Consider the following:
Partnering with the Michigan State Police, the Petoskey News-Review and Gaylord Herald Times editorial department will forward your questions to Lt. Derrick Carroll, assistant post commander of the state police’s Gaylord post, as part of our “Ask a Trooper” series. ...
Tony from Gaylord asked:
“If I ask a cop for his name and badge number do they have to give it to me? What about undercover officers? If I ask a person wearing normal clothes if they’re a cop and they say they aren’t, then arrest me, can’t I get away with it since they lied?”
Lt. Carroll:
"The Michigan State Police has official orders that requires on-duty troopers to identify themselves by name and badge number when requested by the public. If a trooper is on special assignment, i.e. undercover, they can receive special authorization not to identify themselves as a police officer. There is no “technicality” which states that if you break a law in the presence of an undercover officer who denies their status you are exempt from arrest and prosecution."