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Old 01-07-2021, 10:23 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
You mean like these treasonous people:


or maybe these treasonous people

Those evil bastards !!!
How many of those people were trying to stop the senate from certifying the results of a presidential election?
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Old 01-07-2021, 10:30 AM   #17
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Did a lot of them have backpack's with pipe bombs like they found yesterday?
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Old 01-07-2021, 10:34 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Everyone you said berryberry, including the ones trying to get into the room where all the congressman and senator's were. The security were standing outside along the fence and the mob were spraying them with pepper spray. Anything they throw or spray at them they need shot and think about how many would have continued to do that.That includes being spit on. Would you do that if they were to have a gun pointed at you? I didn't know till this morning most guards were unarmed. Unreal.
LOL - everyone I noted in those pictures were Democrats who illegally occupied the Senate during the Kavanaugh hearings and who stormed and occupied various state capitals over the years.
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Old 01-07-2021, 10:35 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Actually they were saying impeachment could take months, the 25th could be gone today. His cabinet has to start the ball rolling. I am no lawyer, you could be right. That is what they are saying.
On the radio they had an actual attorney and political expert explain everything. They both said it would take months because you need medical testimony and if they say mentally unfit you need tons of experts that Trump has to agree to speak with, then hearings etc... Nothing that can happen in 1 day.
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Old 01-07-2021, 10:37 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by El-mo View Post
How many of those people were trying to stop the senate from certifying the results of a presidential election?
They were all trying to disrupt Government from meeting. Same basic purpose. To stop the Senate from confirming Kavanaugh, or to stop various state governments from passing certain laws

You democrats have done this for years with no punishment - and yet you get all butt hurt because some Trump supporters chose to do the same thing
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Old 01-07-2021, 10:37 AM   #21
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Where was the outrage during the violence after Trump won in 2016? And does anyone here going to claim there wouldn’t have been violence again if he won again? Would there be this kind of outrage? I hate Trump but give me a break.
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Old 01-07-2021, 10:45 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Where was the outrage during the violence after Trump won in 2016? And does anyone here going to claim there wouldn’t have been violence again if he won again? Would there be this kind of outrage? I hate Trump but give me a break.
The left would have burned down the country if Trump had won. Everyone saw what the left did all summer torching cities, rioting and looting. So yeah, they can spare me with their fake outrage
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Old 01-07-2021, 11:12 AM   #23
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LMAO. Disagreeing with someone’s politics isn’t grounds to remove them from office.

These pundits all clamoring for Trump’s, and the guys who went into the capital, heads crack me up. They are the very ones who spent months normalizing and justifying political violence, yet once they get a mere pittance of what they advocated all summer they lose their shit. Hypocritical dumbasses.

The only reason dumocrats want to remove Trump with 2 weeks left in his term is because they want it on record that he was ‘removed’. The reason they want this is because they’re scared shitless of him in 2024.
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Old 01-07-2021, 11:28 AM   #24
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Is that supposed to matter to me? If they have a fence set up as in don’t cross it because they are protecting people from the public for instant Rock Concerts, the White house or the Capital building which the odds go way up in those two places and you cross it, you already know you have a good chance of getting an ass whooping or shot. No matter who you are. Everyone knows that.

BTW, I am not one sided, I like and dislike both parties the same. Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, and Mitch McConnell and Senator Toomey, last night I liked what they said. Long time in coming. I have seen them be real assholes. For the most part Toomey seems ok. I like a lot of the republicans. If I think they are good I will take a chance and vote for them. If they are real JO’s I would never vote for them. I have the same opinion of the Liberals. I love that word cause the real Conservative’s thinks it hurts but they are the only one who cares just a smidge and you get some normal working class things. That is who got us Social Security, unemployment if you are laid off normal helping people out things when times are rough. If you think you have the Covid they try and set up a test and try to get you medical help. They don’t go around saying it’s a democratic hoax and lets go golfing. They use to have food stamps, now they make people wait in three miles lines to get food for their kids to eat that was supplied by donations.

So you go on and judge people and protect the assholes because you must think one party can do no wrong and another can do no right and see what you have at the end. You end up with someone like Trump. A total POS. If from the get go you think he has issues think twice before voting for any of them.
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Old 01-07-2021, 11:35 AM   #25
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They have to say something they have been defending that POS for four years and now everyone can see how great he is. Almost 400,000 dead because he said the virus was a hoax. But I am sure they will disagree. What could he have done, right. Twitter all day that helped. I hope he runs in 2024 they showed him in the last two days, like you said, a wife beater and a Jew.
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Old 01-07-2021, 11:40 AM   #26
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So you go on and judge people and protect the assholes because you must think one party can do no wrong and another can do no right and see what you have at the end. You end up with someone like Trump. A total POS. If from the get go you think he has issues think twice before voting for any of them.
Oh the hypocrisy. Democrats burned police stations, courthouses, and churches to the ground (sometimes with people in them). Yesterday was considerably tame by comparison to what we’ve seen all year.
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Old 01-07-2021, 12:26 PM   #27
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Yesterday was an attempt to control an election. Some of those are going to be in for a rude awakening upon being arrested and convicted, thus loosing their rights to legally own firearms. Trump orchestrated that and should be removed. The burning and looting in protests are wrong. Those doing should be arrested and prosecuted.
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Old 01-07-2021, 12:46 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by NeilArmstrong839125 View Post
Get rid of the Orange faced dictator now. He will invite his cult to do more violence and attempt to overthrow the government again. We all know that. He has to go immediately. Any other country he would be gone already.
He’s looking a lot more peach toned these days than orange.

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Old 01-07-2021, 12:51 PM   #29
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Funny how so many blacks are now saying "if black people marched the Capitol we would be shot" Well actually BLM did far, far more damage to the country than what happened yesterday. It's not about color its about country. Yes I agree with berry that if Trump were to be removed early things would be so much more worse than yesterday. I also believe that the media fueled into this. They were on Trump's ass before he was even elected. They doubled down on the impeachment and made him out as villain of the decade. I'm not a fan of Trump or Biden but the bias is obvious when you turn on the news and people are sick of seeing it. The fact that the popular vote shown was as close as it was is telling.

Something else to mention is during all of what went down yesterday Corona was not mentioned once. Funny how every single time we have a protest Corona is left out. You would think just once you would hear a reporter in a solemn voice say "and to think they are doing this gathering during a pandemic" Nope. Not once was it mentioned. So many questions but so little answers.
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Old 01-07-2021, 01:09 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Is that supposed to matter to me? If they have a fence set up as in don’t cross it because they are protecting people from the public for instant Rock Concerts, the White house or the Capital building which the odds go way up in those two places and you cross it, you already know you have a good chance of getting an ass whooping or shot. No matter who you are. Everyone knows that.
I am pointing out the hypocrisy of all the Trump haters and those on the left. They cheered when liberals laid siege to and shut down the capital of Wisconsin for over a week to try and prevent passage of a bill affecting public unions. They screamed with joy when liberals took over the US SENATE building just 2 years ago to try and stop the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. They applauded when black lives matters morons and antifa burned cities, looted and rioted for months this summer.

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