My door dash order was mysteriously refunded after receiving it ... I've no idea why. Free food, I guess. Cool.
I don't use Uber Eats anymore, because they had some gay ass LGBTQ+ MK Ultra brain wash shit of a commercial. Same reason I will never buy old spice deodorant. When your advertising becomes annoying or completely retarded to the extent of becoming insulting to the viewer, I make note to never do business with you.
Their goal is to just implant something into your mind. No matter how fucking awful it is, they just want their brand to appear in your mind when encountering a full spectrum of unknown products. You might think Old Spice, because of those fucking horrendous commercials, and say fuck it, because you don't want to be bothered to search through all the brands and compare and contrast. But I make note of it. So, I don't fall into that trap. I buy all natural rose petal spray deodorant from some bullshit shop on Amazon. Fuck you.
Boycott Old Spice and the fuck shit commercials will go away.