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Encounters - Strip Club - Wichita and Kansas Have you experienced an intimate encounter you wish to share with the rest of the community? This is where it’s done. The review “template” includes fields for the more basic information regarding your encounter and you can elaborate the details of your encounter more thoroughly in “The Rest of the Story” field which is a private section only visible to Premium Access members of this board. Premium access is granted at staff discretion for review submissions, and 6 weeks credit is given per review. Details can be found by clicking the Premium Access tab at the top of every page

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Old 03-05-2021, 06:33 AM   #1
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Default Three afternoons at the bird

A couple of weeks ago my SB in Lawrence blew me off so I stopped by the bird to spend her allowance. Looked like it was going to be the usual situation where me and my two thousand bucks get zero attention. The waitress as usual was very cute and I tipped her 5 everytime I got a drink. There was a very thick blonde dancing (slowly walking around the pole wishing all the guys would suddenly start liking fat girls and start throwing money)
Then Shea (sp?) came over and started talking, Shea has been there since at least the civil war and seems sweet but for some reason has never liked me. Turns out she was just holding the other girls off for cocoa, who showed up in a minute. Cocoa was very friendly and things were headed towards a pants off dance off. I got her work schedule and phone number. I had a work thing and had to leave but still gave her a handfull of cash for the short time we hung out.
There were a few not so great girls working, and one or two ok girls.

Next trip, I had txt cocoa a few times with no reply, she’s not working I guess, , Shea is back to ignoring me which is fine with me. I’m getting the usual cold shoulder from the dancers but the waitress is nice to me. I tip her from a 2 inch thick wad of hundreds and twenties hoping she will spread the word. A stunning, beautiful, thin brunette is working and comes out of the VIP, she heads straight for the bathroom and spends the next 45 minutes in there. Finally she comes out, goes straight to an empty spot at the bar and orders a drink and steals a few fries from one of the chunky dancers eating at the bar like she hadn’t seen food in a month. The lovely brunette spends about 15 minutes bullshitting at the bar with the bartender then goes up for her dances, she doesn’t really dance but an older gentleman talked to her most of her set while she sat on the stage. After 3 “dances” ie sitting on the stage talking, she goes to the locker room and disappears.

Last trip was another afternoon SB couldn’t get her shit together and I still can’t get cocoa to txt me back and it’s her work day but she’s not there again. Shea is ignoring me and the fat blonde looks even fatter. The stunning brunette is there but is sitting at a table with a guy and another dancer. I ordered a drink, tipped the cute waitress a fiver and sit by myself for about an hour, the waitress brings me another and I tip another fiver and she smiles and lifts her shirt up and shows me a really lovely set of titties. God bless her for that. Three trips to the bird to see the waitresses tittiies. That’s winning for me at the bird.
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Old 03-05-2021, 06:54 AM   #2
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Juan, what a disappointment. How does the place stay open? How do the dancers make any money not talking to customers?
Thanks for the information. Stay safe man!
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Old 03-05-2021, 10:30 AM   #3
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Why do you keep going back?

The only reason I ever went was because a friend was dancing there. I'd sit with her and her friends for hours, occasionally buying her a drink or some food, but generally not spending money. Basically they just wait for that one regular who comes in and spends a couple of hundred on them. They don't want to risk their regular coming in and seeing them sitting with another guy -- they get offended and may leave, or stop seeing them altogether. They juggle regulars across days.

I know some of them have been working there for years, so they have to make enough to warrant it. My friend quit after a couple of months -- she says she makes a less money overall at her new job, but it's a better environment and more reliable.
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Old 03-06-2021, 07:29 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by KCQuestor View Post
Why do you keep going back?

The only reason I ever went was because a friend was dancing there. I'd sit with her and her friends for hours, occasionally buying her a drink or some food, but generally not spending money. Basically they just wait for that one regular who comes in and spends a couple of hundred on them. They don't want to risk their regular coming in and seeing them sitting with another guy -- they get offended and may leave, or stop seeing them altogether. They juggle regulars across days.

I know some of them have been working there for years, so they have to make enough to warrant it. My friend quit after a couple of months -- she says she makes a less money overall at her new job, but it's a better environment and more reliable.
I hear you brother , it’s like pizza, even bad pizza is still pretty good pizza.
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Old 03-06-2021, 12:47 PM   #5
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If you want, you can give me a couple thousand dollars and I’ll ignore you! I’m just kidding man. Sounds like you need to quit going with that place.
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Old 03-06-2021, 04:55 PM   #6
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So interesting. I never had a problem getting attention there.
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Old 03-19-2021, 10:46 AM   #7
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Juan. Cocoa is now at Baby Dolls in Topeka on day shift. I am not sure if she can give as good a dance there, as she did at the Bird. She got into a fight with Jamie a few weeks ago. Appearently it was a good one. Sorry I missed it. Chasing each other, throwing strippers shoes, jumping on each other and screaming. Probably the most excitement in that place in years. Lol
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Old 03-19-2021, 07:41 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by TailHooked View Post
Juan. Cocoa is now at Baby Dolls in Topeka on day shift. I am not sure if she can give as good a dance there, as she did at the Bird. She got into a fight with Jamie a few weeks ago. Appearently it was a good one. Sorry I missed it. Chasing each other, throwing strippers shoes, jumping on each other and screaming. Probably the most excitement in that place in years. Lol
Thanks for the info, sorry I missed that it sounds great. I just left baby dolls an hour ago, I saw the day shift leaving but must have missed her.
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Old 03-19-2021, 09:44 PM   #9
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Well damn, that would have been a great thing to see!
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Old 04-22-2021, 01:36 PM   #10
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juan sounds like you need a new sb! and all i ever get there are the so so girls giving attention. the best looking ladies at the dirty are always sitting with reg or hiding in the locker room. havent been to dolls in over a year since kirk passed away! imo opinion the only strippers worth talking to are the ones who provide take out!

seems all the hot gals would rather have an only fans page than be a provider like in the past!
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Old 04-22-2021, 04:50 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by satan666 View Post
juan sounds like you need a new sb! and all i ever get there are the so so girls giving attention. the best looking ladies at the dirty are always sitting with reg or hiding in the locker room. havent been to dolls in over a year since kirk passed away! imo opinion the only strippers worth talking to are the ones who provide take out!

seems all the hot gals would rather have an only fans page than be a provider like in the past!
You are correct, my SB got a boyfriend and fell in love. I haven’t found another yet. I have been to the bird again and ask one of the girls what the deal is with the girls hiding in the back and she said they are sending pictures to regulars and txting guys to come see them. I told her to tell them to come take a picture of my money and showed her a two inch thick wad of 20s and she just laughed and walked off. Wtf.
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Old 04-23-2021, 06:25 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Juanpancho View Post
You are correct, my SB got a boyfriend and fell in love. I haven’t found another yet. I have been to the bird again and ask one of the girls what the deal is with the girls hiding in the back and she said they are sending pictures to regulars and txting guys to come see them. I told her to tell them to come take a picture of my money and showed her a two inch thick wad of 20s and she just laughed and walked off. Wtf.
yeah those college twats think they know it all! most are not as bright a bulb as they think they are.
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