Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Problem is, you used grammatically correct words and spelling, something you will never find in a post by Ripmany. Even his handle sounds nonsensical.
I'll give him one thing, I've never come across anybody so determined to prove their ignorance and apparently, so proud of it that he will not be deterred.
Had to look up big words"Ignorance
Having a lack of knowledge or education of a subject AND revealing that lack of knowledge/education by making bold and judgemental statements.
Examples of Ignorance
"Most black people are criminals"
"Most republicans are racist""
I'm talking about a post office I had first hand experience with and then and I was in Oklahoma's or some people that say the merchandise please put it in the bag or in the sack however when you buy stamps I post offices really a wax envelopes which don't give any more kind like ALDI.