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Old 12-31-2020, 08:40 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by BONEDIGGER View Post
Now that wasnt very respectful now was it?
Wait you wear a jock?
Little league sports...got it.
Thanks El Cheapo....
Or your alias...
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Old 01-01-2021, 04:34 PM   #17
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Thanks guys for the reply. Wwasnt really looking to get into a Twain debate or it getting hyjacked over a past experience.

I dont care if i am called AA or Black. I am just a guy lol. Anyways yes Dallas i may take you up on that soon.

I am just curious about why most say no AA thats all. Anyways good day
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Old 01-02-2021, 02:30 AM   #18
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This is an old time practice that originated in the streets. Management didn’t want their “girls” to be lured by other management and thought Caucasian guys were easier to deal with and more predictable.

It’s racist, ignorant and ties back to the streets. Women who have this policy are either managed or uneducated and it is quite simply a sign of low class on the providers part. This is the real history of the practice, look into it further if you’d like.

Love & Light in 2021

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Old 01-02-2021, 05:22 AM   #19
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Cat nails it. ^^^^^^
And a rare point of reality in our fantasy world is refreshing to see.
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Old 01-02-2021, 07:36 AM   #20
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I think Blacks just want to be called Americans. I do not ever recall an white person referring to themselves as a 'White American' because they don't have to. Personally, I feel its ridiculous for 'American' to have to be attached to someone's nationality. If we're speaking in general, our black, brown, yellow or whatever, our neighbor is American, they just happen from elsewhere; not withstanding illegal immigrants.

Who has heard an Asian refer to themselves as An Asian American? Who has heard a German refer to themselves as a German American.

There's my typical 2 cent and I'm sure it meaningless because someone always wants to fight.
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Old 01-02-2021, 12:10 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by whatstheplay View Post
I think Blacks just want to be called Americans. I do not ever recall an white person referring to themselves as a 'White American' because they don't have to. Personally, I feel its ridiculous for 'American' to have to be attached to someone's nationality. If we're speaking in general, our black, brown, yellow or whatever, our neighbor is American, they just happen from elsewhere; not withstanding illegal immigrants.

Who has heard an Asian refer to themselves as An Asian American? Who has heard a German refer to themselves as a German American.

There's my typical 2 cent and I'm sure it meaningless because someone always wants to fight.
No fight here! True ignorance or outright prejudice. If I have the time to find it, I will reference the origin of the history of the no AA policy.

On the being an American note...not quite sure what that means these days. I'm standing on, "Before I agree to 2021 I need to see the Terms and Conditions.

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Old 01-02-2021, 01:01 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Cat nails it. ^^^^^^
And a rare point of reality in our fantasy world is refreshing to see.
Thanks UC, Not trying to ruin fantasies. A little confused on the fantasy though? That those ads aren't posted by hotties but their management?
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Old 01-02-2021, 05:43 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by MonKD View Post
JR you bring up a very challenging topic, and I'm not sure these forums show for the kind of nuanced discussion needed to flesh it out. But, as a clumsy attempt. The call for that change is related to black people not being a monolith. African American as defined as an immigrant from Africa is going to have a very different culture and set of experiences as an African American as defined by a descendent of slave. I, for one, am in favor of not treating those things as equal. As frustrating ss change, no matter how low effort can be.

As for the Mark Twain reference, and frankly, my main reason for responding. His use of the N-word wasn't an homage to the antebellum south, or even an attempt to be accurate to its culture. It was a criticism of it, and the way black people were treated. Huck Finn (I'm assuming that's what you're talking about), as a whole was a critique.
If you really have read Mark Twain, and by that I mean really read his works and not "Clift Notes", you will find that he used a lot of language just as it was used at the time. The N word was widely used in everyday speech with no negative implications. When it was hatefully used - one immediately knew. That was not MT. He used the term N as a straight description, at the same time he could make a very accurate critique - and he was funny, but funny -funny, not funny mean. It is always a good time to read something he has written when there is nothing to watch on TV, and that is most of the time.

By the way, back in the 60s when I was in college, not a single USA born black was enrolled in any of my science classes; and I took as many as I could get - chemistry, microbiology, math, physics, electronics, statistics, etc. But there were a lot of asian and Middle East guys in these classes, and several blacks from an African Nations. One that became a good friend that I still contact today. He became the Minister of Health for one of the Nations of Africa.

I can still immediately tell a black from Africa as soon as the speak: their English is precisely and correctly spoken.
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Old 01-03-2021, 10:28 AM   #24
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Women who have this policy are either managed or uneducated and it is quite simply a sign of low class on the providers part.
I don't consider myself low class at all. Definitely not managed,I wouldn't even say uneducated. I would say different experiences & preferences even up bringing but far from ignorant or low class.
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Old 01-03-2021, 01:04 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by whatstheplay View Post
I think Blacks just want to be called Americans.
I totally agree with this, and wish that could be the case.

Originally Posted by whatstheplay View Post
I do not ever recall an white person referring to themselves as a 'White American' because they don't have to.
While this is absolutely true, there is an additional consideration. Many white Americans have the privilege of calling themselves "Irish-American" or "Italian-American" or "German-American". No one has problems with a German festival, or an Italian parade, or an Irish holiday.

Many Black people in the US don't have the privilege of knowing their history like that. They can't claim to be "Kenyan-American" or "Ghana-American" so they have to be "African-American".
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Old 01-03-2021, 01:23 PM   #26
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To each their own as ladies, they have the right to pick and choose who we want to see, if a provider isn't interested, there is more fish in the sea. Gosh forbid if unclean and drug abusers come on here asking why I refuse to see them. I would just LOL and assume its the only best way to start 2021.
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Old 01-03-2021, 02:30 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by KCQuestor View Post
I totally agree with this, and wish that could be the case.

While this is absolutely true, there is an additional consideration. Many white Americans have the privilege of calling themselves "Irish-American" or "Italian-American" or "German-American". No one has problems with a German festival, or an Italian parade, or an Irish holiday.

Many Black people in the US don't have the privilege of knowing their history like that. They can't claim to be "Kenyan-American" or "Ghana-American" so they have to be "African-American".
the color does'nt matter, if your a good human your a good human
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Old 01-03-2021, 02:44 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by SelinaKyleKC View Post
Thanks UC, Not trying to ruin fantasies. A little confused on the fantasy though? That those ads aren't posted by hotties but their management?
Double meaning. I'm guilty of that frequently.
Simple truth is refreshing, as it's somewhat rare in our hobby fantasy world.
And yes, managed situations are a reality problem in our fantasy world.
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Old 01-03-2021, 08:06 PM   #29
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Um. I...hope this "I'm one of the good ones REALLY" works out for ya.
They don't see them for...reasons.
These "rants" always have a touch of 'pick me' to it.
Kind of like when I see ISO's requesting providers that are literally everything I am not let's say skinny, white & tall or petite, Asian & small breasts (I am none of those things) or strictly sticking to race 'everyone under the sun but Black (or Black presenting) women' and I don't stare thinking and wondering "why not me". I move along. For all kinds of reasons...they just don't want to.

Go to who/where you are wanted ... no one else matters (including why they don't like you/want you).
That said I am personally equal opportunity when it comes to race/ethnicity/mix.

Being an equal opportunity heaux (boss, employee, HR etc all in one lol) and enjoy variety but no one should go around begging to be loved or liked (you might not be begging but these always have a little bit of an air of that to me).
That's why I think it's a waste of time to chase those that don't want you.
Never beg someone to take your money. Or...even wonder why.

Have some self-respect whether selling or buying time.

Don't go to someone who will simply settle for taking your money but doesn't appreciate it. That's likely what you'll get convincing someone who doesn't usually see Black clients to see you.

I'm a customer/patron of OTHER businesses and I know I also want to feel valued (you can tell when a business will simply take your money but can't wait for you to leave (and wouldn't care if they never saw you again)). We all deserve better.
Spend wise.
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Old 01-03-2021, 09:03 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by yourdesire View Post
Women who have this policy are either managed or uneducated and it is quite simply a sign of low class on the providers part.
I don't consider myself low class at all. Definitely not managed,I wouldn't even say uneducated. I would say different experiences & preferences even up bringing but far from ignorant or low class.
I certainly meant disrespect and understand what you are saying and everyone does get to have their own preferences. Lack of exposure to other races during upbringing would fall under ignorance. Not that you are ignorant, just to that race.

Just as I don’t believe in stereotyping a race, I’m not trying to stereotype everyone who is not open to certain races. In my experiences, the majority of women who advertise No AA, rather than determining during screening, are under management or copycatting a practice for which they have no understanding. No offense meant to anyone. Why no Asian, Latino, Caucasian?
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