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Old 09-17-2020, 09:40 PM   #16
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the green new deal is gay af. If they really wanted to try to fix the environment, they would have kept social justice out of it.
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Old 09-17-2020, 09:44 PM   #17
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regarding the russians. they're something of a potemkin village with wheels but its creaky.

Putin is in a sense going with one of the lesser evils; the devil you know vs. the devil you already know.
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Old 09-17-2020, 10:04 PM   #18
Jackie S
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Fuck all of you.
I am voting for President Trump because he has been a pretty darned good President.
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Old 09-17-2020, 10:28 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong View Post
T R U M P is a little bit crazy, but there's no way in hell I'll ever vote for Joe Biden. It's either T R U M P or no vote for me.
That's what we need. A crazy President like Trump to deal with the crazy Liberals who live with their heads up their asses and expect everyone else to do the same.
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Old 09-18-2020, 06:11 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Fuck all of you.
I am voting for President Trump because he has been a pretty darned good President.

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Old 09-18-2020, 08:20 AM   #21
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"Social justice ' - just a DPST talking point for 'reparations and giving blacks every special privilege and right they can think of

Including the right to riot, shit in the streets, and empty the prisons - immune from the rule of law

That is only a small part of the gay-centric marxist and racist agenda of OBLM.
Fully supported by harris and her racist marxist DPST's
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Old 09-18-2020, 01:17 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
I didn't/couldn't vote for DJT in 2016. I voted for the Liberation. Voted for someone else in the primary too. This time around I was hoping for a strong primary challenger; Ted Cruse perhaps . . . but no.

In any case, this time around I am not looking at the presidential candidates as the main reason for voting one way or the other. BOTH are deeply flawed men. For me it is not about voting for this or that politician. We have had other deeply flawed men in that position before/ Many of them accomplished pretty great things too.

No, this time it is about voting AGAINST; against those who would turn the USA into Venezuela or Cuba.

No Cuba or Venezuela coming with the election of either candidate.....4 more years of the good ole boys network, we've already seen how Trump fits in and Biden, if elected will be just as quiet as president as he was in two terms as vice-loser to Obama. Easy prediction, same shit, different term, still 5 letters in the next loser-in-chief's last name.
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Old 09-18-2020, 02:15 PM   #23
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SK i do hope you are correct - but i fear for our representative democracy if biden is elected and the DPST's control the Senate
harris will oust biden - 25th amendment - and nominate more than a dozen radical marxists as SC justices - which will be confirmed by a DPST senate . The 9 justice convention - is no specified by the Cosntitution - and is a way for harris ( a devotd marxist) to end-run and pack the SC.

With total control of all three government branches - the DPST's will run rampant - and set in motion a permanent One party marxist totalitarian state of Amerika.

There will be no checks or balances to the DPST's - and they will end the first and Second Amendments - and all freedoms - leading to civil War in America.

They think kalifornia and nyShitty can rule America - they are Wrong.
The pelosi/schumer DPST party is so filled with TDS and hatred - they have no concept of of consequences of trying to subvert American representative democracy.
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Old 09-18-2020, 05:05 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
SK i do hope you are correct - but i fear for our representative democracy if biden is elected and the DPST's control the Senate
harris will oust biden - 25th amendment - and nominate more than a dozen radical marxists as SC justices - which will be confirmed by a DPST senate . The 9 justice convention - is no specified by the Cosntitution - and is a way for harris ( a devotd marxist) to end-run and pack the SC.

With total control of all three government branches - the DPST's will run rampant - and set in motion a permanent One party marxist totalitarian state of Amerika.

There will be no checks or balances to the DPST's - and they will end the first and Second Amendments - and all freedoms - leading to civil War in America.

They think kalifornia and nyShitty can rule America - they are Wrong.
The pelosi/schumer DPST party is so filled with TDS and hatred - they have no concept of of consequences of trying to subvert American representative democracy.
If Biden gets elected it's gonna look like another presidency about like the Jimmy Carter term. Average, ordinary, lackluster presidency.

The supreme court and our elected leaders have more run of the mill everyday dogshit going on like kicking the can down the road to avoid the next government shutdown and other funding issues and general government blather to bother with trying to burn every copy of the constitution, outlaw the first and second amendments and personal freedoms.....all these rogue state conspiracies don't factor in that they're not going to make big waves that draw huge attention and big headlines....the radical endings like marxism and end of freedoms and civil war lack consideration due to the most likely scenario that whoever gets elected just follows the easiest path, the same as decades of politicians have already done. Political gridlock and just steer the ship. Get a few years into a stagnant uneventful political position and then coast on out of office. Do the speaking engagements and book deals, pad the wealth.

Just like my buddy that thought Obama was going to declare martial law in his last year in office....never gave a reason, just thought Obama was going to wake up some morning and send every tank battalion in the USA out into the streets and it'd look like that that dude that stole the tank in San Diego (?) but thousands of times worse. Absolute no reasoning whatsoever, just somehow Obama was going to wake up and tell all the troops to go loose cannon. Why is the simplest, easiest option never considered? OBAMA TO COAST ON OUT. Go down to Texas and help Dubya chop wood.

Now if you want unrest and civil war then wait for the dollar to collapse, when hyperinflation and mass unemployment kicks in and people need a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread, where mass looting becomes a national pastime and cops have to choose between working the streets for worthless american dollars or guarding their families from home invasions, and the theft, rape, and violence that goes with it. Until that day comes it'll just be another day of steering the Titanic. Has a confidence based currency NEVER failed?
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Old 09-18-2020, 06:53 PM   #25
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Both parties are guilty of inflating the national Debt and kicking the can down the road.

Per your last paragraph - I want none of those conditions for America - I am afraid a harris adminstration will foment and enable the violent protestors to enable her to advance marxism and dictatorship in our country.

The only thing propping up our dollar is 'Confidence" - and that could erode with a fall of eh financial markets - which will happen when Biden appoints Lizzie as Treasury secretary - her points of action will destroy the American economy. And also the dollar.

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