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Old 01-08-2021, 07:02 AM   #46
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The media is the big winner. They get the ratings, the eyes glued to the TV to see what happens next. Listening to how bias the media is also has helped Trump. The media hates him so he must be an ok guy. The media has done everything they could think of to trash the guy. But it's ok for the protests to happen. Hell white people were out there lighting fires, burning cars, trashing businesses but that's fine because "black lives matter" was the excuse. Bull fucking shit. No 2 wrongs don't make a right but the constant bashing of Trump, the condoning of the BLM burning, trashing businesses is too much.

You knew something like this was bound to happen. People like to trash Trump supporters and yes some of them fit the stereotype no doubt but what does trashing a target have to do with BLM. "Cops are killing us lets go loot a Target" makes fucking sense yeah?? The police station burning I 100% do not condone but it made sense. "mad at the cops we will burn it down" that part makes sense. The videos with the blacks stealing all of the shoes, jewelry made 0 sense. Lets trash our towns and steal from our hard working neighbors (many of them black by the way) and I'd be willing to bet not one single pair of work boots were stolen during the looting.

During this summer of looting/protesting I'd mentioned "if they were smart they would do this in a place where it would make a difference" because honestly trashing stores doesn't support the cause one iota. Now on the other hand Trump supporters feel that the election was stolen from them. What did they do, they went to the one place that could make a difference.

But when one side does it and they burn cities and they loot, and there were deaths too make no mistake. Those people are labeled as heroic because BLM. But when the other side does it and to a lesser extent they are villified and will all be arrested. Two wrongs don't make a right I keep hearing but when one side can get away with murder it doesn't seem right does it??
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Old 01-08-2021, 07:16 AM   #47
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Could Muhammad Ali beat Rocky Marciano, no one will ever know. Could the Pittsburgh Steelers that won all the Super Bowls in the 70's beat the modern team's of the 20’s, no one knows. Would their have been people Rioting and killing if Trump would have won? No one knows. They did when he lost over lies of voter fraud. One thing for sure, never in my life time has their been someone running for president in 5 years two terms and say if I lose in either election is because of voter fraud. He won the first election he ran for and no word of voter fraud then. The second one he runs for he loses and every one especially the states that would have made the difference cheated. Lindsey Gram, Ted Cruise all the scum that supported this bull shit and now after the riot don’t, went along with it. Every normal person that had enough of his bull shit, lies, doing nothing for the virus epidemic and letting thousands die while being on twitter all day and golfing the rest of the time. Voted again him. People came out in record numbers. Think about that, record’s. That is why he lost. He took a good economy and keep it the same or a tad better. Are we better off now then 4 years ago, I’m not. Inflation is off the charts. He tried to get poor people have absolutely no insurance what so ever. He wants no one but the rich. If you’re not rich or of color or not Christian he has nothing to do with you till election time when he makes up more lies. You people need to wake up. Seriously, he is and has been the biggest piece of shit in my life time running the country. Before they used to cut up Nixon, Jimmy Carter to name a few. They couldn’t be a pimple on that orange ass.
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Old 01-08-2021, 07:18 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
The violence against Blacks or the "BLM" movement wasn't started for no reason. The majority of blacks shot by police were shot because they either
A: committed a crime or
B: committed a crime and tried to resist arrest.

So Dogface in your logic it is ok for someone to be shot for attacking the Capitol, but not ok for a black person to be shot for resisting arrest or charging a cop with a knife?

You say 2 wrongs don't make a right but come on. I know you will respond because as in other posts you always need to get the last word in. But before you do respond know that I am not a Trumper nor am I supporting Biden.

If you are as smart as you act answer the question of why Biden never spoke out about the BLM protests. Why were Democrats giving into them and giving them "special" sections in certain states where they could protest.

Also answer me this question, why is it ok to burn down a police station with people inside? And not shoot at the assholes doing it, but you want people inside the capitol (who weren't burning it down mind you) to be shot? Hypocrite or are you going to again say "two wrongs don't make a right"

Love to know your thoughts on this.
Yeah Ok, four cops on George Floyd one with his knee planted on his fucking neck for how long?
Eight minutes was it?
What was the man's crime that he died for?
Did he murder someone, rape a white woman?
No he supposedly tried to pass a phony note, and probably got smart with the cop that killed him because they had history and didnt like each other!
And that police station that was set fire to, wasn't that in Minneapolis?
Over George Floyd?
I guess the locals were fucking pissed!
They had been putting up with the shit from them for sometime then!
Dosen't make it right but it does make it understandable!
For the police to kill a person that's supposed to be the last resort!

That little asshole that shot the two people to death in Wisconsin, carrying a AR-15 openly that he was not allowed to have!
Is that how peaceful protests are conducted?
If he was with BLM would he have made bail, would he have even been given a bail?
And this asshole trump acting as if he is a hero!

Jacob Blake shot in the FUCKING BACK 7 TIMES!
Remember taking to your side arm is supposed to be a last resort!
And they did it in front of his kids!
And for what?
Breaking up a family fight!
Not all crimes are capitol crimes PBN!

And yes when you attack our capitol that is a capitol crime! Your supposed to get a fucking bullet in the head!
Not take selfies with the guy that's supposed to be doing the shooting!
The capitol police are supposed to shoot people trying to breach the fences into the no go zone, not open them up and step aside!
Saw it with my own eyes!

Had BLM done what they did hundreds of them would have died!
There would have been helicopter gunships in the air strafing the fucking crowd!
trump held back the national guard while our elected officials weither like them or not were under attack!
That was a treasonous act!

As an American you have the right to peaceful protest, if the Dem built special places to protest, to keep them peaceful that's pretty fucking smart!
And though I'm still a registered Republican.
I am sick and tired of the Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gengrich style of politics practiced on here.
Rush was actually pissed that the violence was stopped in the capitol!
He's a turd too!
Now you have my thoughts, was it just me getting the last word, or did I actually have something to say!
The motherfuckers committed open rebellion against the United States!
That is treason!
BLM didnt do any of that!
It seems to be that, if you didnt serve this country, you dont seem to have a good grasp of what treason and sedition is, but dont let it get you down though apparently our senators dont either!
And Please, I dont want to hear your not a trumper, if you dont speak out against his behavior especially in these last few months, and the behavior we just witnessed two days ago you are a trumper by omission!

There's my thoughts!

Oh one more thought, feel free to jump onto the defending the indefensible pool with the rest of them!
There now I'm done!

Oh yeah the last word.....
Let me wallow in it for a moment before you respond, let me bask in the glory!
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Old 01-08-2021, 07:59 AM   #49
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I respect your thoughts Dogface and no I didn't serve in the military though I was heavily recruited. I scored high on the ASFAB? tests. I can't help but notice you didn't mention the looting of the Targets and what that had to do with BLM in any way. Or hell lets forget MN and talk about right here in Pittsburgh with the windows being smashed of many local establishments. A car being set on fire right here. What was peaceful about any of it?? As much as the images of people getting into the Capitol building sticks in your brain, the images of all of the blacks looting,laughing, stealing boxes and boxes of shoes and clothes sticks in mine. BLM shouldn't make it ok to steal from your neighbor but again all of that went unpunished and almost unnoticed by the Democrats. Were those who looted ever caught and held accountable? If they were caught and ran/resisted arrest, or pulled a knife on an officer and were shot for it would we have another huge outcry?? Probably right? Play stupid games win stupid prizes never was more accurate.
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Old 01-08-2021, 08:20 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
I respect your thoughts Dogface and no I didn't serve in the military though I was heavily recruited. I scored high on the ASFAB? tests. I can't help but notice you didn't mention the looting of the Targets and what that had to do with BLM in any way. Or hell lets forget MN and talk about right here in Pittsburgh with the windows being smashed of many local establishments. A car being set on fire right here. What was peaceful about any of it?? As much as the images of people getting into the Capitol building sticks in your brain, the images of all of the blacks looting,laughing, stealing boxes and boxes of shoes and clothes sticks in mine. BLM shouldn't make it ok to steal from your neighbor but again all of that went unpunished and almost unnoticed by the Democrats. Were those who looted ever caught and held accountable? If they were caught and ran/resisted arrest, or pulled a knife on an officer and were shot for it would we have another huge outcry?? Probably right? Play stupid games win stupid prizes never was more accurate.
Look guy, there are always the lawless factor riding on the coattails of those that want to bring about peaceful change!
Looks at the LA riots over Rodny King go look at the footage it should still be available of the cops kicking the living shit out of Rodney King!
That boy didnt deserve that!
Business owner up on roofs with rifles protecting their businesses during that one!
And here in Pittsburgh we forget
That Johnny Gammage got the same treatment George Floyd did!
That poor motherfucker was killed if memory serves, and it does by a Brentwood police officer Voigut or however you spell his name for a failure to stop in Brentwood.
Why because he knew he was intoxicated, and if he stopped in Brentwood he was going to get the same treatment he ended up getting anyways!
The Brentwood police killed him I believe in the driveway of Overbrook school!
I watched a Brentwood cop personally because I was at the bus stop with this black kid waiting for a bus, tell him to start walking because he didnt have time to wait for a bus before he was gonna be arrested for loitering!
That was in the 90's.
That cop that killed Johnny Gammage and was acquitted was later suspected of killing his girlfriend at the Brentwood bus loop!m, because she was leaving him!
The Brentwood fire department believe it or not sprayed the crime scene with fire hose before the crime scene investigators could arrive!
And they declared her death a suicide, the bullet wound was in a very unusual place for it to be suicide.
Oh yeah and lest I forget she was killed with his service weapon!
After having met with him at the B-Wood bus loop!

Yeah it happened!
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Old 01-08-2021, 09:23 AM   #51
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Paintedbynumbers wrote:
The media is the big winner. They get the ratings, the eyes glued to the TV to see what happens next. Listening to how bias the media is also has helped Trump. The media hates him so he must be an ok guy. The media has done everything they could think of to trash the guy. But it's ok for the protests to happen. Hell white people were out there lighting fires, burning cars, trashing businesses but that's fine because "black lives matter" was the excuse. Bull fucking shit. No 2 wrongs don't make a right but the constant bashing of Trump, the condoning of the BLM burning, trashing businesses is too much.

Right here!!! People want to know why Wednesday happened? This is why.
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Old 01-08-2021, 09:39 AM   #52
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and the worst part is this. The media has lied to so many for so many years that when they are telling the truth few will believe them. Just like the boy who cried wolf scenario. Not just about politics but about everything. Every single year we are going to have "the storm of the century" it never hits so now look at people in the path of hurricanes just staying there. Why do they stay? Because they don't believe the media. Trump has done an awful job at uniting the country. Many say he has done the opposite. What he should have done is expose the media. You expose the media and their lies and you unite the country.

They will slam Coronavirus on everyone day in and day out and it's bad in many places but many aren't trusting it because of all of the media's lies. People say Trump killed 300,000 ppl. I say the media did.

They want the hot story. Corona was dropped for nearly 2 weeks during the BLM protests. Once they ended boom Corona front in center. Right in time for the election. Coincidance maybe. But now here we are again. We should be talking about the vaccine coming and how many, and how is it working etc. But no, now we will be talking Trump, the Capitol, etc while Corona chatter magically disappears. The victim isn't just the blacks, the democrats, the republicans. We are all victims. The real winner is the media. It's always been that way.

Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Paintedbynumbers wrote:
The media is the big winner. They get the ratings, the eyes glued to the TV to see what happens next. Listening to how bias the media is also has helped Trump. The media hates him so he must be an ok guy. The media has done everything they could think of to trash the guy. But it's ok for the protests to happen. Hell white people were out there lighting fires, burning cars, trashing businesses but that's fine because "black lives matter" was the excuse. Bull fucking shit. No 2 wrongs don't make a right but the constant bashing of Trump, the condoning of the BLM burning, trashing businesses is too much.

Right here!!! People want to know why Wednesday happened? This is why.
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Old 01-08-2021, 09:41 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Paintedbynumbers wrote:
The media is the big winner. They get the ratings, the eyes glued to the TV to see what happens next. Listening to how bias the media is also has helped Trump. The media hates him so he must be an ok guy. The media has done everything they could think of to trash the guy. But it's ok for the protests to happen. Hell white people were out there lighting fires, burning cars, trashing businesses but that's fine because "black lives matter" was the excuse. Bull fucking shit. No 2 wrongs don't make a right but the constant bashing of Trump, the condoning of the BLM burning, trashing businesses is too much.

Right here!!! People want to know why Wednesday happened? This is why.
The assault on the Capitol happened because republican politicians lied repeatedly about the election being stolen and riled them up. It was not the media. It was GOP elected. The media does not control Trump's twitter feed.

Blame everyone but yourselves, and the people you enable.
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Old 01-08-2021, 09:47 AM   #54
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Dude trump lies worse than the media!
The man doesn't know how to tell the truth!
And yes the virus will get kicked to the curb, when motherfuckers are committing open sedition and treason in the capitol building!
Keep blaming anybody but trump!
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Old 01-08-2021, 10:06 AM   #55
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The only way the media did wrong was by actually having real tapes of people from the GOP saying there was voter fraud on a large scale that would have canceled out the 8 million votes Biden won by. They shown Lindsay Graham Ted Cruz all the top shelf gop people saying daily Trump got ripped off. Now most of them is saying it never happened let's move on after innocent people got all pumped up and more innocent people got killed over it. No Democrat in their right mind would say it was okay for what happened in the summer nor would they say it was okay for what happened Wednesday. Most from the people that have stick up for republicans and if they have done wrong they try to pick up something that happened over the years instead of what is happening right here right now. It was no black lives matter people it was your Trump supporters that let Trump fire them up so much that they would do that. Some of them planned to do it all along with the pipe bombs some of them seen them doing it and figured what the hell.
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Old 01-08-2021, 10:11 AM   #56
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Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the clowns in this thread made the trip to DC.
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Old 01-08-2021, 10:36 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
Funny how so many blacks are now saying "if black people marched the Capitol we would be shot" Well actually BLM did far, far more damage to the country than what happened yesterday. It's not about color its about country. Yes I agree with berry that if Trump were to be removed early things would be so much more worse than yesterday. I also believe that the media fueled into this. They were on Trump's ass before he was even elected. They doubled down on the impeachment and made him out as villain of the decade. I'm not a fan of Trump or Biden but the bias is obvious when you turn on the news and people are sick of seeing it. The fact that the popular vote shown was as close as it was is telling.

Something else to mention is during all of what went down yesterday Corona was not mentioned once. Funny how every single time we have a protest Corona is left out. You would think just once you would hear a reporter in a solemn voice say "and to think they are doing this gathering during a pandemic" Nope. Not once was it mentioned. So many questions but so little answers.
I don't know what you were watching, I doubt you were even watching to make a statement about the virus. There were members of congress worry about being exposed to it and they also said it could be another super spreader event
As for trump let him finish his days why put the country in more turmoil, as for 2024, I willing to bet Trump won't run or he won't be able to run. Hell i would not be surprised if he leaves the country to avoid prosecution. Russia already said they would support him.
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Old 01-08-2021, 10:54 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Could Muhammad Ali beat Rocky Marciano, no one will ever know. Could the Pittsburgh Steelers that won all the Super Bowls in the 70's beat the modern team's of the 20’s, no one knows. Would their have been people Rioting and killing if Trump would have won? No one knows. They did when he lost over lies of voter fraud. One thing for sure, never in my life time has their been someone running for president in 5 years two terms and say if I lose in either election is because of voter fraud. He won the first election he ran for and no word of voter fraud then. The second one he runs for he loses and every one especially the states that would have made the difference cheated. Lindsey Gram, Ted Cruise all the scum that supported this bull shit and now after the riot don’t, went along with it. Every normal person that had enough of his bull shit, lies, doing nothing for the virus epidemic and letting thousands die while being on twitter all day and golfing the rest of the time. Voted again him. People came out in record numbers. Think about that, record’s. That is why he lost. He took a good economy and keep it the same or a tad better. Are we better off now then 4 years ago, I’m not. Inflation is off the charts. He tried to get poor people have absolutely no insurance what so ever. He wants no one but the rich. If you’re not rich or of color or not Christian he has nothing to do with you till election time when he makes up more lies. You people need to wake up. Seriously, he is and has been the biggest piece of shit in my life time running the country. Before they used to cut up Nixon, Jimmy Carter to name a few. They couldn’t be a pimple on that orange ass.
Better check your facts, it give you credibility, don't just spout shit that sounds good. BTW the latest inflation rate according to Google was 1.2%, As for the poor people, there are several Government laws and programs, Medicaid, being the largest
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Old 01-08-2021, 11:00 AM   #59
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Actually a lot of the Republican states wouldn't accept Medicaid if you can remember. So much for credibility.
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Old 01-08-2021, 01:23 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by El-mo View Post
The assault on the Capitol happened because republican politicians lied repeatedly about the election being stolen and riled them up. It was not the media. It was GOP elected. The media does not control Trump's twitter feed.

Blame everyone but yourselves, and the people you enable.
Do you honestly believe that if Trump would have won THIS election, that the left and media wouldn’t have looked for voter fraud?
The left and media hates Trump so much it would have been far worse. Look, I hate Trump and I’m glad he’s gone, but the media needs to be unbiased. Trumps dicky ways contributed but there’s no excuse for major news organizations completely to lose their neutrality.
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