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Old 02-08-2021, 05:12 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
One gets the impression you must be the leader of this mysterious cult you speak of. You post so often about it.
The ignorant often get the wrong impression. I'm speaking about the paranoid cult members who believe the election was rigged, even thought there's not a shred of realistic evidence that it was, and even though 60+ federal judges, many of them republican, some appointed by Trump himself, threw out cases due to severe lack of evidence.
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Old 02-08-2021, 05:25 PM   #17
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Nobody “threw out cases due to severe lack of evidence”. Only the ignorant would find a lecture on ignorance credible, when given by an ignoramus.
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Old 02-08-2021, 11:10 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
The ignorant often get the wrong impression. I'm speaking about the paranoid cult members who believe the election was rigged, even thought there's not a shred of realistic evidence that it was, and even though 60+ federal judges, many of them republican, some appointed by Trump himself, threw out cases due to severe lack of evidence.
You do realize of course that there is more than one way to rig an election, don't you? Apparently not.
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Old 02-09-2021, 09:08 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Nobody “threw out cases due to severe lack of evidence”. Only the ignorant would find a lecture on ignorance credible, when given by an ignoramus.
So tell me then, for what reason(s) were they thrown out?
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Old 02-09-2021, 09:44 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
So tell me then, for what reason(s) were they thrown out?

Asked and answered. Lack of standing, for one thing. I already told you to do your homework on this. Your liberal talking points are often wrong, and at best misleading. Do some fact-checking instead of simply parroting what you heard.

Don't make me explain it to you again.

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Old 02-09-2021, 08:29 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Asked and answered. Lack of standing, for one thing. I already told you to do your homework on this. Your liberal talking points are often wrong, and at best misleading. Do some fact-checking instead of simply parroting what you heard.

Don't make me explain it to you again.

Lack of standing as in they have no evidence that there was any harm done.

The extent to which the cult members will go to try and justify the bullshit is incredible.
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Old 02-10-2021, 08:18 AM   #22
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Lack of standing as in they have no evidence that there was any harm done.
As in you don’t have a clue to the meaning of ‘standing’ as used in a legal sense. It has absolutely nothing to do with evidence or lack thereof.
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Old 02-14-2021, 08:05 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
As in you don’t have a clue to the meaning of ‘standing’ as used in a legal sense. It has absolutely nothing to do with evidence or lack thereof.
Once again you're wrong.

The ignorance of the cult seems to know no bounds.
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Old 02-16-2021, 09:55 AM   #24
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the truth is out there ,

those who are programed to believe in untruth are only reading and hearing untruths for the deceivers have control of all they would even listen to ,which at one time was the conscience of our country and now is the loss of the conscience of our country. If an iota of truth sees sunlight the deceivers deflect or destroy or ban, but mostly ignore so most of america just looks away.

im sad at what has happened , especially when i think of all who died to preserve the freedoms that we have and that were rarely questioned till now and the integrity and honesty of all the facets of government and the courts ,that gave us security in being an american, and believing that whats right will always persevere .

whether you believe or not those entitys are gone and their standing as righteous purveyors. Their integrity is now in question, destroyed by those who feared the loss their power and would destroy anything to not lose it including our cities , our freedoms but most of all the pillars our country which stood for over 240 years.

The future will be interesting , will we get to where we once were or will this new day of deception and supposedly righteous hate persevere.

i will say this to all who who question what we have now, dont fret , lies cannot endure and deception is temporary, the truth will eventually see the light .

those responsible will have to live with what they have done and it will eat them from the inside . Those who have been conned will someday open their eyes and be sad at what they have contributed or even worse live a long life of desperation at what they have become , crazed in the hunger to find the lie that gets them through another day . They are just tools of those who have not a care for them and use them for their crazed version of the greater good. They are sadly, tools and fools !
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Old 02-16-2021, 12:37 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by mrmxmr View Post
the truth is out there ,

those who are programed to believe in untruth are only reading and hearing untruths for the deceivers have control of all they would even listen to ,which at one time was the conscience of our country and now is the loss of the conscience of our country. If an iota of truth sees sunlight the deceivers deflect or destroy or ban, but mostly ignore so most of america just looks away.

im sad at what has happened , especially when i think of all who died to preserve the freedoms that we have and that were rarely questioned till now and the integrity and honesty of all the facets of government and the courts ,that gave us security in being an american, and believing that whats right will always persevere .

whether you believe or not those entitys are gone and their standing as righteous purveyors. Their integrity is now in question, destroyed by those who feared the loss their power and would destroy anything to not lose it including our cities , our freedoms but most of all the pillars our country which stood for over 240 years.

The future will be interesting , will we get to where we once were or will this new day of deception and supposedly righteous hate persevere.

i will say this to all who who question what we have now, dont fret , lies cannot endure and deception is temporary, the truth will eventually see the light .

those responsible will have to live with what they have done and it will eat them from the inside . Those who have been conned will someday open their eyes and be sad at what they have contributed or even worse live a long life of desperation at what they have become , crazed in the hunger to find the lie that gets them through another day . They are just tools of those who have not a care for them and use them for their crazed version of the greater good. They are sadly, tools and fools !
OOOOOOOkay ????
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Old 02-16-2021, 02:11 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Once again you're wrong.
Dude, read a fucking book. Standing is a measure of ones right to bring a legal action and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the merits of said case. Zero. Zip. Nada.

I mean seriously, how hard is it to google something so you don’t look like a total retard?
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Old 02-16-2021, 03:12 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
The ignorant often get the wrong impression. I'm speaking about the paranoid cult members who believe the election was rigged, even thought there's not a shred of realistic evidence that it was, and even though 60+ federal judges, many of them republican, some appointed by Trump himself, threw out cases due to severe lack of evidence.
How does anyone, outside of being part of one of these cults, think that 2020 was the first time that no corruption happened in an election?

Its been a meme and a joke since the Kennedy's were buying elections for their kids. Probably before that, but Im not old enough to vote Biden in Chicago just yet.

Majority of Americans are not slaved to one of these 2 parties. If only the rest of us would take a look at where the money flows, where the power sits, and turn off the TV and do some thinking on their own, we might be able to rid ourselves of the political asses and elephants for once an all. And stop believing the lie that you have to support one of the two evils. Other nations have fixed their massive problems in the past, and we can too, without firing a shot or stealing private property.
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Old 02-16-2021, 03:24 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Asked and answered. Lack of standing, for one thing. I already told you to do your homework on this.... Do some fact-checking instead of simply parroting what you heard.

Don't make me explain it to you again.


Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Dude, read a fucking book. Standing is a measure of one's right to bring a legal action and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the merits of said case. Zero. Zip. Nada.

I mean seriously, how hard is it to google something so you don’t look like a total retard?

He's too lazy to Google anything. He would rather triple down on stupid. When you swing and whiff 3 times, you strike out!

I thought he might have potential - but the kid can't even play at a bush league level.
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Old 02-17-2021, 04:18 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Dude, read a fucking book. Standing is a measure of ones right to bring a legal action and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the merits of said case. Zero. Zip. Nada.

I mean seriously, how hard is it to google something so you don’t look like a total retard?
One way a case can be thrown out for lack of standing is if there's no evidence of harm done, which is what happened in some of the cases filed on behalf of Trump.

Smarten up and stop projecting.
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