Larry Elder calls out Democrats for not treating GOP with 'civility' for…DECADES - he is correct. and vilified by the DPST/CCPers for not kowtowing to their strict minority identity politics.

White House launches sweeping review of domestic terror threats
The White House announced Friday a sweeping interagency effort to root out domestic extremism following the storming of the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.

© Getty Images White House launches sweeping review of domestic terror threats White House press secretary Jen Psaki called the rise of domestic violent extremism a "serious and growing national security threat" and said President Biden's administration "will confront this threat with the necessary resources and resolve."
Biden has asked the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to develop a "comprehensive threat assessment" in coordination with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.
"The key point here is that we want fact-based analysis on which we can base policies," Psaki said. "So this is really the first step in the process, and we'll rely on the appropriate law enforcement and intelligence officials to provide that analysis."
Biden's National Security Council (NSC) has been directed to undertake a review about how the government can better share information about potential domestic terror threats, deter radicalization and disrupt extremist networks.
The NSC will also lead a governmentwide effort to crack down on "evolving threats and radicalization," with an eye on the role that social media plays in fomenting extremism.
Psaki linked the actions directly to the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by right-wing extremists seeking to stop the counting of the Electoral College vote.
There are concerns in some quarters that the riot will be used as justification to limit constitutionally protected political speech. The latest Harvard CAPS-Harris survey found that 60 percent of Americans said they were worried the siege on the Capitol would be used as an excuse to curb civil rights.
Psaki said the administration's efforts would be done with "respect for constitutionally protected free speech and political activities."
Psaki is a pathologic liar - and puppet fiden is led by harris and her marxist followers.
the clear target is 'white supremacists"
Ignoring the Antifa and OBLM terrorist violence across teh nation. Those are the terrorit arms of teh DPST/CCP party - jsut as the brownshirts of teh National socialsit party functioned - and are directed by -funded by- organized by- and an integral part of teh "Make America in our Image" plans of teh DPST/CCP party>
the DPST/CCP cabal has only One real target - Conservatives - and plans 100 million in AOC re-education camps ASAP!
Not wasting any time consolidating teh regime - are they?