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Old 12-31-2020, 11:08 AM   #1
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What's Trump Derangement Syndrome? It's a clinical diagnosis of what Trump suffers from. He is deranged. He appears to be doing everything he can to make Republicans lose in Georgia. Why? Hell if I know. Narcissistic tendencies, attention seeking, fear Mitch McConnell will be more powerful than he is. Who knows. The Wall Street Journal has a theory,

President Trump has always put his personal interests above nearly everything else, and Republicans are paying the political price. Mr. Trump lost his re-election bid to Joe Biden, and now he may cost Republicans the Senate too.

Mr. Trump lost his re-election bid even as Republicans did better down-ballot because more voters liked his policies than liked him. The President hewed to a largely conservative agenda as long as he needed to maintain GOP support. But now that he’ll soon leave Washington, he’s throwing that over to punish Republicans and anyone else who refuses to indulge his fantasies about overturning the election.

That’s the only explanation for his decision to join Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer in pushing for $2,000 Covid relief checks after his own negotiators had settled for $600 and the bill had passed Congress. Mr. Trump is trying to punish Mitch McConnell, the Majority Leader, and John Thune, a member of the Senate leadership, because they have recognized that Mr. Biden won the election.

“Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Tuesday from Florida. “Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators.”

Actually, GOP Sen. David Perdue won more votes and a bigger vote share than Mr. Trump did in Georgia, and Mr. Trump was the first Republican to lose the state since 1992. Susan Collins also did better in Maine. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump’s personal and political unpopularity helped to drag down incumbent Cory Gardner in Colorado.


Here's the front page headline in the Atlanta Constitution today:

As runoff nears, Trump complicates GOP case by demanding that Kemp resign


Take a look at his tweets over the last 48 hours, which mostly criticize Georgia Republicans, and describe imaginary voting fraud in Georgia.


Some RINO's, including Lin Wood, have from time to time said why show up to the polls, the crooked Georgia Republicans who've been bought off by the Chinese are going to make sure the Democrats win anyway. Trump's egging them on.

Trump's up to the same shit, breaking the Republican party apart at the seams, as in Arizona. That lost us two Senate seats.

I don't understand why many of you gentlemen on the right still defend him. He doesn't deserve your support.
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Old 12-31-2020, 11:30 AM   #2
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Write the WSJ and tell them Willie Boy is Here.....no tell the WTF knows exactly why Trump is still raising Cain.....He is making money off it.

I mean the WSJ is correct....Trump never cared about the GOP. He is a liberal for the most part. Populist. Overall he is acting like he has always acted....like a spoiled rotten brat.

When his actions start costing money....he will stfu
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Old 12-31-2020, 11:56 AM   #3
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His actions will come to a much deserved beautiful grinding halt in three weeks and four years too late!

Fuck that guy.
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Old 12-31-2020, 10:05 PM   #4
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My takeaway from Tiny's piece:


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Old 12-31-2020, 10:13 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
My takeaway from Tiny's piece:
"Can't we just drop a missile on that moron?" If only it were so easy. Trump's demolishing the Republican Party.
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Old 12-31-2020, 10:17 PM   #6
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- Sshhhh. You'll wake up the monkey.

- Get OUT!

Got dammit, I'm still laughing!
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Old 12-31-2020, 10:42 PM   #7
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Old 01-01-2021, 12:42 AM   #8
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Who cares about the gay ass republican party? You act as though we have some sort allegiance to all of the retarded and bullshit politicians in government. Fuck all of them.

At least H I M is exposing them as the assholes they are, even if H I M himself is an asshole.

Enjoy in H I M.
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Old 01-01-2021, 09:45 AM   #9
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How was NYE in Bethesda last night?
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Old 01-01-2021, 10:41 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
What's Trump Derangement Syndrome? It's a clinical diagnosis of what Trump suffers from. He is deranged. He appears to be doing everything he can to make Republicans lose in Georgia. Why? Hell if I know. Narcissistic tendencies, attention seeking, fear Mitch McConnell will be more powerful than he is. Who knows. The Wall Street Journal has a theory,

President Trump has always put his personal interests above nearly everything else, and Republicans are paying the political price. Mr. Trump lost his re-election bid to Joe Biden, and now he may cost Republicans the Senate too.

Mr. Trump lost his re-election bid even as Republicans did better down-ballot because more voters liked his policies than liked him. The President hewed to a largely conservative agenda as long as he needed to maintain GOP support. But now that he’ll soon leave Washington, he’s throwing that over to punish Republicans and anyone else who refuses to indulge his fantasies about overturning the election.

That’s the only explanation for his decision to join Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer in pushing for $2,000 Covid relief checks after his own negotiators had settled for $600 and the bill had passed Congress. Mr. Trump is trying to punish Mitch McConnell, the Majority Leader, and John Thune, a member of the Senate leadership, because they have recognized that Mr. Biden won the election.

“Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Tuesday from Florida. “Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators.”

Actually, GOP Sen. David Perdue won more votes and a bigger vote share than Mr. Trump did in Georgia, and Mr. Trump was the first Republican to lose the state since 1992. Susan Collins also did better in Maine. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump’s personal and political unpopularity helped to drag down incumbent Cory Gardner in Colorado.


Here's the front page headline in the Atlanta Constitution today:

As runoff nears, Trump complicates GOP case by demanding that Kemp resign


Take a look at his tweets over the last 48 hours, which mostly criticize Georgia Republicans, and describe imaginary voting fraud in Georgia.


Some RINO's, including Lin Wood, have from time to time said why show up to the polls, the crooked Georgia Republicans who've been bought off by the Chinese are going to make sure the Democrats win anyway. Trump's egging them on.

Trump's up to the same shit, breaking the Republican party apart at the seams, as in Arizona. That lost us two Senate seats.

I don't understand why many of you gentlemen on the right still defend him. He doesn't deserve your support.
I'll only speak for myself and repeat what I have said many times. I do not defend Trump, I defend his policies, not all but most. So while it may sound like I'm defending the man, I am not.

Take this Georgia race for example. If I had a vote, would I turn the Senate over to Democrats because voting for the Republicans would be defending Trump? Nothing could be further from the truth.

You have said many times here how total Democrat rule could be ruinous to us.

I just finished a post in the General Forum about how I believe China will over take America very soon in economic and military matters and I do not yet see the push back from the Democrats that will be needed to fight China. While that sounds like a defense/ support of Trump, it is not. I'll settle for anybody who wanted to continue the confrontation with China and I don't see that happening under Joe Biden who said he doesn't believe China is a competitor but again, that may just have been, shall we say, not one of his more lucid moments but who will be there to tell Joe that China is the biggest problem in our future not Russia?

All Democrats want to do for the next four years is assure that every ethnic and social group in America is "represented" regardless of what they believe in like China. They just seem only interested in checking the box of color, gender or no gender and eliminating freedom of speech.
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Old 01-01-2021, 10:52 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
"Can't we just drop a missile on that moron?" If only it were so easy. Trump's demolishing the Republican Party.

I think we saw plenty of proof that Trump destroyed himself and not the Republican party. How else could we see the lose of so many Democrat seats to Republicans, especially in California.

But Georgia could be the defining moment in deciding whether Trump has ruined the Republican party or just himself as it looks now.

Me, I happen to think that after 2 years of this incoming clown show, Republicans will take back the House and keep the Senate and be in good shape to take back the Presidency in 2024.

Anybody seriously believe that Commala Harris would win in 2024?
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Old 01-01-2021, 10:55 AM   #12
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I hope the Republicans fall on their face. They are ruinous to our democracy. Look at their behavior in being sycophants to Trump. Even without evidence of fraud they are willing to push Trumps claims to the brink rather than telling him to STFU and telling his supporters what they all know, that Trump is a liar and is misleading them for his own money grab. And the fact that the ECCIE idiots like Dilly, Wimp and Neverthinking seem to actually believe that madness shows how dumb people can be (I’ll leave HF off the list because he’s smart enough not to come out and admit he believes it even though it’s clear that he does).

Sadly, Republicans have have shown no backbone or even some moral fortitude so it’s clear they can’t be trusted.
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Old 01-01-2021, 11:06 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Trump supporters are dumb AF fuck"
I’m just gonna leave this right here because it’s the truest statement OEB11 ever made.
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Old 01-01-2021, 04:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
I think we saw plenty of proof that Trump destroyed himself and not the Republican party. How else could we see the lose of so many Democrat seats to Republicans, especially in California.

But Georgia could be the defining moment in deciding whether Trump has ruined the Republican party or just himself as it looks now.

Me, I happen to think that after 2 years of this incoming clown show, Republicans will take back the House and keep the Senate and be in good shape to take back the Presidency in 2024.

Anybody seriously believe that Commala Harris would win in 2024?
It's crazy. You look at Trump's tweets over the last few days and all he's talking about are fraudulent election results in Georgia and the Republican politicians in Georgia that fucked him over. The Georgia Republicans went back and did a hand recount. They came up with nothing. So then they did signature matching in a Democratic county. Again nothing. Still Trump is on the warpath, trying to ruin their political careers.

And during this time, not a peep out of Trump about Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin or Arizona. So why Georgia? He's trying to make sure he's still relevant by fucking over the Republican Party. If people know he can ruin their careers, if McConnell doesn't survive as Senate Majority leader, then Trump believes he'll be the most powerful force in the Republican Party.

Contrary to what you say, January 5 (Georgia runoffs) will not be the defining moment in deciding whether Trump's ruined the Republican Party. That will occur the next day, on January 6, when at least 140 Republican Congressmen will vote to try to overturn the election. Some of them are true believers who drank the Kool Aid that Trump force fed them. More believe if they don't vote the way Trump wants them to, they'll get "primaried" and won't survive to compete in the general election in 2022.

For very different reasons, I now agree with Yssup. Trump is a POS. I've kind of known this for a long time. But it didn't become 100% apparent until after the November, 2020 election.
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Old 01-01-2021, 09:33 PM   #15
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Trump is a POS....therefore...........
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