Originally Posted by adav8s28
The stylist who's last name is Desarno is a male moron. The owner of salon was renting out space to stylists since April (against the rules) not because she felt sorry for them (she wanted to make some money) The owner of the Salon gave permission for Pelosi to come in. Then gave the video to Hannity and Fox news. Why would she do that? Because she thought Pelosi closed her down. It was Govenor Gavin Newsome of Calif who shut her down! Go take your meds and go back to sleep newbie. You don't know left from right. You are not schooling anyone on here LL idiot. 
Still making up shit are you? (And pretending to know what someone thinks .... "she thought" !!!!!!!!
You're the "moron" .... whatever your gender might be.
Or do you get your fake news from the TV? Just blame it on them and save what little face you have left.
I heard the salon owner discussing it. Quite credible!