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Old 01-01-2021, 10:09 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by matchingmole View Post
Trump is a POS....therefore...........

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Old 01-02-2021, 08:05 AM   #17
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Who will u hate?
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Old 01-02-2021, 08:22 AM   #18
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Excellent, post, oeb. Did you paste it from Adchoices?


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Old 01-02-2021, 08:42 AM   #19
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Excellent, post, oeb. Did you paste it from Adchoices?


And you're the one complaining about hi-jacking
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Old 01-02-2021, 08:52 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Who will u hate? ASK NOT FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS...[/b]
Excellent post and so relevant to the OP, oeb11.

You hijacked another thread, with help from your favorite sex toy. No, she won’t take you to bed, so quit fantasizing.

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Old 01-02-2021, 09:13 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
I hope the Republicans fall on their face. They are ruinous to our democracy. Look at their behavior in being sycophants to Trump.

As opposed to the sycophant behavior towards Biden? Continuing to say that the laptop is Russian disinformation while Hunter admits he is under criminal investigation by the FBI?

Even without evidence of fraud they are willing to push Trumps claims to the brink rather than telling him to STFU

Even without evidence of a Russian disinformation plot, the Democrats and MSM keep pushing that idea and won't even acknowledge that there is at least one former Hunter associate that has given testimony that Joe Biden not only knew what Hunter was doing but gave final approval of all things Hunter was doing with regard to deals with foreign adversaries.

and telling his supporters what they all know, that Trump is a liar and is misleading them for his own money grab.

And Joe Biden continues to lie about the corrupt family that he leads.

And the fact that the ECCIE idiots like Dilly, Wimp and Neverthinking seem to actually believe that madness shows how dumb people can be

And the fact that the sycophant leftist on the board continue to ignore the mounting evidence that Joe Biden is not only a liar in continuing to say he knew nothing of what Hunter was doing but is as corrupt or more so than they accuse Trump of being.

(I’ll leave HF off the list because he’s smart enough not to come out and admit he believes it even though it’s clear that he does).

Believes "it"? What exactly is it? The constitutional right to do what he and his supports are allowed to do by law? If what happens on Jan. 6th, does happen, it will be because it can by law, happen. You can complain till hell freezes over but there is nothing illegal about what Trump and his supporters are doing and the courts will decide this matter, one way or the other just like our great Democracy calls for. And Trump will be second in line to Stacey Abrams still claiming to this day and supported by the Democrat party, that she won and the election was stolen from her which gets applause every where she repeats this.

Sadly, Republicans have have shown no backbone or even some moral fortitude so it’s clear they can’t be trusted.

But the people willing to look the other way with a mountain of evidence that their new President has lied to them all along about what he and his family have been doing, can be trusted?

You sir, are exactly what you complain others to be, a sycophant and hypocrite. The one thing I'm not 100% sure about ( maybe 98% ) is whether you know this and simply don't care or you really can not connect the dots before you.
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Old 01-02-2021, 09:39 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
It's crazy. You look at Trump's tweets over the last few days and all he's talking about are fraudulent election results in Georgia and the Republican politicians in Georgia that fucked him over. The Georgia Republicans went back and did a hand recount. They came up with nothing. So then they did signature matching in a Democratic county. Again nothing. Still Trump is on the warpath, trying to ruin their political careers.

And during this time, not a peep out of Trump about Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin or Arizona. So why Georgia? He's trying to make sure he's still relevant by fucking over the Republican Party. If people know he can ruin their careers, if McConnell doesn't survive as Senate Majority leader, then Trump believes he'll be the most powerful force in the Republican Party.

Contrary to what you say, January 5 (Georgia runoffs) will not be the defining moment in deciding whether Trump's ruined the Republican Party. That will occur the next day, on January 6, when at least 140 Republican Congressmen will vote to try to overturn the election.

And does the Constitution afford them this right? Or is it illegal and un-constituional? If it is, the SC will overturn any such result just like our democracy calls for. It may very well be politically unwise to pursue the course Trump has taken but as long as it is a legal course of action, I can not speak against it.

Some of them are true believers who drank the Kool Aid that Trump force fed them.

And how about those Democrats who continue to promulgate the lie that everything being said about Hunter is Russian dis-information, do you believe that or is it a lie that they continue to spew?

More believe if they don't vote the way Trump wants them to, they'll get "primaried" and won't survive to compete in the general election in 2022.

You mean like the Squad does and Pelosi does to anybody that doesn't tow their line?

For very different reasons, I now agree with Yssup. Trump is a POS. I've kind of known this for a long time. But it didn't become 100% apparent until after the November, 2020 election.

Has anything about Joe Biden become apparent to you?

Why isn't one single Democrat asking why Pelosi put a brand new Congressman from her state on the Intelligence Committee, after being told by the FBI that he had a long working relationship with a Chinese spy and more than likely, a sexual relationship and the fact that Swalwell accepted money from this person and it can not or has as yet been proven whether it was money from China or not.

Trump's a piece of shit, Pelosi, Scuhmer, Schitt for brains are all pieces of shit which is why I hold all of them in contempt and concentrate on the policies they put forward because they are all pieces of shit and I know you know that.

While Biden isn't as caustic as Trump, I believe he is every bit the corrupt politician and will lead this country into disaster.
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Old 01-02-2021, 09:51 AM   #23
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More disappointment from you HF. You keep wanting to be in the category of the rest of the Idiots. I keep trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but no more. Your idiot crew membership is approved.

Where’s all this evidence against Biden? Oh that’s right, it’s in the same place the massive voter fraud evidence is. So expertly hidden away. So you get the best of both worlds - plausible deniability as to believing the stupidity presented on OANN and Parler but not having to defend the lack of any substantive evidence. Sadly typical of the Idiot Crew.

At least you admit you’re just a partisan. Can’t wait for the presidential election. Maybe the Democrats will refuse to accept the election and if a Republican wins they’ll just keep lying that the election was stolen and seat whomever they like. Good for the gander after all.
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Old 01-02-2021, 10:55 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Has anything about Joe Biden become apparent to you?

Why isn't one single Democrat asking why Pelosi put a brand new Congressman from her state on the Intelligence Committee, after being told by the FBI that he had a long working relationship with a Chinese spy and more than likely, a sexual relationship and the fact that Swalwell accepted money from this person and it can not or has as yet been proven whether it was money from China or not.

Trump's a piece of shit, Pelosi, Scuhmer, Schitt for brains are all pieces of shit which is why I hold all of them in contempt and concentrate on the policies they put forward because they are all pieces of shit and I know you know that.

While Biden isn't as caustic as Trump, I believe he is every bit the corrupt politician and will lead this country into disaster.
AdChoices Business Insider Biden will be much better than AdChoices Business Insider Trump....AdChoices Business Insider United States of America needs the change.
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Old 01-02-2021, 12:22 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
More disappointment from you HF. You keep wanting to be in the category of the rest of the Idiots. I keep trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but no more. Your idiot crew membership is approved.

Where’s all this evidence against Biden? Oh that’s right, it’s in the same place the massive voter fraud evidence is. So expertly hidden away. So you get the best of both worlds - plausible deniability as to believing the stupidity presented on OANN and Parler but not having to defend the lack of any substantive evidence. Sadly typical of the Idiot Crew.

At least you admit you’re just a partisan. Can’t wait for the presidential election. Maybe the Democrats will refuse to accept the election and if a Republican wins they’ll just keep lying that the election was stolen and seat whomever they like. Good for the gander after all.

That's OK, the least of my worries is disappointing you. The evidence is in the hands of the FBI in case you missed Hunters admission that he has been informed of his criminal investigation. There is testimony from a credible witness that Joe Biden not only knew what Hunter was doing but played a part in it so I guess caring about whether a President has continued to lie to you only counts when it is a President you want gone.

But I think I do have my answer now to the question of whether you know this and don't care or don't know.

I think the "idiot crew" will be the sycophants kissing Biden's ass knowing they are walking on a tightrope and there may not be a net below.
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Old 01-02-2021, 12:39 PM   #26
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Evidence against Hunter, if any, isn’t evidence against Joe, but you’re aware of that. And Hunter’s being investigated for taxes, presumably for either misrepresentation of the amount earned or deductions made. As Barr said “don’t see anything needing a special counsel” hence it’s unlikely it’s much more than an actual tax issue.

And let’s play your little no evidence needed game out. Assume Joe is involved. He’ll be shamed and actually leave office. Or he’ll pull a Trump and deny everything while pulling the levers of govt and dangling pardons to prevent any real investigation. And the Dems like the Repubs will deny deny deny and obfuscate the truth in defense of their guy. No way you’d expect or even want any Dems to come forward against him, since you didn’t want any to come forward against Trump.

Keep dreaming though. Foolish looks about right on the members of the Idiot Crew.
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Old 01-02-2021, 04:10 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Evidence against Hunter, if any, isn’t evidence against Joe, but you’re aware of that

Oh, but any evidence against Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Manafort, Carter Page, Papadopolous, Cohen, was all evidence against Trump, right? The emails themselves and the testimony of a third party is the evidence against Joe but you know that right?

And Hunter’s being investigated for taxes,

And you are hoping that the testimony given by a third party tying Joe Biden to everything Hunter was doing, won't be included in that investigation. Why did Joe Biden take a meeting with a partner of Hunter if Joe had no knowledge of what Hunter was doing? And if it can be proven that some of that illegal money found it's way into Joe Biden's hands and wasn't declared? You know, like "here's 10 million for the Big Guy"!

presumably for either misrepresentation of the amount earned or deductions made. As Barr said “don’t see anything needing a special counsel” hence it’s unlikely it’s much more than an actual tax issue.

I think Barr was just saying he had faith in the Delaware prosecutors office. You could be right. If the prosecutor doesn't feel the need to go beyond Hunter's tax problems and doesn't "follow the money", than Joe might very well escape any prosecution but you are still left with a President that repeatedly lied to the American people and we know how much Democrats hate a lying President, don't we?

And let’s play your little no evidence needed game out.

When did I ever say no evidence is needed? I'm saying that between the laptop and third party testimony, the evidence exists that Joe Biden was more involved than he is saying. Whether that in itself is a criminal act is yet to be decided but as we found out from Democrats in Trump's impeachment, a criminal act is not necessary to impeach a President. If the evidence proves that Joe Biden lied about knowing what his son was doing and actually facilitated it to some degree, shouldn't he be impeached for being un-Presidential since that was the standard used against Trump?

Assume Joe is involved.

I have made that assumption.

He’ll be shamed and actually leave office.

Or he’ll pull a Trump and deny everything while pulling the levers of govt and dangling pardons to prevent any real investigation.

I'll take door number two Alex!

And the Dems like the Repubs will deny deny deny and obfuscate the truth in defense of their guy.

Except for that one small thing in the matter of Trump. The truth was being told all along about no conspiracy by Trump and Russia. There was no obfuscation. The obfuscation was on the part of scumbags like Adam Schitt for brains who continues to lie to this day saying he had evidence that he never produced and lied about the people who he says told him those things when they were put under oath and denied ever saying such things.

No way you’d expect or even want any Dems to come forward against him, since you didn’t want any to come forward against Trump.

You have me confused with others. Trump was not someone I would protect. I said from the very beginning, show me the evidence that Trump conspired with Russia to interfere in the election and I would raise my hand to impeach. There was no such evidence as evidenced by the fact that not one single person in the Trump administration was indicted for said conspiracy.

Keep dreaming though. Foolish looks about right on the members of the Idiot Crew.

And yet you carry it so well. Good for you that being foolish doesn't bother you.

But let me ask a straight forward question and I would like an honest answer. If Joe Biden is lying about his knowledge of Hunter's business deals and the evidence shows he knew all along, what should be done with Joe Biden?

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Old 01-02-2021, 04:33 PM   #28
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You’re assuming that it’ll be determined that Hunter did something illegal aside from not reporting his taxes. If that’s all it is, too bad for Hunter. Biden has turned over his taxes annually for a couple decades so if he has millions from China that he didn’t report I suspect he’ll be deservedly prosecuted. I’m not sure what you and the other nuts believe that he did with China. But let’s assume that he did some kinda illegal mcguffin then he’ll be prosecuted.

So what exactly did Joe do with China, what’s the illegal act you’re so sure that he’s committed? He specific so that we can be clear as to what crime he supposedly committed.

What crime did Hunter commit, since evidently you’re so sure that he did something as well. He specific.
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Old 01-02-2021, 05:54 PM   #29
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money laundering is illegal.
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Old 01-02-2021, 07:16 PM   #30
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Why an Iran Attack Could Be Biden’s ‘Hour One’ Crisis


A number of observers have speculated that a violent clash with Iran would be President Donald Trump’s final and most destabilizing act in office. But there is every possibility that revenge for Soleimani and Muhandis might be the first crisis of the Biden administration instead.

The evidence for a post-Jan. 20 confrontation has been accumulating for some weeks. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei cautioned on December 16 that Iran’s revenge would come “at its own time and place,” and thus not necessarily under Trump, who has pledged to strike back hard if Americans are harmed. Inside Iraq, the key Iranian-backed militia, Kataib Hezbollah, has warned against revenge attacks until Trump is gone, and even Mohammed al-Hashemi, an Iraqi government envoy sent to Iran, was quoted in Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar newspaper as beseeching Tehran to maintain calm “until the Biden administration takes over the presidency from Trump.”

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