Originally Posted by BassCat
Some dudes do this just to fuck with a girl. Sorry this happened to you but dont fall for it again. Twice is enough. I can assure you if you stood me up twice you wouldnt be getting my call again. IDK your kind of cute and I am kind of week when it comes to cute girls so you could probably stand me up a dozen times and I would still keep calling u as long as you came through with that good stuff every now and then. I always have a back up plan so the times you stood me up someone else would get my money. To bad you ladies cant always have backup dudes waiting for when this happens to you.
Oh, I am sure some do - I have been 'canceled' on (at least 4x this year). Funny thing is that AFTER the 1st experience, I looked for clues and knew it 'could' happen. However, I guess I am too much of a 'gentleman' to have a backup plan (for the same day). However, the next lady I get to see gets the extra donation (extended session :-))
And, to stay on topic: I echo Basscat's thoughts. However, I have no idea why - I barely find free time between the 2 jobs. So, when I do schedule, I am excited (even if I have seen them on many occasions previously) &, if it is someone for the 1st time, I actually cross my fingers and hope/pray the weather remains good and the companion stays in touch during the day-of using the form of communication already agreed to during pre-screening.
Hold your chin up and good luck!!