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Old 01-10-2021, 08:07 AM   #46
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mark me down as the first like....
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Old 01-10-2021, 09:04 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Willie Wanker View Post
An unintentional upside to the big tech banning of apps like parler, and the mass conservative purge by social media, is that they can no longer claim to be polically unbiased. They've fully exposed themselves as corporate bullies. It's been obvious over the past four years, but plausible deniability will no longer a credible defense.
They're trying to shut down Parler now. Suppressing smaller competitors is considered abuse of the Sherman Act and other antitrust laws.
Of course someone has to actually act on it. The gutless Republicans likely won't. But at least it will be easier for small tech like Parler to make a. very strong case in court.
Also, fuck section 230 protection. It's abused more than jay-walking laws.
Michael Savage kinda got kicked off radio for being right wing. Even if he talked about the good, bad and the ugly sides of Trump.
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Old 01-10-2021, 10:22 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Next Best Thing View Post
Sure Willie, every word you say is correct but as a practical matter what is actually happening is that the other side does not care what you or I think, and the overwhelming majority of the remaining unaffiliated sheep only believe what is spoon fed to them on national news, easily consumable by their collective limited attention span, in 45 second clips.

A general breakdown is that:

a) the democrat moron lemmings that you see on a website like this or far worse twitter and facebook get their political opinions from social media, which is left-wing dominant.


b) the average politically independent American numbskull gets his or her political opinion from the likes of Lester Holt and David Muir, democrat operative assholes.

Collectively, this represents more than enough socialist mass media influence to overcome reality and win national elections.

Conservative participation in social media cesspools like twitter and facebook only serve to legitimize their existence. This is Donald Trump's most damaging impact on the political landscape by a substantial margin.

The President of the United States, beaten down by communist neckbeards from California and New York.

Fuck them and fuck their rules.

Simply do not participate.

There is no longer any purpose in reasoning with these people.

The visual image of MAGA nation infiltrating the Capitol, which is the cornerstone of every oppressive regulation which is either fucking up the lives of average people, or is on the verge of fucking up the lives of average people, is a wonderful thing. Bravo to these patriots.

There is no upside to democrat pieces of shit exerting their twisted influence. No one who already does not realize what they have been doing for the last 40 years or so will somehow come to their senses because the scumbags commit one more hypocritical act.

Ordinary Americans are not intelligent. They are dumb and worse yet, distracted. Write all of them a $2,000 checks and they'll slit their own mothers' throats.

Trump made a mistake not bringing in the military and mowing down the insurrectionists who were destroying private property and terrorizing ordinary citizens in Seattle, New York, Chicago, Portland, etc.

Now, to compound the problem, Republicans will sit there and act contrite about a violation of the virginity of a federal building, where elitist pieces of shit plot to steal money from American citizens, gets pissed on, rightfully and at long last.

They're useless and do not represent the interest of their constituency.

Thank you.

Yeah, Trump fucked up big by not going after the rioters and big tech. He shouldn't have hired any advisors that were politicians. As a populist, that really. hurt him/us worst of all.
I don't really care about sharing social media time on Twitter with the far left. I just like the idea of a free speech space like parler or bitchute where you can speak freely without a nanny. I don't really care what happens to Twitter, fb, YouTube etc. Let them be publishers and do what they want, but remove their 230 liability protection if they're not going to allow free speech.
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Old 01-11-2021, 10:26 AM   #49
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(but make sure ya don't get yer info from just one source, whether right or left)

The "GOAT" is as big an asshole as anyone in Media. He side-steps and ignores facts that don't fit his message, and is just as biased.

Most of Congress sucks and does not represent me or my views. Same for the media.

And every president lies. The difference with this one is that he does it so badly. It's embarrassing. And dangerous. Cuz too many just listen to folks like.....the GOAT.

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Old 01-12-2021, 11:36 AM   #50
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Another embarrassing post by roo.

The hypocrisy of left wing domestic terrorist moron democrats has broken the mold.

Dementia Joe is slightly more divisive than the last empty suit the democrat party and their media operative were able to guilt and bullshit ignorant Americans into electing

The GOAT is definitely the most balanced analyst in American media at this point which has been true for years.

Unless you count Whoopi or Joy Behar I guess.

The best thing about our site here is that you don't have to actually go to twitter to find out what mouth-breathing democrats are babbling on about on twitter.

So there's that at least.
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Old 01-12-2021, 11:51 AM   #51
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I'm finding this fantastic that CEOs of huge American corporations are threatening to withdraw donations and any other forms of financial support to elected officials who opposed certifying Dementia Joe as president elect, in much the same way I'm fascinated by the attacks on no-goodniks like Hawley and Cruz.

Curious why this should be such a meaningful tactic.

What do these oligarchs expect in return for the money they shell out to politicians that they don't get from Cruz, or from Hawley?

Not to mention what these cocksuckers do to actual political outsiders like Donald Trump or Tulsi Gabbard.

Hopefully drunk Nancy and Maxine Waters can manage to keep their heads above water financially, and hopefully Eric Swalwell can find a new Chinese Communist operative to get pegged by.

Maybe Nadler can go through another round of liposuction so he can take off that last pesky 800 pounds?

Maybe Adam Schiff can purchase a neck?

Perhaps Hakeem Jefferies and that creep from Georgia who ran over his ex-wife's foot can undergo some racial sensitivity training?

Prolly not.
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Old 01-12-2021, 12:20 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Next Best Thing View Post
Maybe Adam Schiff can purchase a neck?
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Old 01-12-2021, 03:45 PM   #53
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What is the look on swelwell's face while fang fang is pegging him ? Like from pulp fiction ?
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Old 01-12-2021, 04:39 PM   #54
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Ol roo ain't the slightest bit embarrassed by anything he has posted here.

And I got no regrets if I'm embarrassing poor cucks who can't thinck fer themselves....idealogues embarrassing themselves by their adoration of demagogues.

Cuz there ain't nuthin worse than simps that parrot the right, all while tellin us that they ain't. Well....maybe hubris. But the two afflictions often seem coincidental.

I tire of this. It's too easy to get 'em to jump. Too predictable. Old. Boring. I gotta quit before it becomes an...obsession.

{staff edit- CK}

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Old 01-12-2021, 06:29 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Luvbubbles View Post
What is the look on swelwell's face while fang fang is pegging him ? Like from pulp fiction ?
Swalwell borrowed Anderson Cooper's gag ball from Gavin Newsom.
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Old 01-12-2021, 07:07 PM   #56
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Hmm, Don jr. Is dating Gavin's ex-wife, so sorta wierd ? Kimberly Guifoyle, so he must likes second hand pussy ?
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Old 01-12-2021, 09:23 PM   #57
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It's starting to look the clueless goat jumped the shark
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Old 01-13-2021, 08:23 AM   #58
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Drunk Nancy referring to Capitol hill as the "temple of American democracy" while democrat morons cook up bogus impeachments, actively legislate against the electorate, sow division by encouraging racial disharmony, deliver billions of taxpayer dollars to hostile foreign governments, suppress the free expression and exchange of thought, etc.

Not to mention allow Schumer, Swalwell, Nadler, Allie Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Bob O'rourke, Bernie Sanders, and Ayanna Presley to run amok.

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Old 01-13-2021, 10:08 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Next Best Thing View Post
Drunk Nancy referring to Capitol hill as the "temple of American democracy" while democrat morons sow division by encouraging racial disharmony, deliver billions of taxpayer dollars to hostile foreign governments,
Not to mention allow Schumer, Swalwell, Nadler, Allie Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Bob O'rourke, Bernie Sanders, and Ayanna Presley to run amok.
Both parties equally do this, and as for what foreign aid is, it isn't a cargo plane full of money, it is mostly our military doing things for them and the government putting a price tag on it.

(Congress makes a budget for the year and never includes foreign aid in it, must come from some slice of pie.)

Was 600 billion budget for military in Obama's terms, and the party of fiscal responsibility came in and raised it to 700 Billion a year, while reducing foreign aid. Where did all this money go, it didn't trickle down to our servicemen in pay raises.
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Old 01-13-2021, 11:58 AM   #60
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In response to my post about....doin sumthin...to someone....I got a warning for mentioning....acts with creatures that are other than human.

For anyone who happened to see the original post....it was the most appropriate citation ever given by a Mod! Truly deserved.

Summa these folks I'm talking about definitely ain't human. And it made me realize....that I certainly don't wanna have these types of...relations..with them.

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