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Old 11-28-2020, 10:39 AM   #16
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The spam missed the over $120k/year crowd. Now the over $120k/year crowd will get hit yet again under Biden. Middle class has always been the target of elimination.
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Old 11-28-2020, 01:40 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Exactly, After Obama bailed out Wall Street with 625 Billion dollars in TARP loans he got the Federal Budget deficit down to 585 billion. After Trump cut the corporate tax rate down to 20% the Federal Budget deficit has climbed to back over a Trillion dollars. This is before the pandemic hit. Eccie repubtards don't care when republicans print money. Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said deficits don't matter?

Maybe we'll be graced with eccie's great economist.....lustyTtard analysis
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Old 11-28-2020, 06:49 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Sounds like a worthwhile project, Strokey. When will you start working on it?
It’s a non profit for white collar LGBTQ+ who would rather become welfare queens than get a working job and for those who are just plain stupid and lazy.

Lol. I’m a white collar faggot idiot, but I had put in work as an essential worker for 3 full weeks after months of collecting bullshit from the government like a total scum bag.

Fug you.
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Old 11-28-2020, 08:09 PM   #19
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong View Post
The stimulus package was printed money. Was it not? That shit is fucking retarded. They should just develop some gay ass welfare plan for the needy instead of spamming everyone with checks so that half the country blows it on a new couch, TV or down payment on a new car, which is exactly what happened.

This is because the stimulus packages are NEVER about actually helping the bottom rungs of society. Its a statistical fact that when you give people with high incomes... extra money... they tend to save it. When you give lower income people an infusion of cash-- they spend it.

They are called "stimulus" because they are literally designed to stimulate the economy-- with spending.

Right now-- they are in no hurry to pass further stimulus packages because the stock market is doing fabulous. They don't care that there are people who will be getting evicted with the haste as soon as eviction moratoriums are lifted. In fact, that's an even bigger reason to avoid further stimulus-- those who normally blow it on consumer goods will likely spend it on bills instead-- in order to stay afloat. Which.... defeats the purpose of a stimulus.
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Old 11-28-2020, 08:22 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Exactly, After Obama bailed out Wall Street with 625 Billion dollars in TARP loans he got the Federal Budget deficit down to 585 billion. After Trump cut the corporate tax rate down to 20% the Federal Budget deficit has climbed to back over a Trillion dollars. This is before the pandemic hit. Eccie repubtards don't care when republicans print money. Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said deficits don't matter?


Naw, that was Paul Krugman, the Noble prize winning Economist, that said the market's would collapse and never come back if Trump was elected. Krugman now prays and gives thanks to the God of Covid.
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Old 11-28-2020, 08:24 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by DTickler View Post
The spam missed the over $120k/year crowd. Now the over $120k/year crowd will get hit yet again under Biden. Middle class has always been the target of elimination.

Which is why it will be likely that Republicans take the House back in 2022.
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Old 11-28-2020, 08:27 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
This is because the stimulus packages are NEVER about actually helping the bottom rungs of society. Its a statistical fact that when you give people with high incomes... extra money... they tend to save it. When you give lower income people an infusion of cash-- they spend it.

They are called "stimulus" because they are literally designed to stimulate the economy-- with spending.

Right now-- they are in no hurry to pass further stimulus packages because the stock market is doing fabulous. They don't care that there are people who will be getting evicted with the haste as soon as eviction moratoriums are lifted. In fact, that's an even bigger reason to avoid further stimulus-- those who normally blow it on consumer goods will likely spend it on bills instead-- in order to stay afloat. Which.... defeats the purpose of a stimulus.

I've gotta hand it to you, you are one smart pair of legs. Sorry, I hope that isn't to objectifying. I admire your brain too.
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Old 11-28-2020, 09:42 PM   #23
Lucas McCain
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
This is because the stimulus packages are NEVER about actually helping the bottom rungs of society. Its a statistical fact that when you give people with high incomes... extra money... they tend to save it. When you give lower income people an infusion of cash-- they spend it.

They are called "stimulus" because they are literally designed to stimulate the economy-- with spending.

Right now-- they are in no hurry to pass further stimulus packages because the stock market is doing fabulous. They don't care that there are people who will be getting evicted with the haste as soon as eviction moratoriums are lifted. In fact, that's an even bigger reason to avoid further stimulus-- those who normally blow it on consumer goods will likely spend it on bills instead-- in order to stay afloat. Which.... defeats the purpose of a stimulus.
Grace, that was really well stated my darling. People like me don't qualify for a stimulus check but the people who need it are what matters. I sincerely hope they can get something but it really is just a band aid on a bad wound.

I don't have a single childhood friend who is invested in the stock market. They just don't have the disposable income. I'm sick of hearing about how the stock market is okay for people like me. What the fuck is okay about the people who have been furloughed or laid off? Riddle me that shit.

The stock market is easily manipulated. It does not mean much for the health of the economy as Trump would like his sheep to believe. I could go sit with a bunch of C-Suites tomorrow and tell them how to increase their price per share. And yep, they will pay me in two seconds to do just that. That's not me bragging. That's just me telling the fucking truth.
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Old 11-28-2020, 10:00 PM   #24
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Grace, that was really well stated my darling. People like me don't qualify for a stimulus check but the people who need it are what matters. I sincerely hope they can get something but it really is just a band aid on a bad wound.

I don't have a single childhood friend who is invested in the stock market. They just don't have the disposable income. I'm sick of hearing about how the stock market is okay for people like me. What the fuck is okay about the people who have been furloughed or laid off? Riddle me that shit.

The stock market is easily manipulated. It does not mean much for the health of the economy as Trump would like his sheep to believe. I could go sit with a bunch of C-Suites tomorrow and tell them how to increase their price per share. And yep, they will pay me in two seconds to do just that. That's not me bragging. That's just me telling the fucking truth.
I call b/s on this entire post!

I can guarantee luka is part time asking "would you like to supersize that"?!
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Old 11-28-2020, 10:49 PM   #25
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Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. How do you explain Japan? They've run huge deficits, and government debt is 230% of GDP. For comparison ours is a little below 100%, netting out government debt owed to the Fed. Despite the deficits and debt, Japan historically has suffered from deflation. This is honestly a question, I'm not trying to make a point. I don't like debt either and worry whether at some point the government will figuratively crank up the printing presses and inflate itself out of its mess.

2. Also, how do you explain the massive amount of fraud associated with the Covid spending bills? Do you want to repeat it? Everybody and his dog applied for loans they didn't need that the government forgave. If people would just use common sense like masks, social distancing, wash your hands, stay home if you're sick unless you test negative, etc., we wouldn't have lockdowns, so wouldn't need as much government support for the unemployed and businesses. Unfortunately the Lockdown Lovers refuse to take these simple steps.
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Old 11-28-2020, 10:57 PM   #26
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Tiny, you get no explanations on this board for free from me. If you want me to explain economics, you send me some money. By the way, I majored in it in undergrad. I will put a $100K on that shit to prove that fact.

Fuck the bullshit bets in here. I want easy money so put up or shut up with me.
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Old 11-28-2020, 11:02 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Right now-- they are in no hurry to pass further stimulus packages because the stock market is doing fabulous. They don't care that there are people who will be getting evicted with the haste as soon as eviction moratoriums are lifted. In fact, that's an even bigger reason to avoid further stimulus-- those who normally blow it on consumer goods will likely spend it on bills instead-- in order to stay afloat. Which.... defeats the purpose of a stimulus.
No, It has to do with politics. Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi wanted to throw a ton of money at this, a good part of which would be wasted. They viewed this as a way to buy votes and get more campaign contributions. Senate Republicans were more responsible, they wouldn't pass the bill.

If Pelosi were willing to limit the stimulus bill to support for the unemployed and people who are potentially going to be evicted it would be passed in a flash. But her bill also calls for barring voter ID laws, forcing states to count ballots that arrive up to 10 days after election day, imposing same-day voter registration everywhere, sending tons of money to states and cities, instituting preferences with respect to Covid relief for businesses owned by minorities and women, and pumping money into community development block grants and school grants to be spent on projects and general operating expenses that have nothing to do with Covid.

And again, Trump's not what's holding Pelosi up. Like her he was willing to throw a ton of money at this. Thank goodness for Mitch McConnell. I hope the Republicans hold the Senate.
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Old 11-28-2020, 11:04 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Tiny, you get no explanations on this board for free from me. If you want me to explain economics, you send me some money. By the way, I majored in it in undergrad. I will put a $100K on that shit to prove that fact.
Sorry Lucas, I'm not curious enough to pay $100,000.
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Old 11-28-2020, 11:14 PM   #29
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That made me laugh. I had to to give you a like. I'm not kidding about my undergrad degree though. It's in Econ.

Yeah my degrees are all boring as fuck but they pay the bills and then some. I'm pretty much the guy at the party who never talks about work. I'm not ashamed by how I make my living but other than my b-school friends, my childhood friends have no idea what I am even talking about. I just never bring it up to them.
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Old 11-28-2020, 11:41 PM   #30
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
That made me laugh. I had to to give you a like. I'm not kidding about my undergrad degree though. It's in Econ.

Yeah my degrees are all boring as fuck but they pay the bills and then some. I'm pretty much the guy at the party who never talks about work. I'm not ashamed by how I make my living but other than my b-school friends, my childhood friends have no idea what I am even talking about. I just never bring it up to them.
b/s from a guy that asks "would you like fries with that"?
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