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Old 12-29-2020, 08:16 AM   #16
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
or at least say it in Chinese ,,,,,
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Old 12-29-2020, 10:14 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Trump's loss is a win for future voter suppression (wtf header)

wtf got that correct - the DPST's come to power and will use the DOJ to facilitate voter fraud and ensure no free election ever again happens in America.

The party with voter fraud history from Tammany hall, Daly machine, JFK. LBJ, and Brenda snipes of Palm Beach - ix expert at voter fraud - and will institutionalize it as a DPST SOP, and prevent any other opinion to ever again be elected.

wtf - for once - you are correct!!!!
Your inability to comprehend is being highlighted yet again.

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Old 12-29-2020, 10:49 AM   #18
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stacy abram's sister, a federal judge in Georgia

refused to recuse herself from a voter fraud case

and ruled that two counties must restore to their voting rolls over 4100 names of people who had moved out of those counties in a suit to remove those names filed by a local voter
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Old 12-30-2020, 09:00 AM   #19
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the 12 AD , and the VP ^^^ that shit right there is the problem ,,,,
side note stacy and Hillary have not conceded
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Old 12-30-2020, 09:04 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Your inability to comprehend is being highlighted yet again.


Thanks YR - i comprehend fine

And - have a very happy new year,
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Old 12-30-2020, 09:57 AM   #21
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
the 12 AD , and the VP ^^^ that shit right there is the problem ,,,,
side note stacy and Hillary have not conceded
hillary conceeded... by 1 week
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Old 12-30-2020, 11:45 AM   #22
winn dixie
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The disgustingly fat and repulsive stacy never conceded.
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Old 01-18-2021, 08:10 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Larry Summers, Democrat and top economic advisor to Clinton and Obama, was on the Bloomberg channel last night. He said the 5 trillion in stimulus is 3X the output gap. Obama's stimulus was only 40% of it.

Biden's doubling down with $2 trillion more in additional stimulus. That's 10% of GDP. The consensus forecasts are for fourth quarter GDP to be down only 2.4% from last year, and first quarter 2021 GDP to be up year on year. We don't need to blow another $2 trillion.

It looked like Mitch was going to be the last obstacle between nutty House Democrats and a nutty President and fiscal insanity. Well, forget about that.
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Old 01-18-2021, 09:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
stacy abram's sister, a federal judge in Georgia

refused to recuse herself from a voter fraud case

and ruled that two counties must restore to their voting rolls over 4100 names of people who had moved out of those counties in a suit to remove those names filed by a local voter
Do a little research why don't you. Georgia has a long history of voter suppression. During the 2018 mid-term elections this occurred:

In Georgia, Kemp remained in his position as Georgia’s secretary of state — the office that oversees elections in Georgia — even while running for governor against Democrat Stacey Abrams.

Kemp has carried out mass purges of the voter rolls, ostensibly to remove dead people and people who haven’t voted in recent elections from the records, but in such a sweeping way that Democrats fear it will keep voters, particularly minority voters, off the rolls.

Kemp’s office also put 53,000 voter registrations on hold, nearly 70 percent of which are for black voters, by using an error-prone “exact match” system, which stops voter registrations if there are any discrepancies, down to dropped hyphens, with other government records.

And in the days before Election Day, Kemp accused Democrats, through the secretary of state’s website and with no evidence, of attempting to hack the state’s voter registration system. As elections law expert Richard Hasen wrote in Slate, this was “perhaps the most outrageous example of election administration partisanship in the modern era.”

Other problems also popped up in Georgia throughout the day, including long voting lines and technical errors. That led to voting places extending their hours very late into the night.

An independent analysis of over 300,000 voters purged from the rolls after 2018 showed that over 60% wrongfully lost their right to vote because of an incorrect assumption that they had changed their address. Too often, these voters never discover they have been purged until the time to vote, when it is too late.
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Old 01-19-2021, 11:51 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
Do a little research why don't you. Georgia has a long history of voter suppression. During the 2018 mid-term elections this occurred:

In Georgia, Kemp remained in his position as Georgia’s secretary of state — the office that oversees elections in Georgia — even while running for governor against Democrat Stacey Abrams.

Kemp has carried out mass purges of the voter rolls, ostensibly to remove dead people and people who haven’t voted in recent elections from the records, but in such a sweeping way that Democrats fear it will keep voters, particularly minority voters, off the rolls.

Kemp’s office also put 53,000 voter registrations on hold, nearly 70 percent of which are for black voters, by using an error-prone “exact match” system, which stops voter registrations if there are any discrepancies, down to dropped hyphens, with other government records.

And in the days before Election Day, Kemp accused Democrats, through the secretary of state’s website and with no evidence, of attempting to hack the state’s voter registration system. As elections law expert Richard Hasen wrote in Slate, this was “perhaps the most outrageous example of election administration partisanship in the modern era.”

Other problems also popped up in Georgia throughout the day, including long voting lines and technical errors. That led to voting places extending their hours very late into the night.

An independent analysis of over 300,000 voters purged from the rolls after 2018 showed that over 60% wrongfully lost their right to vote because of an incorrect assumption that they had changed their address. Too often, these voters never discover they have been purged until the time to vote, when it is too late.
I did a little research and this sounds like Stacey Abrams propaganda. She's a lot like Trump. They both lost but won't admit it.

Kemp purged 1.4 million people from the rolls during his time as Secretary of State, most because they hadn't voted in a long while. A progressive, pro-Abrams, pro-Democrat organization, apm reports, looked at 500,000 that were purged on a single day. Of the 500,000, apparently 400,000 shouldn't have been on the rolls, because they had indeed moved or died. So that leaves 100,000. Now those people could still go to vote, and those that did presumably could cast provisional ballots. And, admittedly, because they were no longer on the rolls, their provisional ballots probably were rejected.

As to the 53,000 people whose registrations had been held up, they could also go in and cast provisional ballots, and their votes were counted provided that they had registered sometime in the last 26 months. The hold ups occurred because election authorities were unable to match names on registration forms with social security cards or drivers licenses, so yes, a misplaced hyphen or apostrophe in a name could cause that. So why were 70% black? It wasn't a Republican conspiracy. Rather Stacey Abrams and colleagues had been registering everyone they could, so they'd be able to harvest ballots when November, 2018 came around. And they were sloppy when they signed people up to vote, and didn't always enter the names of the people correctly on registration forms.

These 53,000 people represent about 1% by the way of voters who registered while Kemp was Secretary of State btw. Kemp made registration easier, by among other things setting up a way to do it on the internet.

But here's the kicker. All these people who had been purged because they didn't vote in a long while, and all the people whose registrations were help up because their names didn't match, presumably were able to vote provisionally. Again, if your name had been purged because of inactivity, your vote likely wouldn't count. If it was because of a mistake in the name, your vote probably would be counted. And in the 2018 Georgia governor's election, only about 9,000 people voted provisionally. Kemp won by 55,000 votes.

This is truly ironic, because Kemp received death threats and possibly kissed his political career goodbye for refusing to countenance Donald Trump's argument that the election was stolen in Georgia.

Finally, please realize that steps that Kemp took, which you may view as voter suppression, are the measures that make many independents and some Republicans like me confident we have a sound election system. Without us, Trump's attempts at overturning the election might not have been so laughable. You might have had a revolution. Removing voters from the rolls who haven't voted for many years and holding up registration of voters whose names can't be matched with government records are reasonable.
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Old 01-19-2021, 12:08 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
Biden should be calling Texas out for a fraud election. Abbot changed the rules for only one box for voting ballets per county. Typical gop suppression. Texas has always been the gop red state of corruption

Given teh new DOJ and FBI under the DPST/CCP regime - Please take your complaint to them.

I am sure they would love to investigate and put away some dangerous non-PC 'in - correct thinkers"!
Thank you for the usual DPST/CCP fake news propaganda,ts.
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Old 01-19-2021, 12:11 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I did a little research and this sounds like Stacey Abrams propaganda. She's a lot like Trump. They both lost but won't admit it.

Kemp purged 1.4 million people from the rolls during his time as Secretary of State, most because they hadn't voted in a long while. A progressive, pro-Abrams, pro-Democrat organization, apm reports, looked at 500,000 that were purged on a single day. Of the 500,000, apparently 400,000 shouldn't have been on the rolls, because they had indeed moved or died. So that leaves 100,000. Now those people could still go to vote, and those that did presumably could cast provisional ballots. And, admittedly, because they were no longer on the rolls, their provisional ballots probably were rejected.

As to the 53,000 people whose registrations had been held up, they could also go in and cast provisional ballots, and their votes were counted provided that they had registered sometime in the last 26 months. The hold ups occurred because election authorities were unable to match names on registration forms with social security cards or drivers licenses, so yes, a misplaced hyphen or apostrophe in a name could cause that. So why were 70% black? It wasn't a Republican conspiracy. Rather Stacey Abrams and colleagues had been registering everyone they could, so they'd be able to harvest ballots when November, 2018 came around. And they were sloppy when they signed people up to vote, and didn't always enter the names of the people correctly on registration forms.

These 53,000 people represent about 1% by the way of voters who registered while Kemp was Secretary of State btw. Kemp made registration easier, by among other things setting up a way to do it on the internet.

But here's the kicker. All these people who had been purged because they didn't vote in a long while, and all the people whose registrations were help up because their names didn't match, presumably were able to vote provisionally. Again, if your name had been purged because of inactivity, your vote likely wouldn't count. If it was because of a mistake in the name, your vote probably would be counted. And in the 2018 Georgia governor's election, only about 9,000 people voted provisionally. Kemp won by 55,000 votes.

This is truly ironic, because Kemp received death threats and possibly kissed his political career goodbye for refusing to countenance Donald Trump's argument that the election was stolen in Georgia.

Finally, please realize that steps that Kemp took, which you may view as voter suppression, are the measures that make many independents and some Republicans like me confident we have a sound election system. Without us, Trump's attempts at overturning the election might not have been so laughable. You might have had a revolution. Removing voters from the rolls who haven't voted for many years and holding up registration of voters whose names can't be matched with government records are reasonable.

you have a valid point.

All americans want are fair, accurate elections - untainted by voter fraud.

One party has the centuries of expertise at that - from Tammany hall, chicago for many decades, JFK. LBJ. and Brenda snipes in Palm Beach are just teh examples at the surface of teh cesspool.

And they will still insist on doing so - and that their actions in voter fraud are "fair, reasonable, and appropriate" - and from teh corrupt DPST/CCP party standpoint - their excuse is true - to them only.
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Old 01-19-2021, 02:42 PM   #28
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Teh lie is failing!
Teh lie is failing!

Counting down the days when an oath is an oath.

First time Trump touched a bible - other than the one in his hotel room drawer he mistook for the yellow pages where he could call escorts - was when he paraded in front of the church with his storm troopers.

You support Trump, you support that, oeb.

Every other moral judgment you make - simple things like truth, right/wrong - emphasizes your hypocrisy.

You continue to claim voter fraud.

Do the math.
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Old 01-19-2021, 03:22 PM   #29
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And - regardless of all else

Trump's loss is a win for future voter suppression ( and fraud by the DPST/CCP party)

wtf and the header of this thread got it correct - for Once!
When one listens to teh DPST/CCP - they will tell you precisely their plans and future actions.
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Old 01-19-2021, 05:12 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Finally, please realize that steps that Kemp took, which you may view as voter suppression, are the measures that make many independents and some Republicans like me confident we have a sound election system. Without us, Trump's attempts at overturning the election might not have been so laughable. You might have had a revolution. Removing voters from the rolls who haven't voted for many years and holding up registration of voters whose names can't be matched with government records are reasonable.
Oh my Lord. Something new on this board. A well reasoned argument. I agree with you on the gist of your argument that a well maintained voter registration list is a necessary requirement of a fair election. However Georgia’s laws are stricter than most. It’s one of only nine states with so-called “use it or lose it” laws that allow inactive voters to have their registrations canceled.

However just the fact that Brian Kemp failed to recuse himself from his duties as secretary of state. While running for the office whose election he was overseeing, is such a conflict of interest that anything his office did whether right or wrong gives credence to claims of voter suppression and voter fraud.

Republicans have been claiming voter fraud for decades now and have been tightening up election laws in ways that make it more and more difficult to vote. All the while there is no real evidence of any kind of systemic or wide spread voter fraud. No matter how hard they look.

That tells me that the actual reason for these new voter laws has nothing to do with actually securing the elections but rather with trying to suppress those voters they don't want to vote. And the fact that after 2 decades of tightening up voter laws Donald Trump and his acolytes are still claiming massive fraud even in the 2016 election that he won merely because he lost the popular vote.
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