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First the trumpys claimed the experts were overreacting. Now they claim the experts misled trump. You know, the guy holding packed rallies and not wearing a mask.
It couldn't be trump's fault because that would make it partly the fault of the people who refused to do what the experts said to do. Masks and distance.
Exaggeration, deflection, stupidity, and lies. Your standard fallback positions. Oh, and it's not killing that many people.
Who blames trump for all the deaths? You try to apply a digital solution (all or none) to an analog problem. He is responsible for many deaths.
There is no point debating the issues with someone who believes everything trump says.
The debates won't be like one of his "news" conferences. He can't walk away and he won't have someone to spin his replies. He doesn't know shit about the issues. If he tries to use previously debunked lies the moderators will call him out.
Remember, the debates aren't for the trumpys. They'll claim trump won no matter what. It will reassure voters that trump is a whack job who if the 25th amendment doesn't get him a stroke will. A larger stroke than the ones he has already had.
I predict trump will debate once and then claim the debates are unfair to him.
He'll lie about it and then quit like the coward he is.
The main thing is to be on the record. Quoted. Or on tape.
Tape got Nixon. It's going to get trump too.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
ironically the science "experts" pushed this. perhaps on purpose? in reality state lockdowns were exactly that, a state issue for each governor. what Trump did as president such as the travel ban was appropriate. the rest was on the governors.
i find it hilarious that the leftanistas try and fail to blame every single death over this on Trump. next week they'll start blaming traffic accidents on Trump.
First the trumpys claimed the experts were overreacting. Now they claim the experts misled trump. You know, the guy holding packed rallies and not wearing a mask.
It couldn't be trump's fault because that would make it partly the fault of the people who refused to do what the experts said to do. Masks and distance.
Exaggeration, deflection, stupidity, and lies. Your standard fallback positions. Oh, and it's not killing that many people.
Who blames trump for all the deaths? You try to apply a digital solution (all or none) to an analog problem. He is responsible for many deaths.
There is no point debating the issues with someone who believes everything trump says.
The debates won't be like one of his "news" conferences. He can't walk away and he won't have someone to spin his replies. He doesn't know shit about the issues. If he tries to use previously debunked lies the moderators will call him out.
Remember, the debates aren't for the trumpys. They'll claim trump won no matter what. It will reassure voters that trump is a whack job who if the 25th amendment doesn't get him a stroke will. A larger stroke than the ones he has already had.
I predict trump will debate once and then claim the debates are unfair to him.
He'll lie about it and then quit like the coward he is.
The main thing is to be on the record. Quoted. Or on tape.
Tape got Nixon. It's going to get trump too.
Trump isn't responsible for one single death over this scamdemic. Trump will bitch slap Biden during the debates so hard even you won't vote for Biden
Pretty simply. If you fail to take actions to prevent further damage it becomes your fault. Trump had a responsibility to mitigate the harm even if the virus wasn’t created by him.
I agree... So do many of the dim-retard Governors who profusely thanked trump for his fast actions to mitigate the harm!
N.J. Governor Thanks Trump for Resources to Fight Coronavirus
Gov. Philip D. Murphy of New Jersey met with President Trump, thanking the president for the government’s help for the state.
I thank you for the enormous help in our darkest hour of need — ventilators, as you can see, P.P.E., testing sites. Now I think we’re going to be in a very good place, thanks to you and your team, as it relates to expanding testing dramatically. So that we’ll be able to begin to take those steps to reopen. We’ve been crushed as a state as you know. It’s a state you know very well. We have 6,770 fatalities, but the curves, thank God, are beginning to show promise. And we’re beginning to take some baby steps on that road to reopen — in fact, we’ve announced that as of this weekend, our state, county parks, golf, under certain protocols as of Saturday morning, will be it will be able to be open again. And that’s a step on that road.
You admitted to double liking your own posts then you posted this and it had a like instantly. Now I just feel sorry for you.
Hmm, Now I understand. I said the U.S.A. (not just Trump) bungled its Coronavirus response. Waco Kid responds with a post, where he proved my point by posting a list of the countries in the world with the highest per capita death rates from Covid. The USA was in position number "10" out of 150 countries. So somehow in his view, since we're not number "1", we've apparently done a great job. Then he follows up with 5 or 6 posts telling me to "prove it", whatever that means, when I think he already did prove it.
Anyway all his "prove it" posts, including the one where he told me I have a small penis and a large brain (or maybe the reverse, hard to tell) have gotten a lot of likes. I figured he had a fan club, but maybe he's just using different IP addresses and liking multiple times.
we are tenth per capita. so your point was ... what?
Confirmed deaths (absolute)Daily increase (# deaths)¹Population (in millions)Deaths per million
UnitedKingdom²41,594866.49625. 58
Italy35,5771460.43588.72 USA²190,3321,174327.17581.76
it's too bad your ginormous penis doesn't match your tiny intellect
You've been begging for proof in other posts that the USA bungled its coronavirus response when you already provided it.
Your list of the top 13 countries for Covid deaths per capita includes the USA, 6 Latin American countries, and 6 European countries. In addition to the deaths per million, the table shows the daily increase in deaths by country. If you assume death rates average the same until the end of the year, this would be the list at the end of this year,
CountryXXXXXXExtrapolated Deaths per million at 12/31/2020
Brazil XXXXXXX 1134
Chile XXXXXXXX 1092
Bolivia XXXXXX 1089
Mexico XXXXXXX 1075
Ecuador XXXXXX 938
Belgium XXXXXX 868
Spain XXXXXXXX 802
Panama XXXXXXX 798
Italy XXXXXXXX 607
Sweden XXXXXXX 584
So the top 6 places would be Latin American countries and the USA would be #7. Like I said, we're in the same league with Latin American banana republics in terms of Coronvirus response.
So all these countries have done a piss poor job. If you want to compare to countries that did a great job, without lockdowns, look at South Korea (6.9 deaths per million) or Japan (11.3 deaths per million). Slovakia (6.8 deaths per million) and the Czech Republic (42.4 deaths per million) were the first European countries to mask up, and I don't think their lockdowns were much worse than the USA.
Tiny - you are quoting numbers reported that i am completely unclear are accurate....
Tiny - i respectfully disagree with your conclusion of America's place in the world case mortality rates. Our hospital care is as good or better than many countries on the lists. resulting in lower case mortality rates.
I admit - I do not have a defined 'accurate' number of case mortality rate to submit here - for the reasons - and more - above.
Tiny - thank you good Sir for your reasoned debate!!!
Now - my post is better a part of other threads on the topic - so back to Woodward and his pandering for dollars.
Thanks Oeb. As we've discussed, the CDC has estimated excess deaths this year, compared to previous years, and their numbers are consistent or greater than the number of deaths attributed to Covid and related causes. Around April of next year we'll have the official tally of total deaths in the USA for 2020 and it should be easy to compare to past numbers and get a handle on whether their excess deaths estimates were reasonable. I bet this will show they were.
As to medical care and under reporting in some countries, you've got a good point. African and South Asian countries probably have a lot more cases than they report. On the other hand, they have younger populations, which as you know has a huge bearing on the infection fatality rate.