Originally Posted by Tiny
Let me make it simple Waco Kid. You took a list of 150 countries. The USA is 10th worst in terms of deaths per capita. So you decided to reduce that list to the 13 worst performing countries in the world. Since you ignored the other 137 now the USA doesn’t look so bad. There are 9 countries worse than us and only 3 better. What a laugh
Tiny - you are quoting numbers reported that i am completely unclear are accurate.
hospitals in america were given government subsidies for wuhan virus patients - to cover the expected losses from displacement of other paying patients (from the expected tsunami wave of patients and deaths) - and done to keep our hospital system afloat. That onslaught of patients generally did not occur - even in NY the converted javits center as a hospital for Wuhan virus patients - was never used.
This creates incentive and reason for hospitals to fudge the patient population - and recover available monies for caring for Wuhan virus patients - and that happened.
How many billions were paid out for false hospital attestations of wuhan virus patients admitted or deaths? No One knows - or will ever know - a complete accounting correction is impossible - cannot be done across every hospital taking government monies in America.
This creates a skewing of statistics - which increase falsely the wuhan virus patient population - and all statistics on death rates specifically due to Wuhan virus, admission numbers, and costs for Wuhan virus patients - as very suspect.
Meanwhile - we still have no good idea as to the true penetrance in the population of the Wuhan virus - the number of asymptomatic infected is likely millions (IMHO) -and uncountable short of antigen testing every person in America every single day to track the virus progression. And it will progress through our population until herd imunity/vaccine is reached.
Tiny - i respectfully disagree with your conclusion of America's place in the world case mortality rates. Our hospital care is as good or better than many countries on the lists. resulting in lower case mortality rates.
I admit - I do not have a defined 'accurate' number of case mortality rate to submit here - for the reasons - and more - above.
Tiny - thank you good Sir for your reasoned debate!!!
Now - my post is better a part of other threads on the topic - so back to Woodward and his pandering for dollars.