Originally Posted by Prolongus
Giuliani, Trump and Trump Jr. should be arrested for inciting sedition and violence on the Capitol. Giuliano’s words in the rally with the Trumps: “trial by COMBAT”....WTF???? Trump encouraging his lemming supporters to March down Pennsylvania Ave to the Capitol...and do what, exactly?? He also implied he would March with them (the pussy didn’t).
Good riddance to four years of a dicktater’s SHITSTORM.
Of course he wouldn't march with them.
He wanted the protests to get ugly. These are his Stormtroopers. He wanted riots, but you don't expect someone with the heart of a confirmed draft dodger to be anywhere he might get his hair messed up, do you?
Look at a few basic facts:
--Trump fought NOT to have the National Gd brought in. Why, when he was very anxious to have them squash any non-pro-Trump protests?
--He has been posturing and encouraging his armed nutcase followers to show up and protest on 6 Jan for two months. Why send his message pointed specifically to groups known to be armed and unhinged?
--When the mob resorted to being a mob and physically attacked the US Reichstag with the clear blessings of The Fuhrer, he still pressured people NOT to call out the NG. Why did it fall upon Pence to do the right thing? Some interesting behind the scenes moves by TRUMP'S people to go around Trump on this because they know it was the right thing to do--and that Donald Nero would much prefer to let DC burn. Why? An interesting true story that will likely never be told.
--When pushed to immediately and strongly condemn the riot, he refuses. Eventually when faced with a United front of HIS people, he comes out with a strongly worded "We love you guys" directed at the Proud Boys, etc. Why did it take some serious pressure from hard core Republican conservatives to get Fuhrer to make even the faintest pretence at actually being a leader or presidential?
He has gone beyond anything that can be defended as rational. I doubt the cabinet will use the 25th Ammendment, but as a substitute he should be locked in his bedroom, with no phone or computer or other toys. The Secret Service guarding the door--to keep him safe of course, and protect him from visitors. And let Pence play the role of Mrs. Wilson for the next two weeks.
Doubt we will see it, but that is what is needed at this point. If you don't think he is willing to pass secrets to his pal Putin just out of delusional spite and revenge, then you have no clue about the nature of the most egomaniacal, evil person ever to sit in the WH.