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Old 12-16-2020, 05:14 PM   #16
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by vadc View Post
They have excellent setup with very professional. There are some that see AS as threat. Please keep them safe and don’t share their # or location with other agencies or spas.
Vegas odds say you have already done that. You threatened (as ''samgyupsal'') on OH2, to call the cops on spas and studios, for giving you Covid. You are a complete FRAUD.
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Old 12-17-2020, 07:02 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by vadc View Post
They have excellent setup with very professional. There are some that see AS as threat. Please keep them safe and don’t share their # or location with other agencies or spas.
Chung, I guess we know who is funding VADC. Seems Housek or AS. The only positive thing he has said. How is that? Has it been The owner if this place all along throwing the crap at other places? He damn sure hasn’t attack this one or Sun spa? (Doubtful) Hmmm I will send you a PM
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Old 12-17-2020, 07:47 AM   #18
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Very good Ghost...

Ghost - Funded by Lovely Angels
Chung - Funded by Luxury
Vadc - Funded by House, AS, k-festival, Sun, Maple, and Sub-AMPs

Only problem is that house, AS, and Sun have their own promoters. Of course no one has 30k posts nor many handles (or multiple tablets or smart phones) as you guys.

Another issue is that none of them can pay $1,000 a week or month.

Another issue is that I won’t be someone’s bitch for $1,000 a month (maybe $1,000 a week).

LOL... thank you for entertaining the idea
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:09 AM   #19
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Vadc, in your absence House doesn’t exist anymore. It AS and Sun. It’s always been that way from way back in the Blue days when they were constantly attacked by your but hurt employers. Consider this one thing and one thing only. You will fail. Just like then and just like now. Failure because it’s hard to spread all the lies when there is no substance. People, the real ones, see straight through you. I have to admit you are entertaining with the stories especially Jenny. Reminds me of a lot of old handles that have been banned for multiple names. Yet if I were guilty of that then Why am I still here?

Same with Chung. Can’t speak for him but he hasn’t got caught with the 409 something handles. Besides, who has time for that? Stalkers, losers, and no lifers such as yourself do. The ground is getting Hot Vadc, Dance for us!!!
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:30 AM   #20
Chung Tran
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Vadc is a known Stalker, banned under many handles, such as cavmen, georgecam, and this beauty, vadc2 (which was about as inventive as the band ''Chicago'', naming their albums ''Chicago II, Chicago III, etc..).

He posted that I control at least 10 handles, me who under my single handle is around the 12th most prolific poster in ECCIE history, and around the same in total reviews. I post all over, politics, stocks, Indies. Vadc stays in the AMP studio sections, trolling, stalking. Posting that he got Covid and was hospitalized, because those bad girls gave it to him. He is an eternal Loser. He even stalked an Indie on OH2, there is a long thread about that.

He never responds to the question, why does he keep returning under new handles, after getting repeatedly banned? This is known by all, not simple bullshit accusations like he does me. Vadc is a STALKER, a LOSER, a FRAUD.
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:36 AM   #21
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Ghost, here are facts,
I am sure you and Chung (and many of your handles) are RTM the hell out of my posts... eventually I probably will get banned.
What I posted between here and AMP are nothing new and most normal hobbists know already. Some mods know already. That’s why mods went through clean-up of you and Chung’s fake handles.
Like I stated AmPs can’t afford me to be their little bitch.
It is not promoting I have problem with... it is your fake handles, fake reviews, false information and glorification.. I have problem with.
It is you and Chung burying honest reviews of the ladies and attacking reviewer I have problem with.
It is you and/or Chung tried to shut down other spas and agencies that I have problem with.

I love these ladies but I also love my money... wasted too much money cause of you, Chung or other promoters.

I will still be hobbying and I will continue fuck around (Amp, agency or indy), now I know what to look for and which are fake reviews/glorification/bumping by promoters.

I just got back and I haven’t even been warmed up, yet....

You know what... you’re right on one thing... yes, most members here knows the TRUTH. I am just sharing info with rookies.

Enjoy with RTM... part of your job...

Oh and Asian Star is much better at promoting then you two #^^%*s.
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:50 AM   #22
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Any chance the warring factions can step back and maybe we can get this back on topic about Asian Stars?
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Old 12-17-2020, 09:57 AM   #23
Chung Tran
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You are a complete LIAR, Man.

You posted that I got the NW Highway compound shut down. Fucking God Damn Liar. How could I even do that? I loved those spas, Good Time, Rainbow. Visited them somewhat regularly.

Name the other handles I have, or ever had. You can't, because you are a God Damn Fraud. We all know yours, you are banned constantly, as you just acknowledged.

Name mine, and turn them in. Request a device and ISP match. You can't, and won't, Loser.
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Old 12-17-2020, 10:16 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
You are a complete LIAR, Man.

You posted that I got the NW Highway compound shut down. Fucking God Damn Liar. How could I even do that? I loved those spas, Good Time, Rainbow. Visited them somewhat regularly.

Name the other handles I have, or ever had. You can't, because you are a God Damn Fraud. We all know yours, you are banned constantly, as you just acknowledged.

Name mine, and turn them in. Request a device and ISP match. You can't, and won't, Loser.
I can’t confirm since it is what SHE (a formal/current lady at Luxury) said

Chung Tran = John Dutton = Buck Dharma

Members (and MODs) can make their own decisions or truths.

Really need to stop talking to yourself... crazy people do that shit.
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Old 12-17-2020, 10:26 AM   #25
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by vadc View Post
I can’t confirm since it is what SHE (a formal/current lady at Luxury) said

Chung Tran = John Dutton = Buck Dharma

Members (and MODs) can make their own decisions or truths.

Really need to stop talking to yourself... crazy people do that shit.
Are you 9 years old? ''Stop talking to yourself''? That's about as deep as ''I know you are, but what am I''?

Name the Lady, Loser. Ask the Mods to check devices and ISP's to those handles. You are a Liar. Do it Loser.

You are a known Stalker, who has been banned constantly for years. You are stalking me right now. Loser.
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Old 12-17-2020, 10:28 AM   #26
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Vadc - Funded by House, AS, k-festival, Sun, Maple, and Sub-AMPs

Your funded by Maple
Slap my Ass tickle me pink I thought this dude meant Maple at La
He means Maple Shade

So you are saying because I quote you
These places pay you ? Funded = Pay. Right.
Sun House. AS. KFestival ANC some subamps all have you on payroll

FYI. These forums are about the females we do love
Not personal issues.
If you have personal issues try messaging each other or group hug and get it all out
The masses do not want to hear this shit
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Old 12-17-2020, 11:05 AM   #27
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The day I get some fake handles will be the day You and yours will know it’s happening. The shit will be on your doorstep. Your 5 minutes of fame is past. You are on borrowed time now.
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Old 12-17-2020, 11:32 AM   #28
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This my promotion

Check website for Asian Star... I can talk to their booker to clear your screening PM me your info. They are awesome agency.

I don’t have current Maple Spring line up... can someone post the lineup?

Luxury and Lovely are good but don’t fall for promoters recommendations. They will push anyone that is slow or pay more.

Ghost, I believe that is your 4th or 5th threats directed at me...but you haven’t done shit except for RTM

With two dumb brains, you guys still can’t figure out which lady is feeding me info. Let me give you hint... both of you promoted her before and she knows both of you and your setups very well.. Instead begging me to tell who she is, put two low IQ brains together and figure it out... LOL

Now this is getting fun....
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Old 12-17-2020, 12:33 PM   #29
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We played this game on a different name of yours. I talked to a cow patty out side. It owned up to providing you information
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Old 12-17-2020, 12:45 PM   #30
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You know what is odd here? You and Hardwood all buddy buddy. He post reviews positive about locations but you do not seem to have issue with him? It is just Chung and I. You would think if we were actually receiving the thousands of dollars as you claim. We would walk away from it or we enjoy the company of young Korean women( chung’s tastes are across the board) and you have issue because we speak highly of them. Hmmm
Jealousy is not good on both of you. Makes me wonder who is the pitcher and who is the catcher!
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