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Old 01-08-2021, 01:33 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Do you honestly believe that if Trump would have won THIS election, that the left and media wouldn’t have looked for voter fraud?
The left and media hates Trump so much it would have been far worse. Look, I hate Trump and I’m glad he’s gone, but the media needs to be unbiased. Trumps dicky ways contributed but there’s no excuse for major news organizations completely to lose their neutrality.
I don’t believe there’s any value in playing that hypothetical game. The President of the United States and other GOP politicians have been lying about the outcome of the election for 67 days now. His supporters stormed the capital in hopes of stopping the election from being certified, and five people died in the process. The people who sold lies about a stolen election are responsible for whipping these people up into a frenzy. All this talk of media bias is deflection, and I’m not even going to humor it.
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Old 01-08-2021, 02:12 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Ok Berry, even if those were unprovoked riots in Portland and such and of course they weren't!
This is in our nation's capitol, they fucking attacked our leadership!
The riots in Portland were unprovoked. Hell the Portland idiots are still rioting almost nightly. The BLM riots were unprovoked as well. And don't trot out the BS about cop shootings. You don't riot, loot and and burn down cities because of that. You effect change peacefully, not through looting and property destruction and violence

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
You condone these actions?
I guess you missed me saying:
I cannot think of one Republican who has not denounced the Capitol Hill riot

I cannot think of one Democrat who has denounced the BLM riots

Make of that what you will

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
It was a coup attempt
LOL, that is laughable. A small group of mainly unarmed individuals were trying to overthrow the Government? LOL Some coup attempt. Most were protesting the lack of a free and fair election. I am sure many remember when Democrats laid siege to the Wisconsin capital, taking it over and occupying it for over a week as part of a protest and figured they would do the same.

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
But this was special, this was our fucking capitol, our seat of power!
When you do shit like this your supposed to get fucking shot in the head no matter who you are or represent!
They attacked and tried to intimidate our lawmakers!
No this was special!
As special as these Democrats taking over Capitol Buildings:

Hell the Democrats illegally occupied the Senate Building just 2 years ago for the Kavanaugh hearings

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
And Berry you want to call the BLM folks morons?
The ones who rioted, looted and burned down cities are certifiable morons.

And any individual who also committed similar violence or destruction at the Capitol falls in the same boat
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Old 01-08-2021, 02:17 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
“Burning down communities is not protest, it’s needless violence — violence that endangers lives, violence that guts businesses, and shutters businesses that serve the community. That’s wrong.”

--Joe Biden - 8/26/20
Did Senile Biden say that before or after his campaign and Cumala urged followers to bail out rioters in Minneapolis so they could get right back out there looting and burning and rioting?

Oh and these folks:

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Old 01-08-2021, 02:20 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
The media is the big winner. They get the ratings, the eyes glued to the TV to see what happens next. Listening to how bias the media is also has helped Trump. The media hates him so he must be an ok guy. The media has done everything they could think of to trash the guy. But it's ok for the protests to happen. Hell white people were out there lighting fires, burning cars, trashing businesses but that's fine because "black lives matter" was the excuse. Bull fucking shit. No 2 wrongs don't make a right but the constant bashing of Trump, the condoning of the BLM burning, trashing businesses is too much.
You are correct - the media in this country is so biased and corrupt it is sickening. Utterly sickening
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Old 01-08-2021, 02:31 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Jacob Blake shot in the FUCKING BACK 7 TIMES!
Remember taking to your side arm is supposed to be a last resort!
And they did it in front of his kids!
And for what?
Breaking up a family fight!
Guess you really don't pay attention to the news. This piece of shit had had an active warrant for felony sexual assault. He was at a house he was prohibited from visiting due to the prior sexual assault. He resisted arrest, fought with officers, was tasered twice and was armed with a knife. And he was trying to unlawfully take his kids from a house he was prohibited from visiting.

Swell guy - but maybe you just like rapists

Oh, and it was recently cleared as a justifiable shooting with no charges filed.
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Old 01-08-2021, 02:35 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by El-mo View Post
The assault on the Capitol happened because republican politicians lied repeatedly about the election being stolen and riled them up. It was not the media. It was GOP elected. The media does not control Trump's twitter feed.

Blame everyone but yourselves, and the people you enable.
If you can't see the obvious connection between the media attacks and lies on Trump and his supporters for 4 years, the media coverup of Biden corruption and the media lies to help get the Senile bastard Biden elected, then you are living a delusion
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Old 01-08-2021, 02:36 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by El-mo View Post
Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the clowns in this thread made the trip to DC.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of the clowns in this thread rioted, looted and destroyed property in riots this summer
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Old 01-08-2021, 02:39 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Do you honestly believe that if Trump would have won THIS election, that the left and media wouldn’t have looked for voter fraud?
The left and media hates Trump so much it would have been far worse. Look, I hate Trump and I’m glad he’s gone, but the media needs to be unbiased. Trumps dicky ways contributed but there’s no excuse for major news organizations completely to lose their neutrality.
Senile Biden spilled the beans ahead of the election when he said "We have the biggest voter fraud organization in History"
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Old 01-08-2021, 03:36 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by El-mo View Post
I don’t believe there’s any value in playing that hypothetical game. The President of the United States and other GOP politicians have been lying about the outcome of the election for 67 days now. His supporters stormed the capital in hopes of stopping the election from being certified, and five people died in the process. The people who sold lies about a stolen election are responsible for whipping these people up into a frenzy. All this talk of media bias is deflection, and I’m not even going to humor it.
To me they need to loose being either being a Senator or Congressman if they prove that they knew it. Lindsey Graham said in his speech that he knew it wasn't true. They had people check on everything.He said enough is enough. He admitted lying all that time. He said the democrats did it when Al Gore lost by 500 votes and he wanted to return the favor. Jail time no other way to say it. especially when 5 people died including a unarmed guard. They weren't allow to have guns. Go figure.
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Old 01-08-2021, 04:14 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
To me they need to loose (sic) being either being a Senator or Congressman if they prove that they knew it. Lindsey Graham said in his speech that he knew it wasn't true. They had people check on everything. He said enough is enough. He admitted lying all that time. He said the democrats did it when Al Gore lost by 500 votes and he wanted to return the favor. Jail time no other way to say it. especially when 5 people died including a unarmed guard. They weren't allow to have guns. Go figure.

Give me a break. Lindsey Graham did NOT "admit lying all that time." More than half of the ballots cast in this election were done by mail. Millions of Americans believe there was significant fraud and irregularity associated with mail-in voting. While I don't believe the level of fraud was sufficient to change the Presidential outcome, I sure as hell want it to be fully investigated and fixed before the next election.

That doesn't make me or Lindsey Graham or millions of other concerned Americans liars. Here's a fucking transcript of Graham's actual remarks. You don't get to misrepresent this stuff.

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Old 01-08-2021, 04:26 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Give me a break. Lindsey Graham did NOT "admit lying all that time." More than half of the ballots cast in this election were done by mail. Millions of Americans believe there was significant fraud and irregularity associated with mail-in voting. While I don't believe the level of fraud was sufficient to change the Presidential outcome, I sure as hell want it to be fully investigated and fixed before the next election.

That doesn't make me or Lindsey Graham or millions of other concerned Americans liars. Here's a fucking transcript of Graham's actual remarks. You don't get to misrepresent this stuff.

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Old 01-08-2021, 05:08 PM   #72
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Let me see if I got this straight, the mail in votes were all fraudulent for the Presidential voting , but it was perfect for all the Senators and Congressmen that took over the Democrats positions? In all states that had both on their ballots and had mail in voting. The reason they went to mail in our state senators approved was because they didn’t want more risk taken when most states have had that for years. Am I understand this correctly? Is that what you are saying?
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Old 01-08-2021, 06:05 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Let me see if I got this straight, the mail in votes were all fraudulent for the Presidential voting...
Either you're talking to someone else or you're completely misrepresenting my posts - just like you did Lindsey Graham's speech!!
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Old 01-08-2021, 06:06 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
I just said I dont wanna hear this tit for tat bullshit!
You didnt get the this was special part?
Did the cops kill some if those morons on my TV for no good reason, you know like the reason BLM movement started?
Then what was the grievance?
Oh, thats right, Dickface was upset he lost the election!
Did Antifa and BLM go to Washington to stage thier own coup that I didnt hear of?
Were they acting like assholes in the halls of Congress?

There you go again, tripping all over yourself without even knowing it.

You just lectured us saying “hey they did it too, they did it more, oh so I see your side gets a freebie?
Fuck that!
Your mother never told you two wrongs don't make a right!”

Then you immediately go off ranting about why your side deserves a freebie!

The First Amendment guarantees “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It says peaceably, not violently. It says grievances - meaning any grievance, not just the ones you happen to support.

Your grievance can be over a police killing, an election, or the lack of toilet paper at your local Walmart. All grievances matter. Put that on your BLM bumper sticker. You don’t get a pass on the “peaceably” part by arguing your grievance is more just, or more worthy of being heard, than the next guy’s grievance.

The democrats encouraged, coddled and defended the antifa/blm violence all summer long. The media kept pushing the obvious falsehood that the protests were “peaceful”… er, I mean “largely peaceful”… er, I mean “fiery but largely peaceful” until the media turned into a complete laughingstock. Is that what you mean when you use the term “enabling”?

It took Biden 3 months to issue his lame condemnation of the violence being perpetrated in multiple cities by his leftist fellow travelers. By then, hundreds of businesses had been burned and looted. Dozens of LE officers were killed or wounded. The DNC convention was held featuring BLM speakers and nary a peep was uttered about the violence. Is that what you mean when you use the term “enabling”?

As everyone knows, Biden was nominated and suddenly faced a national electorate. The polls showed he was vulnerable on the issue, so he finally spoke up. What a principled and courageous stand-up guy!

Compare that to the way Republicans condemned the violence at the Capitol IMMEDIATELY after it happened. No cowardly wavering there. As soon as you cross the line from peaceful protest into violence – you lose! Doesn’t matter what your grievance is. The fastest way to undermine support for any movement is to go violent. If you can’t condemn violence on either side without hesitation, you lose any credibility or moral authority you claim to have. And the Constitution won’t protect you.

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
This asshole been fomenting these fucking lies since August about them stealing his election!
You guys didnt find that odd?
No you all thought it was alright?
The fact is that you all would have backed any method to steal this election for him!
Now you’re pissing me off. Nobody I know wants to “steal” the election for anyone or have it stolen from anyone. And what “fucking lies” are you talking about? Did you find it odd when a number of states during the democratic primaries were incapable of counting their mail-in ballots swiftly or accurately? In some New York races over 25% of the ballots were thrown out. I didn’t hear it from trump. It’s what the media reported. Was it all a “fucking lie”?

I don’t have to support Trump’s exaggerated rhetoric to know mail-in ballots have long been an invitation for electoral mishandling and fraud since they were first invented.
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Old 01-08-2021, 06:52 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Either you're talking to someone else or you're completely misrepresenting my posts - just like you did Lindsey Graham's speech!!
How much could you lie to be banded for a lifetime from Twitter? WOW, no body wants him. From hero to zero.
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