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Old 01-09-2021, 09:49 AM   #16
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
No, it SHOULD be dead if your primary use is to lie, spread hate, and incite violence.

There are pleanty of conservatives who speak a lot and I suspect will never be silenced. Nor should they be.

Your problem is you equate "conservative" with "wacked out seditionist nut job posting lie after lie to endanger others and enrich themselves".

Contrary to the belief of some on here that never was the definition of a conservative.
As opposed to burn it down all summer? Get a clue!
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Old 01-09-2021, 09:58 AM   #17
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we are headed south

No u turn in sight

we know the dimocrats are evil, they think we are, and vice versa
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Old 01-09-2021, 10:12 AM   #18
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No you turn
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Old 01-09-2021, 10:55 AM   #19
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First off: Every one who commityted illegal acts at and/or within the Capitol building SHOULD FACE THE FULL FORCE OF THE LAW.

There was a Woodstock scale attendance at that rally. I saw no reports of guns (probably someone there was packing) , but the reporting did not make note of guns.

None of the proportionately few attendees who assorted the Capitol and committed criminal acts were armed that I heard of. Nothing got burned down or blown up.

This was a "mostly peaceful protest" rally to quote multiple media reports from this past summer.
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Old 01-09-2021, 11:06 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
It is a sad situation concerning Ashli. Butt I'm pretty damn sure that when you attempt to break and enter through a broken window at the nation's capital...all laws will be justified and may be applied. Another casualty directly tied to the idiot in chief of riots
Fuck that stupid bitch. They should have killed everyone who trespassed in that building as soon as they stormed it. If they were people of color, they all would have been shot dead or severely wounded. Those fools are lucky they only lost four of their fellow retards. I only feel bad for the cop who lost his life. I could give a flying fuck about the four idiots who died because bad actions have consequences. You learn that when you are a fucking child after your 1st spanking.
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Old 01-09-2021, 11:16 AM   #21
winn dixie
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Burn it down all summer must have been a victim of the cancel culture? I dont expect intellect to prevail here!
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Old 01-09-2021, 11:47 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Fuck that stupid bitch. They should have killed everyone who trespassed in that building as soon as they stormed it. If they were people of color, they all would have been shot dead or severely wounded. Those fools are lucky they only lost four of their fellow retards. I only feel bad for the cop who lost his life. I could give a flying fuck about the four idiots who died because bad actions have consequences. You learn that when you are a fucking child after your 1st spanking.

I happen to agree that every single person that entered that building should have been shot but first with rubber bullets and if that didn't slow them down, the real deal. I also believe everybody throwing a molotov cocktail or injuring a cop should be shot. Until we start holding people accountable for these actions, we will keep seeing this crap.

You can protest with your little sign and your stupid bullhorn all you want but as soon as you charge law enforcement, you should be shot on sight whether your cause is left or right.

And one of the first new laws I would write since we are in a new age of technology, is using a laser to blind anybody will get you ten years if you don't blind somebody and life if you do. Enough of this crap!

And enough of this crap that the left can do what the right can not.

Equal justice under the law.

The left is saying that if those had been Black people, they would have been shot. I believe that is true. It should be true for any color. Equal justice under the law.
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Old 01-09-2021, 12:07 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
Burn it down all summer must have been a victim of the cancel culture? I dont expect intellect to prevail here!

My point exactly! How much more violent can you get beyond yelling "burn it down"? Why is that OK but "Go to DC and stand up for what you think is right" is now inciting violence.
Prior to this event, the left has been inciting violence for 4 years.

If referring to somebody as Hitler isn't inciting violence, what is? Hitler was a mass murder, he must be killed. Therefore comparing anybody to Hitler is incitement to murder. Isn't the whole point of this discussion is "words as well as actions have consequences"? But the words must be explicit that everybody can agree on and the word "fight", has to many meanings to be included in the words that incite violence. It is to broad a word. "Burn it down", "take up arms against the government" are words of incitement. "He must be removed from office" is another set of words with different means attached. It is in the "too broad" category. "You have to die" can never be condoned and is absolutely inciting violence.

Maybe that's the commission we need. Clearly define what is speech that incites violence and what isn't. Then there will be no excuses when someone uses the words that incite violence.

Problem is, not enough of us want to make the changes we all say we want. We first and foremost want to protect "our side" while condemning the other for the same actions.

Make it clear for everybody. Protesting is not wrong, it is not illegal but burning and looting are. Why wasn't there an effort to find every single person that burned or looted a building? Could it be because they were mostly but certainly not all Black? How many Democrat Mayors saw this lawlessness and over looked it because it was "their people". Isn't that exactly the argument being made about the riot we just witnessed? That since the people were mostly White, they got a pass? They were treated differently? Well, how can you complain when you just treated "your people" differently.

This crap that color justifies some actions, has to stop.

And just to be clear what I'm saying, if Jacob Blake with a knife in his hand two feet from a cop was White, his ass should have been shot to.

So let's start by shooting a whole bunch of White assholes.

Can I get an Amen and Awoman?

For all Trump's faults and there were many, the left incited violence against this man for 4 years. That's a fact. That doesn't justify a single thing Trump did but it was incitement to committ violence and you know it.
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Old 01-09-2021, 12:07 PM   #24
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A minority group would have been surrounded by thousands of law enforcement and National Guard. It's like the idiots in charge invited them to wreck the capital of the US. More heads should roll over this act of utter stupidity by trained professionals. Any time dick or Harry knew the ignorant racist clueless redneck mofos were gonna start stupid shit. That's the people that make America stupid and film themselves doing it
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Old 01-09-2021, 12:30 PM   #25
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No offense, but sex workers have been getting kicked off of Twitter for years-- both illegal and legal ones. And all of them for far less than some of the violations to the TOS that Trump has under their belt. Their only mistake is in not doing it sooner-- since he has been a serial violator of their TOS for a good 6-7 years.. but they've let it go due to his status.
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Old 01-09-2021, 12:41 PM   #26
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And our new President just used words inciting violence against Hawley and Cruz by comparing them to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Shouldn't you use violence against a Nazi if you encounter him?

I'm watching a report showing FBI arresting people from all over the country and multiple people that were identified including that guy wearing his employment badge, are being fired from their jobs. Good. Show no mercy and let's see if we can end this crap once and for all.
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Old 01-09-2021, 01:50 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
As opposed to burn it down all summer? Get a clue!
Please point out where I ever supported rioting by either side.

If you can't, then quit your implied lies.
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Old 01-09-2021, 02:23 PM   #28
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But apparently a lot of folks in this country are ready to exact violence regardless.

If you think Biden called for that, then your bitterness has blinded you to reality.
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Old 01-09-2021, 03:16 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
No offense, but sex workers have been getting kicked off of Twitter for years-- both illegal and legal ones. And all of them for far less than some of the violations to the TOS that Trump has under their belt. Their only mistake is in not doing it sooner-- since he has been a serial violator of their TOS for a good 6-7 years.. but they've let it go due to his status.
They basically shut down BP because of bs lies about rampant sex trafficking.

I don't feel sorry for Trump or his supporters....they watched while people made up shit about sex workers and never lifted a finger.
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Old 01-09-2021, 04:20 PM   #30
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
My point exactly! How much more violent can you get beyond yelling "burn it down"? Why is that OK but "Go to DC and stand up for what you think is right" is now inciting violence.
Prior to this event, the left has been inciting violence for 4 years.

If referring to somebody as Hitler isn't inciting violence, what is? Hitler was a mass murder, he must be killed. Therefore comparing anybody to Hitler is incitement to murder. Isn't the whole point of this discussion is "words as well as actions have consequences"? But the words must be explicit that everybody can agree on and the word "fight", has to many meanings to be included in the words that incite violence. It is to broad a word. "Burn it down", "take up arms against the government" are words of incitement. "He must be removed from office" is another set of words with different means attached. It is in the "too broad" category. "You have to die" can never be condoned and is absolutely inciting violence.

Maybe that's the commission we need. Clearly define what is speech that incites violence and what isn't. Then there will be no excuses when someone uses the words that incite violence.

Problem is, not enough of us want to make the changes we all say we want. We first and foremost want to protect "our side" while condemning the other for the same actions.

Make it clear for everybody. Protesting is not wrong, it is not illegal but burning and looting are. Why wasn't there an effort to find every single person that burned or looted a building? Could it be because they were mostly but certainly not all Black? How many Democrat Mayors saw this lawlessness and over looked it because it was "their people". Isn't that exactly the argument being made about the riot we just witnessed? That since the people were mostly White, they got a pass? They were treated differently? Well, how can you complain when you just treated "your people" differently.

This crap that color justifies some actions, has to stop.

And just to be clear what I'm saying, if Jacob Blake with a knife in his hand two feet from a cop was White, his ass should have been shot to.

So let's start by shooting a whole bunch of White assholes.

Can I get an Amen and Awoman?

For all Trump's faults and there were many, the left incited violence against this man for 4 years. That's a fact. That doesn't justify a single thing Trump did but it was incitement to committ violence and you know it.
Great post. Deserves a second read for some!
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