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Old 12-03-2020, 10:13 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
just watch the eye witness testimonies, all under oath, which is the proof

unless you are afraid you might learn somehting
Was it in a Court of Law....under cross examination?
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Old 12-03-2020, 10:39 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Was it in a Court of Law....under cross examination?
their signed affidavits are signed under penalty of perjury

my information is they were subject to and withstood depositions by the notorious perkins coie law firm

go and watch them in their entirety if you have the fairness of mind to do so and wish to have any basis for decision making whatsoever, of which currently you have none but are guided only by prejudice and feelings
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Old 12-03-2020, 11:37 AM   #63
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I hear you and not trying to be ugly but you have to admit that None of any of this seems to be helping in Court.

And that is unusual cause if there was a shred of anything there some of these cases would be moving forward.

And they are not Leftwing Democratic judges.
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Old 12-03-2020, 01:56 PM   #64
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Another thing not helping is Trump's supposed Legal Team.

I think Rudy G. needs to go back to making movies !!

I mean if any of us had some serious legal shit would anybody look to Rudy G. ?

I know I wouldn't.

And some of these Affidavit people look sketchy as hell.

The optics don't look right.

They don't seem serious or professional.

They seem farcical.
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Old 12-03-2020, 02:02 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
Another thing not helping is Trump's supposed Legal Team.

I think Rudy G. needs to go back to making movies !!

I mean if any of us had some serious legal shit would anybody look to Rudy G. ?

I know I wouldn't.

And some of these Affidavit people look sketchy as hell.

The optics don't look right.

They don't seem serious or professional.

They seem farcical.
You dont get it!

TRUMP is an ALPHA. Alphas dont roll over and spread 'em like the folks ya'll elect!

jan 20th is when lock downs and the apology tour begins! So sad!
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Old 12-03-2020, 04:59 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
You dont get it!

TRUMP is an ALPHA. Alphas dont roll over and spread 'em like the folks ya'll elect!

jan 20th is when lock downs and the apology tour begins! So sad!
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Old 12-03-2020, 06:21 PM   #67
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Nevada judge agrees to hear Trump campaign evidence of alleged voter fraud

The evidentiary hearing is set for Dec. 3.

A judge in Nevada has set a date in December to hear from Republicans alleging widespread voter fraud in the state.

Judge James Russell of the First Judicial District Court will hear from attorneys representing President Trump's campaign at an evidentiary hearing on Dec. 3, at which up to 15 witnesses may be deposed, Russell said.

"The complaint is kind of a very limited nature, challenging basically the machine used in Clark County," the judge also said.

Trump campaign attorney Jesse Binnall said that the bulk of the evidence in the case will come from deposed witnesses.

"We will have whistleblower testimony showing that overnight, the disks that were used to hold votes would magically have votes appear and reappear on the same desk," Binnall said.
Democrat Joe Biden beat President Trump in Nevada by about 33,000 votes. However, the Trump campaign alleges that there are thousands of provable instances of voter fraud in the state — possibly enough to overturn the statewide result of the vote.

"We now believe that Donald Trump won Nevada, once you take out the fraud and irregularities," Binnall said on Fox Business. "And these are instances of dead people voting, people voting in multiple jurisdictions."

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp called the hearing "big news."

"A lot of people in the national media have said, 'If you have evidence of voter fraud, show it.' Well, we have thousands and thousands of examples of real people in real-life instances of voter illegality. I just think it's a great step that we're going to have a chance to present it in court," Schlapp said during an appearance on Fox News.

What if the court finds evidence of fraud and says Trump won Nevada! I know, I know, it won't change the outcome but "IF" actual fraud is proven in one court, the attorneys figure they have something they didn't have in other cases and if there is even enough time, take this set of facts ( if proven ) to other states.

Apparently, the fat lady hasn't sung yet but she is warming up.

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Old 12-03-2020, 06:42 PM   #68
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Well, good luck with that, Pollyanna.
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Old 12-03-2020, 06:45 PM   #69
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Poor HF. Just keep dreaming and believing any lie.
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Old 12-03-2020, 06:48 PM   #70
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This is so Lucy with the football. They just keep falling for and them BAM ball pulled away. It’s gotta fee bad at some point. I’m starting to feel bad for the voter fraud believers. Just suckers.
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Old 12-03-2020, 06:55 PM   #71
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What "if" it's just more of the same? More "eyewitnesses" that don't understand what they are seeing, or claims they were excluded from observing the counting process..because there were already numerous repubs inside.
At what point is enough bullshit enough?
When do you people stop stuffing "the alpha male's" pockets?
I don't see a lot of the base accepting the results of the overall results. It doesn't matter if a whole herd of fat ladies sing. There are a lot if people making too much noise to hear her...or them.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post

Nevada judge agrees to hear Trump campaign evidence of alleged voter fraud

The evidentiary hearing is set for Dec. 3.

A judge in Nevada has set a date in December to hear from Republicans alleging widespread voter fraud in the state.

Judge James Russell of the First Judicial District Court will hear from attorneys representing President Trump's campaign at an evidentiary hearing on Dec. 3, at which up to 15 witnesses may be deposed, Russell said.

"The complaint is kind of a very limited nature, challenging basically the machine used in Clark County," the judge also said.

Trump campaign attorney Jesse Binnall said that the bulk of the evidence in the case will come from deposed witnesses.

"We will have whistleblower testimony showing that overnight, the disks that were used to hold votes would magically have votes appear and reappear on the same desk," Binnall said.
Democrat Joe Biden beat President Trump in Nevada by about 33,000 votes. However, the Trump campaign alleges that there are thousands of provable instances of voter fraud in the state — possibly enough to overturn the statewide result of the vote.

"We now believe that Donald Trump won Nevada, once you take out the fraud and irregularities," Binnall said on Fox Business. "And these are instances of dead people voting, people voting in multiple jurisdictions."

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp called the hearing "big news."

"A lot of people in the national media have said, 'If you have evidence of voter fraud, show it.' Well, we have thousands and thousands of examples of real people in real-life instances of voter illegality. I just think it's a great step that we're going to have a chance to present it in court," Schlapp said during an appearance on Fox News.

What if the court finds evidence of fraud and says Trump won Nevada! I know, I know, it won't change the outcome but "IF" actual fraud is proven in one court, the attorneys figure they have something they didn't have in other cases and if there is even enough time, take this set of facts ( if proven ) to other states.

Apparently, the fat lady hasn't sung yet but she is warming up.

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Old 12-03-2020, 07:09 PM   #72
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Overall you have to be pretty dumb to believe that in the 32nd lawsuit some proof will be presented. Oh not that one, the 33rd. Ooopss not that one, the 35th umm 36th. Uh well surely the37th.

Think about it. Every lawsuit ends the same way. “If only we had more time to come up with proof and oh we need more money.
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Old 12-03-2020, 07:20 PM   #73
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0 for 31. With those results I'm surprised anyone donates money to trump.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity!
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Old 12-03-2020, 08:19 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
just watch the eye witness testimonies, all under oath, which is the proof

unless you are afraid you might learn somehting

So what differences dose it make if they were "all under oath" like this BSC bitch has so proudly proclaimed? Was it "the proof" that people "might learn" you're not one of those BSC morons?

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Old 12-03-2020, 08:24 PM   #75
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A star witness for the Trump campaign was unable to back up claims that fraudulent ballots were "injected" into the vote count in Georgia when questioned during a hearing on Thursday.

Retired Army Col. Phil Waldron, who was called to testify at the Georgia state Senate hearing by President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, could not confirm allegations that a video showing bags being "pulled from a table" by election workers contained fraudulent ballots when questioned by Democratic Senator Jen Jordan.

"Are you trying to say that, in the video, what you saw were ballots that were somehow not lawful, that weren't real, that weren't actually cast by registered voters in the state of Georgia?" Jordan asked Waldron during the hearing.

"We do have affidavits of people who trucked in ballots from out of state into other states," Waldron replied.

Jordan then asked Waldron to clarify if he was claiming that truckloads of ballots had been moved into Georgia.

"Not into Georgia," Waldron admitted.

Waldron agreed when Jordan pointed out that election laws and vote counting processes differ from state to state. The senator then pressed Waldron on whether he was claiming that illegal ballots had been trucked into Georgia based on claims from other states.

"So, your opinion is based on the fact that there are affidavits of other people from other states who have alleged that they trucked in ballots to other states?" Jordan asked. "Your testimony is saying that, ergo, these ballots in this video must have been trucked in from other states and are unlawful?"
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