Okay, guys...IMO, the unicorn is an old ugly donkey with an empty paper towel roll glued to its forehead.
The pics of “Rylie” have haunted me for a year or more since I was asking for feedback last time I was in town. After SERIOUS internal conflict, I decided that once every year or two, it is okay to do something so entirely frivolous that it’s indefensible - just for a trophy experience...only live once, etc. So I dug deeeeeeeeep in my pocket and pulled out the 5 big bills that “Rylie” commands and set out to close out 2020 with a true trophy.
I texted “her” a couple of days ago and “she” replied as follows:
Hey! Im sorry I missed your call. Im fully booked. Try again after 1pm tomorrow. 500 for 1 hr to see me. No deposits. No scams. Turning my phone off now. TTYL.
While that text didn’t exactly answer the question I had asked, I was nonetheless excited that this sounds like a real person and cancelled the concern I had for this being a deposit scam.
I texted her a few times over the next couple of days with no reply. Then finally garnered a response this morning, which was her rate card.
I gave a physical description of myself and proposed a time. She replied Great. Call me for more info. So I called.
Immediately, the voice sounded different from what I expected from the photos. This rarely happens. I can usually anticipate somewhat how a person will sound. I expected a young, professional-ish voice, a little friendly, a little hipster, etc. What I heard on the other end of the line was an older sounding voice. Kind of nasally...kind of “faux aristocrat”. Almost gravely. So, picture the sound of a 37 yo chain smoking ho trying to sound like what she would interpret a snobby young perfect bitch who commands the will of all mankind to sound like (faking/acting)
She said hello
I said hey this is Luke.
She said hey
I said in super friendly almost sing-song “who do I have here?”
She says (bitchy as hell) Well who do you think you’ve got??
Again, SUPER friendly, I say, Well, I’m HOPING I’ve got Rylie!!!

She said yeah, so you’ve seen my rates and you’re okay with that and want to come see me?
I said that’s right!

She said, well good - I have a very nice apartment that I’m sure you’ll be very comfortable in. It’s decorated very nicely... it doesn’t smell like smoke or anything... I know you’ll really like it...
I said that sounds great - I’m really looking forward to meeting you here in a little bit!! So, I’d just like to confirm, you’re the girl in the pictures, right?!

She said, really coarsely, “Well who the hell else would I be??”
Taken aback, but determined to close the sale and meet her, I said, “

) Well, in this hobby, it’s just a good idea to confirm that when you haven’t met someone and you’re about to meet for the first time!

Click. Dial tone.
I feel VERY confident that the ol bag I talked to is NOT the dainty, sporty, cute, precious, adorable little babe in the pics!! Rather, I feel certain that she’s a catfish all day long, running a confidence game of some sort, maybe b-mailing guys or robbing them or something very unlike what they are going there for. If she can’t throw you off balance into coming over with a gullible, open mind toward compromising and accepting whatever ugly, angry creature is behind the door of her “fancy” apartment, then she immediately just ends the conversation.
I texted her a picture of the 5 hundreds I was going to give “Rylie” just to taunt her - that’s the closest that ol bag will get to seeing that money - and proceeded to line up a cute, real life gal for $70/hh who was actually 30 yo, cuter than her pics, and was enthusiastic, real, friendly, and open minded to anything I wanted to do with her. $430 saved and I didn’t get beat up or catfished!!
I am now released from the haunting beauty I was pursuing all this time...confident in my opinion that “Ry-lie” really is an unknowing fitness buff/massage therapist in London, England or somewhere equally distant who sent her boyfriend some pics that made their way into fake ads in Jackson, MS. Don’t take the catfish bait, friends!