Take time out for this day, September 11
Pack up your shit and remember what happened to this country 19 years ago today; 11 September, 2001. This country, our country, was attacked by evil. The evil of terrorism. This attack on civilians was unprovoked.
The heroes were the first responders who ran into those towers that were burning. Today, some villainize those same people as murderers and racists. They were heroes then and heroes now. Other heroes including those on Flight 93 who sacrificed themselves to stop terror. There were heroes in New York City and Washington DC. Regular people who reached out to help those injured and dying. The doctors, nurses, and people who came from around the country to render aid and search.
Do you remember where you were? Hard to believe but there are adults who have no memory of that day. High School seniors, college students, and our military. They were too young and can only process through pictures and the words of others. What was it like that there was not a plane in the sky or that we were braced for the next attack which didn't come.
I was on my way to work. I was running late. I had on talk radio when the first plane hit. The talking head went on about how this was an incredible and singular experience. I wanted to get to a phone to mention the B-25 that hit the Empire State Building but few had those kind of connection in those days. Just as I was approaching work, the talking head broke in with the news of the second plane...I knew then, not hours later, that we were at war with someone. I arrived at work and told them to turn on a radio or Tv. I went upstairs to where the boss was at and told him that we had a problem. The word spread quickly.