have the right to vote, but the ability to actually vote. If you're a company CEO, such as yourself if I'm correct, you can hand the reins to the CFO or whomever while you go vote. If you're a dishwasher in the same company, you may get fired for doing the exact same thing. So to effectuate the intention of the founders, we need to figure out how practically we can make sure that that dishwasher not only has a right to vote, but actually can vote.
I'll repeat. Polls are not only open from 8-5. I vote on my time either after work or on the weekend. Last time it was on the weekend. My employees have ample time to vote but if that was impossible then I would expect that they would have to give a legit reason, kind of like asking to be excused from jury duty, and be able to request a mail in ballot. This isn't rocket science.
Oh, and then there's this: Texas Election Code, Section 276.004.

This business about vote by mail, which Trump did himself several times, leading to automatic fraud is simply unsupported by the evidence. Of course you know as well as I-you seem to have some legal training or maybe self-taught-what a wonderful thing discovery is. Discovery is a super powerful tool for arriving at the facts. "Let me see every email you've sent in the last 365 days relating to the point at issue." Trump's 50 or so lawsuits alleging fraud in vote by mail failed not because of bias, but because his lawyers, who were entitled to the same rights of discovery as the defendants, simply could not find any evidence, even with the powerful tools of discovery, that fraud had occurred. At some point you have to ask, as in that old Wendy's commercial, "Where's the beef?" And not only every Democratic judge but also ever single Republican judge, including some who Trump himself appointed, who heard Trump's case failed to find "the beef" anywhere in Trump's claims because there simply wasn't any. In fact, some of the very same lawyers are in danger of losing their law licenses because their suits on behalf of Trump were, in a word, frivolous. (Trump has a way of fucking his colleagues and subordinates-throwing them under the bus whenever they become inconvenient-that is it's own kind of legendary talent..)
The "courts" with the exception of Wisconsin's Supreme court refused to even hear any evidence despite there being thousands of affidavits. The "courts", as Wisconsin's Chief Justice said, didn't have the courage to take it on. They cited lack of standing or laches as a cop out. To say there was no evidence and there is not reason to believe that any shenanigans went on is not accepting the reality that the appearance of millions of ballots being dropped off in the middle of the night and then counted after poll watchers went home is somehow "normal" and acceptable. Furthermore to raise questions is unpatriotic in some way.

Dems love to cite how well European countries do things. Fact: The majority of EU countries don't allow mail in voting and of those that do the majority of them require photo ID to get one. They've already learned that mail in voting is a recipe for shenanigans. Real or imagined it doesn't matter. The vote must have integrity. Most EU countries have figured this out and conduct their elections in an orderly and transparent fashion.
Just as important as it is for every eligible voter to be able to vote is that the vote is counted with full transparency. One without the other is not democratic. So to answer your original question, no it doesn't appear we live in a democracy, it appears we live in fucking Belarus.

So if you support the concept of a democratic republic that the founders created 232 years ago, then we need every single eligible voter to not only have the theoretical right to vote but the practical efficacy to be able to actually vote. So these expanded voting options are a good thing, because they turn a theoretical right into an actual opportunity to participate in democracy, subject to the same rigorous oversight that in person voting on election day has today to ensure that dead people aren't voting, John Smith isn't voting three times, and so on. I am in full favor of prosecution for those who knowingly and intentionally send in two vote by mail ballots, just as I would for John Q. Public voting twice in person on election day.
I support full transparency in our elections as I'm sure the founders would. Expanding voting as HR1 would raises more questions about the legitimacy of the vote. That is not a good thing. Every vote from now on will be contested and battled out in courts for weeks or months if this is allowed to happen. John Smith voting three times has always been an issue and that has been investigated when it can be proven. That's not what's at issue. We know that's going to happen. What we can't have is millions of mail in ballots sent out unsolicited through a delivery system that has no accountability to unknown recipients who don't have show any proof of your precious "eligibility", no chain of custody and tabulations without responsible, bipartisan oversight and transparency.

If, however, you want only some of the eligible voters to be able to actually vote, then you are not in favor of our democratic republic, you are in favor of oligarchy, where some people are "more equal" than others. If that's the case, then just argue we should scrap the current system that has worked for 232 years and replace it with an oligarchy, instead of beating around the bush with all this "mail in voter fraud," which is nothing more than a red herring.

What Abbott is trying to do to Houston voters, making it harder for any of us, not just folks at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder, to exercise suffrage as guaranteed by the Constitution, is nothing short of heinous. I had no opinion of him before the polar vortex hit Houston, and now this. When he comes up for reelection, I will spend whatever I can afford to make sure this clown gets booted out of the governorship and never returns. HR-1 simply enshrines by federal statute that fuckery such as Abbott's cannot stand.

By the way, I usually post from my cell phone, which is why I never capitalize etc. (Auto-correct drives me absolutely bonkers lol.) This time I posted from my laptop, in case you may have thought I went and plagiarized my post. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least I am honest, and don't pass off other people's ideas as my own. (But if you cite the source, then it's called research, and you can eventually get a Ph.D. doing that for long enough..)

Texas is doing nothing more than it's constitutional duty to ensure that our elections are free and fair to all eligible voters while maintaining transparency and integrity. Because without that we appear to be fucking Belarus.
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Old 03-18-2021, 01:04 PM   #19
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Argue all you want about GOP vs. Dems. motives. Restricting the ability to vote by cutting off absentee ballots is a poor choice until you change the process. Controlling the validity of voting is key, no doubt, but If you think we will continue to go somewhere and stand in a line to vote in the future, you're blind to technology and everything online. It's one of the most archaic processes. My business that has accepted cash, money orders, checks, credit cards, etc over the years is 100% online payments now. We will be voting via iPhone app in the future.
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Old 03-18-2021, 01:49 PM   #20
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^^i agree sir.

Boardman, i wasn't trying to give you a civics lesson. i knew you know we live in a democratic republic, but others who might read the thread might not get the difference between a true democracy, e.g. ancient Athens, and a democratic republic, such as ours.
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Old 03-27-2021, 04:09 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
What's your point?
It's blunt, at best.

I don't watch Clinton News Network, so I caint say.
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Old 03-28-2021, 05:28 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
The problem as I see it is do we live in a democracy or not? If we do, then every eligible voter-under the Constitution, governing caselaw, and federal law (which trumps state law in this case)-should be able to vote.
The only ones whining about that being prevented are the loonaticks who want INELIGIBLE voters to participate in elections and THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN is to install a system that cannot verify they are "eligible" to vote.

That's what HR1 does and the "undocumented" aliens being ADMITTED into the country with a "covid" check and airfare!

Please do not cloud the reality with fake news.
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Old 03-28-2021, 07:39 AM   #23
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They caint help themselves.
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Old 03-28-2021, 10:34 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by targaman85 View Post
Restricting the ability to vote by cutting off absentee ballots is a poor choice ....
Do you know any persons or groups advocating such?

That reminds me of people who label "global warming" as being caused by the modernization of human beings. They come from the same batch of political "thinkers" and conversely the modernization by human beings is therefore causing "global warming"!

Both are driven by political agendas.

Just to be clear: Unverified ballot box mass mailings are NOT "ABSENTEE BALLOTS"!


If one wants to determine the value of NONVERIFIED VOTING ... make sure to catch the next Presidential Press Conference "live" ... start looking around May 2021.
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Old 03-28-2021, 01:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
The only ones whining about that being prevented are the loonaticks who want INELIGIBLE voters to participate in elections and THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN is to install a system that cannot verify they are "eligible" to vote.

That's what HR1 does and the "undocumented" aliens being ADMITTED into the country with a "covid" check and airfare!

Please do not cloud the reality with fake news.
Can you show any proof all of this illegal voting took place? Trump lost 70+ court cases and many Judges were Republicans and even appointed by Trump. I am sure you will come up with one or two red herrings and say the vote was stolen and we need to keep people from voting. That is such bullshit that inelegible voters can vote.

This type of behavior and ridiculousness will kill Democracy. You only want white people to vote. Btw, I am a rich old white guy that owns a business but cares more about his country than a political party. I don't believe in cults, if the dems fuck up or do something stupid I accept it and will call it out. We are turning into a banana republic by going after the press, voters and trying to overthrow elections. Many people in this country want a dictator or want to see the government overthrown. It's going to happen. Just giving my thoughts , I am not going to spend my time debating Qanon conspiracy theory believers, flat earthers or people that watch Alex Jones which mostly make up this forum.

This amount of insanity will bring down our country and we have greatly lost our world influence , power and no one trusts the U.S. anymore. We need allies and the ability to trade. We need immigrants coming in to start companies like Apple , Google and a million more but populism wants to put dumbasses in charge.

Good luck.
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Old 03-28-2021, 01:30 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by FrankZappa View Post
Can you show any proof all of this illegal voting took place?
Do you intentionally restrict your question?

Or was it poor question structuring?

If you had 50+ million votes cast without any ability to verify if the person #1 was living in the voting precinct, #2 was registered to vote, #3 was legally qualified to vote, was of age to vote, and/or was alive, how would one be able to "show" such without being able to examine and verify them.

Why is it that votes in 2000 could be examined, but not in 2020?

When I voted I was asked to present my legal ID, which was compared to the registration list, and sign a document that I was the one voting before I was given an assigned number to insert when casting the votes in the machine .... and that PROVED:

#1 was living in the voting precinct, #2 was registered to vote, #3 was legally qualified to vote, was of age to vote, and was alive,
That's what grownups do.
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Old 03-28-2021, 01:38 PM   #27
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Fauci said it was safe to vote in person. I mean he's the closest thing we have to a Covid God isn't he. Are you disputing his "science" now?
Boardman .... I hope the above was (and is) sarcasm.

If you haven't, please do some exploration on "Fauci" and the Chinese "cell research" from which the "Covid" was spawned. For a start ... begin around 2014 when the Obaminable Administration (which included the current demented-President) abandoned the research project at the now infamous lab by withholding U.S. taxpayer funds on the basis that IT WAS UNSAFE. "Fauci" (I call him Faki!) entered the financial picture in late 2016 to 2017 with his funding vehicle .... so early last year he was FULLY informed about his investment and the source of the "little problem" he was describing.

Why would one who had millions/billions invested in the research have wonderous comments about how safe it was?
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Old 03-28-2021, 02:29 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

That's what grownups do.
Lie. Everyone knows that Demoturds are not grownups...
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Old 03-29-2021, 03:27 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Boardman .... I hope the above was (and is) sarcasm.

If you haven't, please do some exploration on "Fauci" and the Chinese "cell research" from which the "Covid" was spawned. For a start ... begin around 2014 when the Obaminable Administration (which included the current demented-President) abandoned the research project at the now infamous lab by withholding U.S. taxpayer funds on the basis that IT WAS UNSAFE. "Fauci" (I call him Faki!) entered the financial picture in late 2016 to 2017 with his funding vehicle .... so early last year he was FULLY informed about his investment and the source of the "little problem" he was describing.

Why would one who had millions/billions invested in the research have wonderous comments about how safe it was?
Yeah, I forgot the sarcasm font...my bad
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Old 04-02-2021, 02:54 AM   #30
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Default American Airlines Throws Down the Gauntlet..


Gov Abbott and his cronies need to be cancelled. every houstonian should be furious, regardless of party.

#boycotttexas (yes i know; i'm shocked i said it too; that's how bad it is.)
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