Originally Posted by winn dixie
The South in many ways continues to pay! dude your intelligence level is not worth schooling! You have already outted yourself as an antifa member/sympathizer! 
The poor south continues to pay. Whaa whaa whaa. Go cry to the mods about it. That seems to be your one and only strong suit.
So how is the south continuing to pay. Enlighten me traitor. If you can. Which I find tremendously difficult to believe. The Civil War ended 155 years ago -- in case you didn't realize that. How are you even remotely still paying for that? I'm sure there is some little justification that exists in your myopic world, but I am talking about something that is actually believable to the rest of us. Which so far you have been woefully unable to provide.
If you don't like it here then move the hell away. Go someplace else. Quickly.
And don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.